

Dear Colleagues

Sorry about the missing Troponin T level - 3.58 ug/L.

The only paper I can find is an old Lancet letter from around 1992,
which presumably used the older TropT assay.  Levels in dermatomyositis
and polymyositis patients averaged 4-5 ug/L.  As in this patient, there
were no signs of cardiac disease in most of the patients. It was assumed
that this was evidence for a more widespread cardiac component to the
disease than generally recognised.  Given our more recent understanding,
is that still the case or does the raised TropT in polymyositis
represent the regenerating muscle which has the potential to produce
TropT (as in the 1997 clin chem paper).  The level in our patient would
be unlikely to be clinically silent, in my experience, if it represented
cardiac damage post MI.

So, with apologies for missing the vital figure !, has anyone any
experience of TropT levels in polymyositis and what do they mean ?  
Trevor Gray
Dept. of Clinical Chemistry,
Northern General Hospital,
Sheffield S5 7AU

0114 271 4309
