

Please note change of time. 

University of Nottingham

Statistics Seminar, School of Mathematical Sciences

Date: Thursday May 25th
Time: 2.30pm, followed by tea at 3.45pm
Venue: Room C12, Maths/Physics Building

Speaker: Chris Glasbey (BioSS, Edinburgh)

Title: "Time series models for weather data"

Abstract: The modelling of weather data poses many interesting challenges
for statisticians. For example, what time series models are appropriate
for rainfall and solar radiation, which have marginal distributions that
are highly non-Gaussian? In this talk, we take radically different
approaches for the two variables. By applying a monotonic transformation
to rainfall data, marginal normality is achieved. This defines a latent
Gaussian variable, with zero rainfall corresponding to censored values
below a threshold. For solar radiation data, a new form of nonlinear
autoregressive times series is proposed, by specifying joint marginal
distributions at low lags to be multivariate Gaussian mixtures. The model
is also a special case of multiprocess dynamic linear models. For both
models, we consider issues of estimation and usage.

For location details and other information see


Philip D. O'Neill  School of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham,
England NG7 2RD
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 4939 (Direct)
Tel: +44 (0)115 951 4949 (School)
Fax: +44 (0)115 951 4951
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