

My expectation would be that the C++ functions you wish to call from fortran would be required to be declared "extern C" and your Fortran may require compilation and linking with an msvc compatibility compatibility option, depending on the vendor.  Beyond that, you are likely to have vendor implementation dependencies and would need to consult the documentation supplied by your Fortran vendor and their own user help lists and help lines.

JEAN-JACQUES WASBAUER <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hello,

I have a visual C++ static library and I would like to use it within a
FORTRAN90 code under Windows NT (Microsoft FORTRAN90 Developer Studio).
The interface between both languages is not immediate and I have a serie
of unresolved symbols when tring to build the final executable. These
symbols are linked to the FORTRAN90 calls to C++ library functions (they
are already interfaced to be used by FORTRAN90).

Does anybody can give some helps to resolve these undefined symbols ?

Thanks a lot.

   ___   ___    ___    ___
  /     /   \  /   \  /      |    Jean-Jacques Wasbauer
 |      |   | |_____| \__    |    DTS/MPI/MS/AM - BPI 1214
 |      |   | |          \   |    CNES - 18 av E. Belin
  \_____|   |  \_________/   |    31401 Toulouse Cedex 4 (FRANCE)
     French Space Agency     |    email:  [log in to unmask]
                             |    Tel  :  (33) 05 61 27 34 39
                             |    Fax  :  (33) 05 61 27 35 40