

Because of the microscopical appearance - the cells have an 
abundant cytoplasm with broad-based projections or villi 
On Sun, 01 Oct 2000 17:21:09 +0200 "Dr. M. Steiner" 
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> Having discussed a case of hairy cell leukaemia with a 
> technician, I was unable to answer a seemingly easy 
> question. Why are these cells (B lymphocytes if memory 
> serves me well) hairy? Any suggestions (or facts)?
> Sincerely,
> Dr. med. Michael Steiner
> University of Rostock
> Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
> Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 6
> D-18057 Rostock

pamela riches
[log in to unmask]
St. George's Hospital Medical School
Opinions expressed those of the author and not the institution
