

I am pleased to announce new web pages for the Missionary Collections
Project, funded by the Reseach Support Libraries Programme (RSLP).
The project involves a package of measures designed to accelerate,
extend and improve access to Missionary Collections throughout the
UK. The culmination of the project is the creation of a web-based guide
to collections of missionary materials, across all sectors, giving details
of location, content and access arrangements. In preparation for the guide
we shall be carrying out a survey of collections in the second half of
2001. If you know of materials which should be included please contact
us using the survey form contained in the web pages.
The site can be viewed at
Rosemary Seton

Rosemary Seton,
School of Oriental and African Studies,
Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square,
London WC1H OXG

Tel +44(0)20 7898 4181
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