

For information,


-----Original Message-----
From:	p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=lis-medical-request(a); 
Sent:	15 February 2000 22:54
To:	p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=lis-medical(a);; p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=lis-nursing(a);; p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=info-allied-health(a);
Cc:	p=NHS NATIONAL INT;a=NHS;c=GB;dda:RFC-822=rcf2(a);
Subject:	Cochrane Library Training

*** Apologies for cross-postings ***
For those of you who couldn't make the previous sessions or who are new to health librarianship, a further group of training sessions on the Cochrane Library have been organised in London and York.
Wednesday 29 March 2000 - London
Tuesday 11 April 2000 - York
Wednesday 12 April 2000 - York
Thursday 20 April 2000 - London

The course is designed as an introduction for those who are new to the
library, or feel they are not using it to its full potential.  It will
provide background information, how to search, and include basic
interpretation of the odds-ratio diagrams.  The training is aimed at
librarians/information staff, rather than at practitioners.  The
sessions run from approx. 10.00 - 4.00 and are provided FREE to those
working in the NHS, universities and charities.  For the London
sessions, because of limited spaces, only two people per institution may
book for a session.

If you are interested in booking a place on the course please send a u10 cheque (payable Uni. of York) for the RETURNABLE deposit to the address below, giving your name, organisation, address, etc. (Apologies, but we cannot accept cheques through BACS system or issue receipts.)  Definate bookings will only be made on receipt of the cheque and letter.
The sessions in London are very popular, so please let me know as soon as possible if you are interested.
Any queries, please contact me as below
best wishes
Ruth Frankish
Cochrane Library Trainer            
NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination      
University of York            Tel: 01904 434562
YORK                  Fax: 01904 433661
YO10 5DD      <> 
