

	Kim asked <snip> For example, I have dealt several times
recently with flash fees for re-use of a particular image on digital
services and I am told that £30 is the norm for four uses of the image
(am I being conned?). <snip>

	Our current reproduction fees for digital images are as follows
(1 language, 1 country or 1 programme, 1 country, 1 transmission) b&w
£20.00, colour £40.00; (world 1 language or world 1 programme 1
transmission) b&w £40.00, colour £80.00; (world all languages or 1
programme unlimited use) b&w £80.00, colour £100.00 - obviously these
are non-exclusive rights and subsequent editions/re-runs are charged at
60% of standard fee.  In the case of CD-ROM permission is given for  3
years use or an agreed production run - fees are renewable for further
terms at 60% of standard fee. 

	<snip> I would be interested in the prices other archives charge
for scanning, and whether a reduction is made in the case where an image
has already been scanned and is on CD-ROM or hard disk. <snip>

	We have a collection of 5x7 colour transparencies which are
loaned out to publishers or TV companies (loan fee £30 for the 1st month
reducing to £10 for each subsequent month/part month) and expect people
to scan their own.  The agreement forms make it clear that any scanned
image is to be used for the specified purpose only.  We don't loan these
transparencies to individuals.  As we have no scanned images ourselves
as yet, I'd also be interested to hear what other archives are charging
for the supply of digital files.
Sarah Wickham
Assistant Archivist
Lambeth Palace Library
