


I don't think you're going soft, just a little silly in the head!

Steve said,

"For example, the building I work in has a fountain powered by solar
energy.  During a cloudless summer day you get a pretty good fountain.  By 
about 6 or 7 PM it is hardly going at all, and once the sun has set all you 
have is a calm pool".

Don't know about everybody else, Steve, but I'd say that the most "use" you 
could get out of a fountain would be during the day!! What's the point in 
running it during the night? (or at all?!)

In fact this rule will apply to other energy uses. O.K. so solar power might 
not be able to supply all needs at all times but we could start by powering 
buildings etc. which are used mainly in the daytime (i.e. business/industry 
buildings) especially as industry could probably better bear the initial 
capital costs.

So there, you nasty man!

Emma F.

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