

Apropos of David Bircumshaw, I think there used to be a magazine actually
called First Time edited by Josephine Austin which published people who'd
never published before. And I think Outposts used to be very encouraging to
new writers. You could probably find both listed in The Writers/Artists Year
Book I mentioned.

Good of David to stress the importance of checking out mags before sending
work. And it isn't just a case of sending work by mistake to editors who
aren't into what you do; it can also be a case of actually seeinf a mag and
thinking 'Bloody hell! I don't want to be in there!'

But, hey, we've all been there, making the same mistakes, not knowing who to
ask...I wish this list had been around when I started writing!

O yes almost forgot: welcome aboard Ben.

-----Original Message-----
From: david bircumshaw <[log in to unmask]>
To: brit poets <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 17 January 2000 17:53
Subject: re:What to do with my poetry

>apropos of David Kennedy, the little book by Peter Finch is called 'The
>Poetry Business'.
>the importance of checking out magazines before you submit cannot be
>overstressed, there are some whose editors lean towards first time
>'publishees' (ugh, what a word) for instance, 'iota', compiled by David
>Halliday up at Chesterfield - at least it was last I heard. If you can find
>a good workshop that will be likely to be far more valuable than initial
>David Bircumshaw
