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TB-SUPPORT  August 2012

TB-SUPPORT August 2012


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Re: Tickets for the 14th of August


Matt Doidge <[log in to unmask]>


Testbed Support for GridPP member institutes <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 13 Aug 2012 16:35:15 +0100





text/plain (114 lines)

Thanks for the replies
> Tidying Tickets: I am sure no one would mind you doing this. If there has been action then the ticket should be in progress but if you just do it quietly then sites might never do it. I suggest you do it but if you find sites which consistently don't change the status then give them a prod.

This is my intention, with no objections I'll start sticking my oar in more.

> Quiet tickets: Is there any hard evidence that notifications from GGUS are going missing? You admit that you missed the Lancaster one. We checked GGUS with multiple email addresses when we added them. If it caused problems I wouldn't expect them to be intermittent. The broadcast problem seems to be a hard one, sites either get broadcasts or they don't. I didn't get any feedback from mail on the topic last week (are tb-support mails going missing? :-)) so I'll submit tickets to nagios the ops portal.

None, but there does seem to be at least a change in behaviour that I 
couldn't account for. The Lancaster ticket only generated one alert when 
it was created, no follow ups when it was assigned, edited or solved. 
Other Lancaster tickets are behaving normally. This points towards a 
possible problem/feature with the on-duty nagios/ggus portal as you 
suggested. Someone more in the know might be able to comment on this.

I suspect the sunny weekend had something to do with the low traffic on 
tb-support, but I don't know of any recent discussion on the subject 
beyond last week's thread.


> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Testbed Support for GridPP member institutes [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Matt Doidge
> Sent: 13 August 2012 14:26
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Tickets for the 14th of August
> 23 open UK tickets this week. I spotted a few ilc tickets this week,
> they seem to be suffering from the usual problems VOs face after a quiet
> time. Otherwise not much to report.
> Question: Do sites mind me "tidying tickets"; essentially when a ticket
> is obviously "In Progress" (work has started) or "Waiting for Reply"
> (the last post was a question from the site to a person of interest)
> I'll poke my nose in? I've done this a few times where people have
> started work without setting a ticket "in progress", but I don't want to
> stick my oar in where it's not wanted!
> Quiet tickets?
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=85018 (Lancs)
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=85017 (QMUL)
> Lancaster and QMUL received some Ops tickets on the 9/8, Lancaster got
> one notification (which I admit I missed) but no follow up e-mails.
> Queen Mary have been uncharacteristically quiet which makes me think
> they might have missed their ticket too. Anyone else had any missed
> tickets? Could this ticket quietness be caused by similar issues that
> were discussed in TB-SUPPORT this week (concerning multiple e-mail
> addresses in GGUS&  EGI broadcasts).
> UK Tickets
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=84381 (19/7)
> Creation of the COMET VO. A voms instance is online and some formalities
> have been fulfilled. Daniela asks what's needed to host the VO on the
> gridpp voms server? (13/8)
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=84938 (7/8)
> neiss.org.uk needed updated VOMS server information on QMUL's servers.
> Chris has added the "2B" to his .lscs which should have got it, waiting
> to see if this is fixed things on the CEs before rolling out to the SE
> (should be waiting for reply, 9/8).
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=84123 (11/7)
> Atlas production problems at Durham. After a lot of peril Alastair
> reports that Mike has things more or less up and running, with a few
> issues with services that need to be understood. Remaining in downtime
> till these are dealt with. In progress (9/8)
> *Other Durham tickets are on hold except:
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=68859 (Brian's request for DPM
> upgrade plans.)
> which probably should be.
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=80155 (12/3)
> Upgrade plans for the Bristol SE. Winnie has outlined a plan (9/7),
> ticket has been put on hold (18/7) until the end of August. On hold no
> till the end of September, due to the upgrade not being able to be done
> this month (but guarantees from Winnie that it will be done before the
> the 30th of September). On hold (7/8).
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=83283 (14/6)
> lhcb cvmfs problems. Dave cited
> https://savannah.cern.ch/bugs/index.php?95420&
> https://savannah.cern.ch/support/?129468 (18/6). Has there been any
> plans to try out the newer versions of cvmfs (or does the problem even
> still exist?). Jeremy set to Waiting for Reply (31/7). On the 8/8 Mark
> sparked discussion with lhcb over whether or not failures persisted (the
> site had in fact been banned for most of the period of this ticket). It
> was confirmed that the problem is still plagues lhcb jobs, and the list
> of problem nodes corresponds to the new "high-density" workers. Glasgow
> currently working on installing the cvmfs upgrade to fix lhcn&  atlas
> problems at the site, but it will take a few days. In progress (10/8)
> Tickets from the UK
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=84993
> Raul has sent out a batch of cloned tickets to VOs with data still on
> Brunel's soon to be retired dgc-grid-50.brunel.ac.uk (ref
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=84639).
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=85021 (9/8)
> Emyr ticketed EGI over their improper signing of
> umd-release-1.8.0-1.el5.noarch.rpm. No word yet on the ticket.
> Of Interest:
> https://ggus.eu/ws/ticket_info.php?ticket=85029
> Daniela pointed out on TB-SUPPORT a probably cause of some sites
> intermittent Ops test failures.

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