

A number of Clinical Chemistry Departmental Web sites exist.

I am attempting to compile a list but unfortunately most Departments who
publish websites do not advertise the fact using the proper submission
tools so they remain invisible to most search engines.

With the help of the members of this mailbase I am hoping that such a list
can be compiled -can you help ?

I have discussed this matter with John o'Connor ( ACB Webmaster) and once
compiled this list will be posted on the ACB web site.

Looking forward to your assistance

Mike Wallace

Dr.A.M. Wallace.  PhD, MSc, FRCPath.
University Department of Pathological Biochemistry
Macewen Building
Glasgow Royal Infirmary University NHS Trust
Glasgow G4 0SF
Scotland, UK

Phone:  +44 (0)141 211 4490 (direct)
Fax:    +44 (0)141 553 1703
Email:  [log in to unmask]
