

{\rtf1\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl {\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;} \uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\ulnone\f0\fs20\par There are no terms of reference as yet, because we simply wanted to float the idea to see what sort of response/interest there would be. The proposed group would not be encroaching on BAC territory for the reasons set out in the original message. The SoA is the professional body for archivists and we feel that business archivists in particular have been left out of some of the policy making which has taken place in recent times. \par \par We would hope to attract archivists responsible for business collections in repositories outside the business sector as well as within it, and to provide relevant training courses. Richard Taylor's suggestion of a Society remodelled on the lines of the American Society provides further food for thought - should the Society be based on employment groups or subject interests or, somehow, both?\par \par Jeannette Strickland\par Unilever Archives\par \par \cf0\protect\f1\fs16 -----Original Message-----\par \protect0\pard\protect\fi-1440\li1440\tx1440\b From:\tab\b0 Davies, John (UK, WISAT Information Management) [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]\par \b Sent:\tab\b0 Thursday, February 10, 2000 11:35 AM\par \b To:\tab\b0 [log in to unmask]\par \b Subject:\tab\b0 Business Archivists SIG\par \protect0\pard\protect\lang2057\f0\fs20\par A proposed terms of reference for this group would be very helpful. Only then could I for one say whether it was a good idea or whether it was simply encroaching on the space currently occupied by the BAC etc. What is it that business archivists want to discuss that requires a separate group? Is this for business archivists or archivists in (large) businesses?\par \par Come on signatories to the manifesto, we should be told!\par \par Best wishes\par \par John\par _____________________________________________________________\par \par John Davies\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab Tel:\tab\tab\tab +44 (0)208 966 2578 or 711 2578\par UK Information Management\tab\tab\tab Mobile:\tab\tab +44 07808 900896 \par Glaxo Wellcome, Greenford\tab\tab\tab Fax:\tab\tab\tab +44 (0)208 966 2812 or 711 2812\par Middlesex UB6 0HE\tab\tab\tab\tab e-mail:\tab\tab [log in to unmask]\par UK\par ___________________________________________________________________\par \par \par \par }