

> You have control of CALL_IT.F90 and STUFF.F90.  All you have to make 
> sure of is that the user-written routine begins with 
> which should be easy enough to verify.  You have to re-link after the 
> user-written routine is compiled anyway (unless you are doing some sort 
> of dynamic linking), so it is not improbable that the source code is 
> present on your system.

Presumably, your library routine is being called by some relatively
short driver routine which you modify and recompile regularly.  In
particular, the name of the user-supplied routine must be supplied at
this stage.  (Wouldn't it be nice if one could specify this at run
time?!)  You might as well have a script which not only compiles the 
driver routine but also verifies that the user-written routine contains 
the "magic" line above. 
