

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}} \uc1\pard\lang2057\ulnone\f0\fs20 Just a few thoughts on all the messages received on this subject so far.\par \par 1) The message was posted to archives-nra to see what initial reaction there would be to the idea. If the reaction was favourable, the next step was to put something in the SoA Newsletter, so that all SoA members could read about it.\par \par 2) As a business archivist I obviously agree with the idea of a special interest group within the SoA.\par \par 3) A mix of subject-based SIGs as already existing in the SoA and sector SIGs (i.e. local government, business, higher education etc) could cater for all. As others have already pointed out if all this happens it is going to mean administrative changes, but if the end 'product' is a Society which more genuinely caters for members working in all sectors, then so be it. \par \par There will also be problems for various members who do not neatly fit into categories, which is one of the reasons why the SRG has been so useful. As an SRG member, it would be sad to see this group disappear, but if a more effective way of meeting the memberships requirements is found then we should go with it. \par \par Discussions about such changes are going to be fraught, but hopefully a well-informed and rational debate will bring about new ideas which could be implemented. \par \par Finally to declare an interest - yes I do work with one of the signatories to the original message, but I had no part in the discussions which led to the idea of BAG or whatever you want to call it.\par \par Gary Collins\par \par }