

Over the last couple of years the issue of archives and 
records management research  has been raised in several 
different forums - through  the Arts & Humanities Research 
Board's apparent willingness to fund it,  through its 
appearance in the MLAC consultation document and not least 
in the attempts of the Society of Archivists and other 
interested professionals to define it at all.

In this context LUCAS is delighted to announce the 
publication of "New Directions in Archival Research" which 
we hope goes some way to answer the question, "What is 
'research' in archives?".  Edited by Margaret Procter 
and Dr C P Lewis, the book includes four of the most 
thought-provoking dissertations from 1998 LUCAS  graduates 
which illustrate the potential range of professional 
research.  In addition Professor Michael Moss of Glasgow 
University charts the relationships between archivists,  
historians and librarians and sets out the current 
challenges for  archivists in the new digital environment - 
challenges which can only be addressed through a coherent 
research agenda.   

The topics addressed range from an assessment of the 
archivists' role and position, to a consideration of what 
archivists manage (in an investigation into the collection 
literary archives); through to an investigation into their 
fetishistic motives for doing so. Our more traditional 
research interests are demonstrated in a review of sources 
for the history of a Cheshire church and the society  
around it.

Prof Michael Moss (University of Glasgow) "The scent 	of 
the slow hound and the snap of a bull-dog - the place of 
research in the archival profession";
Helen Wood "The Fetish of the document - an exploration 
of attitudes toward archives"; Judy Dicken  "Twentieth 
Century Literary Archives: collecting policies and research 
initiatives in the twentieth century"; Anne Locker  "Should 
Archivists be professionals?"; Jan Wood "Disley from 
chantry to parish: sources for the history of Anglican 
Available from:
LUCAS, PO Box 123, 9 Abercromby Sq, Liverpool L69 7WZ
Price £7.50 (£5.95 LUCAS members) incl p&p
ISBN 0 9537963 0 2

Margaret Procter
9 Abercromby Sq 
PO Box 123
Liverpool L69 7WZ
Tel: 0151 794 5675
Fax: 0151 794 5417
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