


Royal Statistical Society

On Wednesday 10 May at 6.30pm at the Statistics Department, IACR-Rothamsted,
Harpenden. To be preceded by AGM at 6.15pm. Tea from 6.00pm.

There will be a guided tour of the farm at Rothamsted before the meeting,
commencing at 4.30pm. If you wish to participate in the farm tour, please
contact Suzanne Clark, tel: 01582 763133 x2742 or e-mail:
[log in to unmask], BY WEDNESDAY 3RD MAY.

PAUL VERRIER (Bioinformatics Department, IACR-Rothamsted)

Making the best of an 'ERA'

"One hundred and fifty years of experimentation at Rothamsted has produced
quite a few observations. Many experiments have been long-term in their
nature and we potentially have a resource that could give an insight into
environmental changes that have occurred over this period. In addition,
modern statistical techniques, coupled with greater computing power, give
the opportunity to delve deeper into the data to draw further conclusions.
At Rothamsted we have been addressing the collection of this 'old' data and
have developed appropriate systems to enable us to clean, validate, store
and selectively retrieve these disparate sets of data. The system, which is
known as the Electronic Rothamsted Archive, and the uses to which we are
putting it will be described, together with some examples of how the
discipline the system enforces is giving experimentalists and their
statisticians a few headaches."

Further information, directions, etc., available from Suzanne Clark (details
above) or Michaela Cottee (details below)

Dr. Michaela J. Cottee		E-mail:	[log in to unmask]
Statistics Group		Phone:	+44 (0)1707 284377
University of Hertfordshire	Fax:	+44 (0)1707 284799
College Lane, Hatfield
Hertfordshire, UK.  AL10 9AB
