

The Bradford-Hill Memorial Lecture, this year organised jointly between 
the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the RSS Medical 
Section, will be given by David Clayton TOMORROW, Tuesday 23 May, at 5pm in
the Goldsmith's Lecture Theatre, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, Keppel Street, LONDON. 

Directions to the school can be found at

All welcome.

        DAVID CLAYTON (MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge)

    Biostatistics, epidemiology, and the post-genome challenge

The statistical principles underlying the design and analysis of
epidemiological studies of the causes of disease were, for the most part,
rigorously  established more than a quarter of a century ago. Despite many
successes, some have suggested that the methods of epidemiology are
insufficiently accurate for the study of small effects of exposures which
are difficult to measure in free-living populations. The emergence of the
discipline of genetic epidemiology and of the emerging technologies for
high-throughput genotyping have introduced a new element to this debate.
This lecture will review the implications of established statistical
knowledge for the design and analysis of studies of the genetic causes of
complex diseases, and of gene-gene and gene-environment interaction. The
role for very large cohort studies will be critically reviewed.

Dr Keith R. Abrams
Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Department of Epidemiology & Public Health
University of Leicester
22-28 Princess Road West
Leicester, U.K.
Tel +44 (0)116 252 3217
FAX +44 (0)116 252 3272
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