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UKHEPGRID  October 2012

UKHEPGRID October 2012


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Minutes of the 470th and 471st GridPP PMB meeting


David Britton <[log in to unmask]>


David Britton <[log in to unmask]>


Fri, 5 Oct 2012 12:45:53 +0100





text/plain (44 lines) , 120813.txt (1 lines) , 120903.txt (1 lines)

Dear All,

Please find attached the GridPP Project Management Board
Meeting minutes for the 470th meeting and 471st meeting.

                  The latest minutes can be in:


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Cheers, Dave.

GridPP PMB Minutes 470 (13.08.2012) =================================== Present: Dave Britton (Chair), Jeremy Coles, Dave Colling, Roger Jones, John Gordon, Dave Kelsey, Pete Gronbech, Tony Cass (Suzanne Scott - Minutes) Apologies: Tony Doyle, Steve Lloyd, Pete Clarke, Andrew Sansum, Neil Geddes 1. Sussex ========== DK advised that there was the question of whether or not Sussex should join SouthGrid. He was not sure of the certification process but they also had to join wLCG - what was the procedure? JG advised that he would inform Sue. DK asked if this had PMB blessing? DB noted yes, the PMB supported the process. Would JG contact Sue? Further, was this a UK or a SouthGrid issue? DK would contact Sue as SouthGrid. The MoU commitment was to the Tier-2. ACTION 470.1 DK to contact Sue in relation to Sussex joining wLCG. 2. GridPP29 Agenda =================== PG reported that a skeleton webpage was extant. DB noted that more was needed to add to this - a network session was required. The Tier-2 talks should not just be general talks. PG suggested moving the JANET talk into Section 2 in order to link with the network issue? DB considered that ScotGrid was straightforward - Mark Mitchell could talk but he was not sure if there was someone specific available for NorthGrid? RJ asked if one person for the UK would do? We could do this site by site but it was a lot of talks. Also, the issue under discussion did not naturally go by the Tiers either. From an ATLAS point of view, the five high priority sites would be good. It was too large a talk for one person to talk about the entire UK. DB preferred to go along experiment lines - upgrades for ATLAS and also talks about the three sites; then a single talk for CMS. DC asked what did we want to know? DB thought this should be juxtaposed with David Salmon's talk on JANET6. We needed to know site capability so that all was documented for the future - what we can provide and how we relate to JANET etc. PG considered there should be talks from an ATLAS and CMS perspective then one talk about all the rest. RJ noted that the ATLAS perspective would cover a lot of sites. There were ATLAS priority sites but the ATLAS perspective covered more than that. DB considered that comparisons between sites would be interesting, eg: QMUL, Glasgow. PG thought that if sites had done something unusual then there could be a talk. PG thought there should be a majority talk then a 'special cases' talk. DB agreed this was better. RJ would look at his notes and the proposals then advise PG which should be solely discussed as a special case. DB thought that the CMS talk would be good to consider everything overall. DB asked PG if he could do an introduction and conclusion talk. There would be a talk from the CMS side of things, then 2-3 talks covering the ATLAS sites. DB would leave JANET where it was just now in the morning. It would be good to have a Higgs talk in addition. PG was going to ask Alan Barr as speaker? Bill Murray was also a possibility. ACTION 470.2 ALL: to get back to PG with suggestions for a Higgs speaker and a speaker to represent both experiments. It was felt that a Project Management talk was not crucial this time. DB wanted to restructure the 2nd session. The 3rd session would be on future directions - did this require prior talks and if so what were they? DC noted that they were discussing future areas for CMS so it would be useful to have a CMS talk before this discussion. RJ agreed. We would have the experiment talks first. DB thought we should move the DRI session to the 2nd day. We would start with David Salmon at the beginning of Day 2 and he could attend the DRI upgrade talks. The DIRAC session could be split across lunch. DB considered we should have the 'drivers' early, then the experiment information into Session 2. JG thought we should give them a proper brief - these would not be the standard experiment talks. DC noted that Stuart Wakefield would speak for CMS. RJ would advise the speaker in due course. Raja and PC could discuss who would speak for CMS. It was decided to move the Experiment Session to Session 2 on Day One. DC suggested leaving Session 3 as it was. DB noted that the DRI information would be the next morning at Session 4. DB noted that the DIRAC stuff was pending, and an overview was required, and possibly a second talk, then we needed to respond from the GridPP side. DB would contact JC and check if they wanted to do one or two talks. An NGI talk would also be good. DB would get back to him on that session. DB thought that there should be a closing session Tier-1 talk - he needed to speak to AS regarding a forward look following the Tier-1 Review. PG thought we should ask the Storage Group if they wanted to speak, to fill the free slots. PG would ask Jens and Shaun de Witt. ACTION 470.3 PG to ask Jens and Shaun de Witt about a Storage Group talk. DK advised that he could talk about IPV6. DC thought that 'future issues' should move David Salmon to Day 2 at the start, and then do the DRI talks, or vice versa. This would push DIRAC to the end. PG would re-do the Agenda. DB noted that there was a slot in the opening session for a keynote speech. 3. AOCB ======== - PG still required the DRI written summaries emphasising the overall benefits to sites, these had not yet been received. - PG noted that the Quarterly Reports were still outstanding, he had sent reminders. - Regarding the JeS forms, PG reported that over half of the sites had these 'in progress', he had sent reminders. 9 JeS forms had been submitted so far. STANDING ITEMS ============== SI-1 Dissemination Report -------------------------- SL was not present SI-2 ATLAS weekly review & plans --------------------------------- RJ noted nothing really to report - management of Local Group Disk was being discussed, some sites were under-delivering in disk space. PG noted that sites don't provide a standard percentage of their total. RJ considered that if this was not being used across the board then we could reduce it without penalties. PG advised that plots were available on the web for space tokens over time - counting gives points then it doesn't. RJ noted it shold be TB days that is measured, not TBytes. PG asked if there would be a PMB/Ops meeting before GridPP29 started? DB thought that on the plus side, yes, but on the minus side we tend to repeat discussions we have later on, but it was a forum for good communication. RJ agreed, although possibly not appropriate for every meeting. DB thought there was no driver for the meeting this time, so we wouldn't build it in yet. SI-3 CMS weekly review & plans ------------------------------- DC noted not much to report, he would check at the Ops Meeting today. Slides re CMS computing evolution had been circulated, showing what the UK wanted to do - especially doing more on Clouds. This would be discussed at Oxford. SI-4 LHCb weekly review & plans -------------------------------- GP was not present. SI-5 User Co-ordination Issues ------------------------------- No report was available at present. SI-6 Production Manager's Report --------------------------------- JC reported as follows: 1) The Sussex site has been put in to downtime and certified as a production site. This means we expect it to be ready to take experiment work in the near future (for which it would need to be enabled in the experiment frameworks). The process has taken longer than expected as the site is running the latest UMD middleware with SGE and it was new territory. Additionally the monitoring has been done via EGI certification services that have needed debugging along the way. Further steps include understanding and resolving current production Nagios probe errors and adding the site into tools such as REBUS. 2) The comet.j-parc.jp VO has been created thanks to support from Mike Jones at Manchester. The VOMS move itself is on-hold until people involved, such as Robert Frank, return from leave. 3) After the July GDB I mentioned the WLCG plans to create a WLCG Operations Coordination Team (http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=9&materialId=slides&confId=155070). The commitment from us was unclear. I have the following response from Maria Girone. My question was “For the regions are you looking for someone with management/coordination responsibilities or someone involved with regional technical operations?” I also asked about the expected time commitments. The response: “Ideally the team will have both senior people with coordination responsibilities for task forces leadership and scod role and technical experts from grid services (not tier0 only) and experienced administrators who can drive the technical choices”. The time commitment is of order 20% (Either for technical advice or leadership of dedicated task forces/scod). Does the PMB wish to comment on what our involvement should be? Who should contribute? Someone should represent the sites and the Ops side. DB considered that JC would be the appropriate person. JC was not sure of the technical requirement - possibly include Duncan Rand as well? JC thought we should contribute in some way but not go overboard in committing effort to this. 4) The WLCG Tier-2 availability and reliability report for July (http://sam- reports.web.cern.ch/sam-reports/2012/201207/wlcg/WLCG_Tier2_Jul2012.pdf) shows all UK sites remained above 90% and all but a couple achieved 95%+ for the month of July. 5) The situation with ongoing support for gLite 3.2 WNs beyond the end of September is still under discussion but is an increasing risk. Sites have been reluctant to move without confirmation that the LHC experiments (and smaller VOs) are now completely happy with the EMI WNs. As can be seen on this page, http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~dbauer/grid/state_of_the_nation.html, most GridPP sites remain on gLite 3.2 which is also the WLCG recommended version (https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/WLCGBaselineVersions). Support for EMI-2 and SL6 WNs is expected to be covered at the September GDB. 7) We may need to reallocate/review the core task areas and responsibilities as some areas are struggling to progress. This was a discussion that needed to take place between the Line Manager and the individuals concerned. For information: A) There is now an FTS3 pilot service at RAL. B) Durham has been suffering from site electrical problems. SI-7 Tier-1 Manager's Report ----------------------------- JG reported in lieu of AS: Gareth did not have much to report, things were working reasonably well. There would be RAL site maintenance on the firewall one week tomorrow, and they would drain the FTS in order to avoid problems. The HAG started last week with a timetable for delivery of the end of November. Did PC need a fallback person for Raja - Mike at Manchester would be used as fallback. PG had been invited onto the HAG. SI-8 LCG Management Board Report --------------------------------- There had been no MB meeting. REVIEW OF ACTIONS ================= 438.9 AS to contact relevant site managers to ask whether or not they would be interested in having retired Tier-1 hardware - if a site were interested then they should submit a proposal as to what they want and why. Ongoing. 461.3 PG to follow-up the issue of the £19k underspend/£14k overspend with Imperial to ensure this was sorted out with STFC. DC thought this had already been organised, he would check. Done, item closed. 465.1 PG to address section (1) of the STFC Programmatic Review 'Background Information' and check what was done previously (the STFC e-VAL survey etc). PG to give DB the information and DB will draft a response. No progress. 465.2 DB to do a first draft of section (2) of the Programmatic Review 'Excellence'. Ongoing. 465.3 SL (and Neasan O'Neill) to provide a draft of section (3) 'Economic and Societal Impact'. Ongoing. 465.4 RJ/DC/PC to contribute experiment inputs to section (4) 'Leadership'. ATLAS section done. 465.5 DB to do a first draft of section (5) 'Synergies'. Ongoing. 469.1 JC to follow-up with RAL (probably Sean) regarding DPM, in order to check the work they had done in looking at the issues. Done, item closed. PG asked JC if the Tier-1 had dismissed DPM? JC advised that they had had a series of meetings about this. JC had circulated the response from Shaun. ACTIONS AS AT 13.08.12 ====================== 438.9 AS to contact relevant site managers to ask whether or not they would be interested in having retired Tier-1 hardware - if a site were interested then they should submit a proposal as to what they want and why. 465.1 PG to address section (1) of the STFC Programmatic Review 'Background Information' and check what was done previously (the STFC e-VAL survey etc). PG to give DB the information and DB will draft a response. 465.2 DB to do a first draft of section (2) of the Programmatic Review 'Excellence'. 465.3 SL (and Neasan O'Neill) to provide a draft of section (3) 'Economic and Societal Impact'. 465.4 DC/PC to contribute experiment inputs to section (4) 'Leadership'. 465.5 DB to do a first draft of section (5) 'Synergies'. 470.1 DK to contact Sue in relation to Sussex joining wLCG. 470.2 ALL: to get back to PG with suggestions for a Higgs speaker and a speaker to represent both experiments. 470.3 PG to ask Jens and Shaun de Witt about a Storage Group talk. The next PMB meeting will take place on 3rd September.
GridPP PMB Minutes 471 (03.09.2012) =================================== Present: Dave Britton (Chair), Jeremy Coles, Dave Colling, Roger Jones, John Gordon, Dave Kelsey, Pete Gronbech, Tony Cass, Claire Devereux, Steve Lloyd, Pete Clarke, Andrew Sansum (Suzanne Scott - Minutes) Apologies: Tony Doyle, Neil Geddes DB welcomed Claire Devereux to the PMB. 1. Project Manager Issues ========================== a) Staff Grants --------------- PG reported that of 14 sites, 13 grants were 'in progress' - 10 were with STFC, 2 were in the Submitter Pool, and 1 was in the Approver Pool. One grant application was still awaited, that of Imperial College. STFC had informed him that they would not process any of the grants until they were all submitted. It was crucial that IC submitted their application without delay. Grants would be processed in October. Given this timescale, it was likely that Institutes would issue redundancy notices. PC considered that the October timescale was unacceptable - the Project Leader should contact Janet Seed and apply high-level pressure. It was urgent for Imperial College to act right away. DC advised that he would chase this up today. PG reported that the GridPP4 tranche-1 grants would be extended by six months. ACTION 471.1 SS to check with Finance and R&E at Glasgow regarding the 6-month extension notification [done following the meeting]. 471.2 PG to contact STFC and advise them that Institutes wished to avoid issuing redundancy notifications - the processing timescale should be brought-forward by STFC. b) Quarterly Reports -------------------- PG reported that the Tier-1 Report, the Ops Report, and the CMS Report had now been received, but they had been late. The NorthGrid Report was not yet submitted. A discusion ensued. DB asked if a NorthGrid meeting would help? We could schedule one for the future but perhaps not for now. PG noted that he could not provide the quarterly report summary until things were complete however DB asked him to do this anyway. ACTION 471.3 PG to organise the NorthGrid Report in conjunction with AF. c) GridPP29 Agenda ------------------ PG reported that sponsors had not yet registered. Re the Agenda, in Session 1 there was still a blank slot. DB asked who was doing the Physics talk at 11.50am? RJ had consulted with people and Chris Hayes should be approached. PG to ask him. ACTION 471.4 PG to ask Chris Hayes to do a talk in the empty slot in Session 1 at GridPP29 (at 11.30 am). DB noted there was room for a further talk - something from Andy Richards would be good, to give a local take on e-infrastucture. This would be within the 11.30-11.50am slot in the morning. PG to contact Andy Richards - was he both interested and available? ACTION 471.5 PG to ask Andy Richards if he would be willing to do a talk in Session 1 at GridPP29. DB considered that CD could give an NGI talk in Session 3 at the end of the first day? CD noted yes. Session 3 comprised a discussion on the synergies between GridPP and DIRAC, which would naturally factor-in NGI as well. PG noted that he had allowed 30 minutes for sponsor presentations. AS considered that long-term info would be good from the sponsors - future processes rather than current systems. Longer range roadmaps would be useful. DB agreed, noting that our horizon was the GridPP following GridPP4, the 2015 timescale onwards. Regarding 27th, day two, there would be an ALICE talk by Lee Barnby. Dan Protopopescu would talk on NA62. PG should allocate 10 minutes to ALICE and the extra 5 minutes to Chris Walker's section. Regarding Session 5, DB noted that a structure was required, could DC infill this please. DC advised that he had planned three discussions regarding the future in terms of storage, workload, and clouds, plus a panel discussion. JC had agreed to take notes and write this up. DC would provide the structure for the website page. DC suggested moving Session 6 into Session 5 regarding the Tier-1 talks. This would mean doing Session 6 first, then Session 5. PG noted we were already doing networking on day one. DC thought that this did affect the experiments though. SL noted he would do his thanks at the end, DC could hand over to him for closing remarks. PG would amend the Agenda once DC provided the text. SL considered that he should say something about metrics, but there was no obvious place for it. DB thought this should also be discussed at the PMB. SL suggested he speak on metrics at the end of the second day, then say his closing thanks etc. This was agreed. PG would add this to the Agenda under the heading 'Accounting'. 2. LHCb Resource Request ========================= There had been an email thread about this. AS reported that at the end of July, LHCb had asked for increased resources in 2012, globally 10% increase in disk; 30% increase in tape; 50% increase in CPU capacity. What could we provide? PC noted that he needed to know today for a meeting this afternoon, which was far from ideal as there was the Resource Management process meeting this Wednesday - did the PMB wish to preempt the Wednesday meeting? PC noted that the meeting this afternoon may be cancelled and the information was poorly organised - hard numbers may not be required, an indication of capability would be good enough and he could wait for the Wednesday meeting. AS advised that we did have headroom - on disk we had 700TB of reserve by the end of March, but we might need to use perhaps 500TB of that, we could therefore allocate 200TB to use to uplift disk. DB noted that the point was that we had already over-allocated to the experiments beyond the pledge - they already had an increased allocation this year. The pledge had been 7118, and the allocation was 8094, so we had already allocated an extra petabyte. DB considered that it was no problem as over the allocation we could go to a further 1.2PB. PC thought this sounded fine - he would say that upon request they could ask for extra from RAL. DB noted that we would pick this up again at the Wednesday Resource meeting. PC could take away a positive response today. 3. GridPP Programmatic Review ============================== DB had circulated version 3 of this after iteration. Comments had been received from NG. The NGI section needed to be added. Text also had to be cut. Regarding 'Economic and Social Impact', Neasan O'Neill had sent notes but this needed work by SL. SL would do this. Regarding Section 4 on 'Leadership', giving samples would do, DB would amend this. DC still had to contribute text to the 'Leadership' section. DK still had to contribute text on 'Security'. Text was awaited from JG for (5)b. ACTION 471.6 ALL: to check the Programmatic Review document and make any further suggestions for amendment. PC queried the section on 'Programmes'. DB advised that this related to STFC-funded programmes and international subscriptions. PC gave a brief report-back on the CAP submission. 4. AOCB ======== - STFC e-VAL survey Version 2 had been re-designed and Tony Medland had contacted DB. A Co-ordinator should be nominated as link person between the GridPP Project and e-VAL. PG should do this as Project Manager. The difficulty lay in getting the inputs. DB would advise TM that PG would be the point of contact for STFC. Progress would be monitored by the PMB. - DPM DB asked if anything needed to be raised at PMB level? JC advised that a document had been circulated by Jens to the Storage Group, and this would be picked-up at GridPP29. JC noted that at the next PMB we could consider the response by the mid-September timescale. This item should be on the Agenda for next week's PMB. It was agreed to continue as at present however the mid- term direction was not so clear. DB advised that the wLCG Oversight Board meets on the Friday of GridPP29 week. NG used to represent GridPP on that body. Representation on it varied worldwide. JG noted that it was supposed to comprise the major countries plus the experiments. DB advised that Tony Medland had asked if he would do it, so DB would attend the meeting on 28th September. Possibly SL or DK could be the alternative member. STANDING ITEMS ============== SI-1 Dissemination Report -------------------------- SL reported for NO as follows: 1) Turing Fest news item would be posted today, the event itself went well, attendance was good and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Neasan O'Neill ws still waiting on photos from the photographer. There would be an Article in isGTW regarding TuringFest this week too. 2) Neasan O'Neill reported that the Tomato news item was pending at present, as he awaited information from Imperial College. Neasan hoped that DC would be able to progress this by way of Sarah Butcher. 3) Neasan reported that he had been working with JC and the Security people on related information on the GridPP website and the move to the wiki. 4) Planet GridPP (blog aggegrator) was down again and Neasan was investigating. 5) Digital Research 2012 was next week, Neasan would not attend unless the PMB thought he should. The PMB considered that attendance at this event was not necessary. 6) Neasan advised that the EGI Technical Forum was due to take place in 2 weeks' time - we had a stand (half funded by SeIUUCR) and he would (as usual) be in attendance. 7) Neasan would do news items on EGI and GridPP29 but would appreciate some inputs. There were other things coming up (SARoNGS, death of the LCG CE) but nothing immediate. SI-2 ATLAS weekly review & plans --------------------------------- RJ reported that the Tier-1 was running ok but there had been a few issues at the Tier-2, noticeably the Manchester SE. Lancaster had cluster problems. Glasgow had an aircon failure, and there were issues at UCL and Durham. ECDF also had issues relating to the transfer performance pool and this was being investigated. SI-3 CMS weekly review & plans ------------------------------- DC reported that the Tier-1 was fine; at the Tier-2 Bristol was an issue - this was pending the Consolidated Grant award which might mean that staff would be moved into other responsibilities. The CMS Security Challenge had started early. SI-4 LHCb weekly review & plans -------------------------------- There was no report. SI-5 User Co-ordination Issues ------------------------------- There was no report. SI-6 Production Manager's Report --------------------------------- JC reported as follows: 1) Security Service Challenge 6 (SSC6) takes place this week in conjunction with CMS. 2) A small number of sites have CEs or SEs that run on middleware that will be unsupported by the end of September (any still running those services will be suspended). We have ticketed GridPP sites and believe a full migration will be possible except for WNs (see 3). 3) The WLCG minimum baseline still recommends gLite 3.2 WNs. The official EMI message is still that support for these ends in September, but an extension is likely (or now just agreed). Testing with EMI-WNs is underway with the LHC experiments and we have set up a number of (mainly) EMI-2 SL5 test clusters in the UK to also enable the non-LHC VOs to test their compatibility and fix issues before an infrastructure wide move to EMI WNs. Relocatable WN and UI installs are not currently available for EMI middleware which poses a further problem migration issue for some sites! 4) The DPM community support model and our Tier-2 options have continued to be discussed since the last PMB. A summary document is now in circulation with members of the storage group. 5) A UK CA Technical Advisory Group meeting took place last Tuesday. It was noted that there is an issue with UK certificates and CERN SSO – being investigated. The old CA retirement plan was discussed. To avoid CRLs failing to validate and causing needless errors, the old CA certificate will be extended by several months (allows time for the old CA cert to be “flushed”). It was agreed that having 6 days between the expiry of the last certificate signed by the CA and the expiry of the CA certificate was too short a time window for safe removal from IGTF and all sites. No person who has a certificate under the old CA will need to do anything special or unusual. No site will need to do anything special or unusual. (The purpose of the rollover is to move away from the 2007 key that is hosted in an old signing module for which support will end. For information: A) RAL Tier-1 has a CVMFS available for testing by non-LHC VOs (including "stratum 0" facilities). As yet no VO has come forwards to start testing, but CVMFS is the recommended/preferred route for software distribution. B) VOMS migration has been on hold due to people being on leave. We will restart the discussion and work next week. SI-7 Tier-1 Manager's Report ----------------------------- AS reported as follows: Fabric: 1) Disk tender underway 2) CPU tender underway 3) Plan to move LHCB to T10KC media on Tuesday 4th September Service: 1) Operations continue very smoothly See: https://www.gridpp.ac.uk/wiki/Tier1_Operations_Report_2012-08-29 2) CASTOR a) CASTOR Info provider (CIP) upgraded on 28th August. Rebus data now more accurate. b) Working to finalise upgrade plan to CASTOR 2.1.12 3) Tier-1 resource meeting Wednesday at 14:15 in evo (after Liaison meeting) Staff: 1) New system admin (Martin Kusy) - year in industry student - has started. Still to submit Recruitment request for 2 long-term staff. SI-8 LCG Management Board Report --------------------------------- DB reported that this was the end of support for LCG CE Software; there had been a presentation on Policy on middleware for wLCG sites and the post-EMI situation - a list of repositories had been suggested. REVIEW OF ACTIONS ================= 438.9 AS to contact relevant site managers to ask whether or not they would be interested in having retired Tier-1 hardware - if a site were interested then they should submit a proposal as to what they want and why. Ongoing. 465.1 PG to address section (1) of the STFC Programmatic Review 'Background Information' and check what was done previously (the STFC e-VAL survey etc). PG to give DB the information and DB will draft a response. Done, item closed. 465.2 DB to do a first draft of section (2) of the Programmatic Review 'Excellence'. Done, item closed. 465.3 SL (and Neasan O'Neill) to provide a draft of section (3) 'Economic and Societal Impact'. Done, item closed. 465.4 DC/PC to contribute experiment inputs to section (4) 'Leadership'. Done, item closed. 465.5 DB to do a first draft of section (5) 'Synergies'. Done, item closed. 470.1 DK to contact Sue in relation to Sussex joining wLCG. Ongoing. 470.2 ALL: to get back to PG with suggestions for a Higgs speaker and a speaker to represent both experiments. Done, item closed. 470.3 PG to ask Jens and Shaun de Witt about a Storage Group talk. Done, item closed. ACTIONS AS AT 03.09.12 ====================== 438.9 AS to contact relevant site managers to ask whether or not they would be interested in having retired Tier-1 hardware - if a site were interested then they should submit a proposal as to what they want and why. 470.1 DK to contact Sue in relation to Sussex joining wLCG. 471.1 SS to check with Finance and R&E at Glasgow regarding the 6-month extension notification [done following the meeting - end-date on the Grant appeared to be on the Finance system as 30 Sept 2013]. 471.2 PG to contact STFC and advise them that Institutes wished to avoid issuing redundancy notifications - the processing timescale should be brought-forward by STFC. 471.3 PG to organise the NorthGrid Report in conjunction with AF. 471.4 PG to ask Chris Hayes to do a talk in the empty slot in Session 1 at GridPP29 (at 11.30 am). 471.5 PG to ask Andy Richards if he would be willing to do a talk in Session 1 at GridPP29. 471.6 ALL: to check the Programmatic Review document and make any further suggestions for amendment. The next PMB would take place on FRIDAY 14th September at 1:30pm. The PMB following this would take place at the PMB F2F on 25th September, GridPP29 Oxford.

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