

Not a matter of burning professional interest, I'm afraid - 
I am just passing on a message from my Library colleagues.

As part of its acquisitions policy, the Library here aims 
to buy a copy of every UK-published history of a school, 
university or other educational institution. Colleagues are 
finding it difficult to keep on top of this task, 
particularly with relation to locally or privately 
published histories (especially in view of the number of 
local studies done as part of millennium-related projects). 
This is really a plea for help. If you know of any 
histories which might have slipped through the net, we 
would be very grateful to have them brought to our 
attention. You can either e-mail me off-list and I'll pass 
the information on, or add me to any mailing lists you have 
for advertising local record office/society publications. 
The same goes for any other local education-related 
publications. The Library's acquisitions policy is to buy 
at least one copy of every book related in any way to the 
field of education which is published in the UK - it is 
what makes the collection a unique and valuable research 

Thanks for your help and best wishes, 
Jennifer Haynes
Institute of Education
20, Bedford Way
London WC1H 0AL

Tel: (+44) 171 612 6063
Fax: (+44) 171 612 6093
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
