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We have a large database containing around 850 cases
to which we want to provide a matched control sample
database of 250 cases.

Our problem is that the matched sample database is
over represented by large firms and we need to make
adjustments. Possible options include conducting more
interviews with smaler firms. However, is it
acceptable to adjust the matched sample to the firms
size proportions in the main database? In other words
we would like to proportion up our smaller firms in
the matched sample from 60% to 80% (and conversely our
larger firms down from 40% to 20%) in order to match
our main database.

We need if possible, some examples that set a
precendent for this approach, or a suggestion as to what we
ought to do.


Kevin Mole
Centre for Interdisciplinary Strategic Management Research (CISMR)
Middlesex University Business School
The Burroughs,
London NW4 4BT
Tel +00 44 (0)20 8411 5570
Fax +00 44 (0)20 8411 5822