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[CSL]: Information Feeds to the War on Terror


J Armitage <[log in to unmask]>


Interdisciplinary academic study of Cyber Society <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:06:48 +0100





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From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Theory, Technology and Culture
Sent: 12 September 2006 20:49
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [CTHEORY] 1000 Days of Theory: Information Feeds to the War on

        *** Visit CTHEORY Online: http://www.ctheory.net ***

 1000 Days 042 12/09/2006 Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker


                            1000 DAYS OF THEORY


 Tell Us What's Going to Happen:
 Information Feeds to the War on Terror

 ~Samuel Nunn~

 We want to know things before they occur. Anticipate, react, prevent.
 This idea is embedded not only in counter-terrorism policy, but in
 the cultural narratives produced by television and cinema. Television
 programs such as ~24~ or ~CSI~, and movies such as ~The
 Conversation~, ~The End of Violence~, ~Minority Report~, and ~The
 Siege~ are self reflexive mirrors of the U.S. war on terror. Through
 tricky technology systems like the Multi-State Anti-Terrorism
 Information Exchange (MATRIX) and Terrorism Information Awareness
 (TIA) and Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) and TIPOFF and
 AFIS and VICAP, America seeks policies and programs -- read this as
 machines and software -- that will anticipate terrorist attacks in
 order to stop them before they can occur.[1] The desired outcome is
 complete deterrence. If this outcome was achieved, it would be the
 most mighty feat of prognostication and prevention ever conceived.

 The reason? Doing so would require the real time synthesis and
 analysis of volumes of data equal to something like the number of
 stars in the universe. Criminal justice technology systems produce
 voluminous information flows. Billions of bytes of data are
 constantly on the move among police agencies describing individuals,
 their criminal histories, assets, debt, locations at particular
 times, purchase patterns, biometric identifiers (fingerprints,
 photographs, DNA samples) and other aspects of the people or the
 activities they are thought to have performed. At any given moment,
 thousands of inquiries are sent through dozens of regional, national,
 and international systems seeking answers to questions about people's
 identity, where they are, what they have done, or what more other
 agencies and agents know about these individuals. In 2005 the FBI's
 National Crime Information Center (NCIC) averaged 4.5 million
 inquiries per day.

 Within this storm of data, terrorism is the boogeyman of the 21st
 century. And there is only one way to assuage our fears of sudden,
 brutal terrorist attacks: convince us that we will always uncover the
 conspiracies before the explosion, always know who the perpetrators
 are before they act, always stay one step ahead of them, always
 arrest them before the carnage. It is a process identified by Richard
 Grusin as "premediation": a shift of focus to controlling the future
 and stopping attacks before they occur or, more simply, profiling the
 future.[2] It is the premediation of the future, an advance word
 about what is going to happen. This model helps us accept 9/11 as an
 interruption or aberration. Looking back, we had the pieces if only
 someone had put them together: the plot was within our grasp. Heroic
 FBI agents wrote memos, villainous or incompetent supervisors ignored
 them or, worse, destroyed them.[3] Mohammed Atta is on the
 surveillance tapes; why didn't someone see him? Ziad Jarrah, pilot of
 UA flight 93 (destined for a Pennsylvania farm field, and now the
 subject of an A&E made-for-cable movie, ~Flight 93~ and Hollywood's
 ~United 93~), gets a speeding ticket in Maryland on September 9th;
 why didn't someone stop him? Someone always knows. The truth is out

 The U.S. war on terror places stock in this belief: if we know who
 the terrorists are, we can capture and contain them, prevent them
 from putting their schemes in play. If we know a sleeper cell is
 operating in a city's neighborhood, the authorities can place the
 cell under surveillance with visual monitoring, communications
 interception, dialed number logs, video taping, credit card
 purchases, and other transaction footprints used to build a virtual
 sphere of information control. Alternatively, we can figure out what
 terrorists 'look like' through profiling, find them, surveil them,
 uncover their plans, and incarcerate them. We will process
 information to prevent terrorism.

 Building on a theoretical foundation of panopticism and social
 control, Kevin Haggerty and Richard Ericson coined an appropriate
 concept for the variety of technological systems used by state and
 non-state entities to monitor citizens: the surveillant
 assemblage.[4] The assemblage is composed of many discrete
 technological forms used to observe and infer patterns of behavior in
 the interests of control, investigation, and crime prevention. This
 includes closed circuit TV, governmental and corporate data bases,
 data mining and synthesis software, electronic surveillance systems,
 data-based profiling techniques, scenario analysis, the integration
 of criminal justice data bases, biometric identifiers, and so on.
 Information feeds to the war on terror can be conceived as
 representative components of a surveillant assemblage -- a
 combination of surveillance tools used for various forms of social
 control, in particular those devoted to uncovering terrorist and
 criminal conspiracies and preventing violent crime. It is the set of
 surveillance components pulled together to provide information used
 to detect or stop crimes of violence.

 Surveillant assemblages have been depicted in various ways by films
 and TV, and it's possible that a few movies and television shows can
 be read as information feeds to the war on terror. Sometimes we use
 technologies to prognosticate and prevent violence, the theme of ~The
 Conversation~, ~Minority Report~, and ~The End of Violence~. The
 preventive scheme of ~Minority Report~ is the most direct: you're
 under arrest for the crime you almost committed. But at other times,
 in the event violent actors strike before we can stop them, there are
 policies, plans, and contingencies -- ways to make us safe again,
 tactical technologies. That's the hard-edged, reactive theme of ~The
 Siege~. And for those situations where a crime is committed, at least
 one TV program presents an argument that our technologies will
 uncover truths that no one but the perpetrator could know. That's the
 theme of ~CSI~.

 These films show how humans generate and process surveillance
 information into fuel against crime and terror (as they perceive it),
 and offer cultural representations of the surveillant assemblage. The
 examples examined in these films and TV suggest a complex
 relationship between the social and political realities of wars on
 crime or terror or drugs and their representation in film and media.
 The relationship is based less on whether one or the other is a
 better reflection of 'reality' than the idea that both filmed
 renditions and police policies are drawn from dominant cultural
 beliefs about criminal and terrorist behaviors. Shortly after 9/11, a
 brigadier general chaired several meetings of selected Hollywood
 writers, producers, and directors to develop terrorism scenarios that
 had not been considered before, as potential fuel for the development
 of preventive strategies.[5] Hollywood imagination would supply the
 fuel for actual anti-terrorism tactics. The meetings were held in Los
 Angeles at USC's Institute for Creative Technologies, whose operating
 revenues come in large part from military contracts. James Castonguay
 called meetings like this the "cultural production of the war on
 terror."[6] Numerous Hollywood productions and planned television
 shows were altered or postponed after 9/11 because of government
 concerns they would spark creative criminal imitation and intensify
 public fears of future attacks. Causality is always a bit mixed up in
 the blend of make-believe and reality.

 The surveillant assemblages depicted in film and TV create another
 source of fear in society -- the fear of all-encompassing 24/7
 observation by unspecified others, usually the 'state', and the
 subliminal belief that there must be some reason for all this
 surveillance, some kind of danger out there against which we must be
 protected. This fear feeds social acceptance of the very
 technological systems we ostensibly fear -- as well as the perceived
 likelihood of criminal attacks against which they are arrayed.
 Because films and TV offer popular culture's perceptions of crime and
 terror, their visual and narrative messages -- and their strength --
 are especially complex feeds to the war on terror.[7]

 Stopping crimes in action and hiding in plain sight:
 ~The End of Violence~

 Machines that can monitor peoples' activities in space are part of
 modern law enforcement technology.[8] Surveillance systems are
 important, and we should quickly recognize that any reasonably
 sophisticated monitoring system -- whether wiretaps, video
 surveillance, or computer eavesdropping -- potentially generate so
 much information they challenge interpretation. Nevertheless, one key
 to uncovering the plot of conspiracies is interpreting the
 information that has been collected in ways that anticipate the
 commission of a crime and allow law enforcement agents to stop the
 plot before execution. Vast, disconnected data bases exist from which
 investigators can draw criminal intent. Information from wiretaps,
 snitch reports, BOLOs ('be on the look out'), watch lists, criminal
 incident descriptions, and many other sources are the data that will
 feed prevention efforts. But how can all this information be
 interpreted in a way that defines the actions to be taken? Who sits
 and watches, then decides to do something?[9]

 In ~The End of Violence~ (1997), the Los Angeles basin is under
 surveillance from a sophisticated closed circuit television (CCTV)
 system operating from Griffith Park Observatory. The prophecy of the
 film is that sophisticated technological surveillance systems will
 evolve to monitor the public and private movements of individuals,
 and create intelligence about what they might be doing. It is a
 technology that reveals intimate details. Knowing intimate details
 allows the system operators to anticipate the crimes they might
 commit (or the actions they might take), and to stop them.[10] In
 the movie, CCTV monitors spaces, pinpoints disorder, and has the
 capacity to direct potentially fatal rounds from a weapon connected
 to the system.

 A producer of popular violent films, Mike Max, receives a manuscript
 that describes the deadly surveillance system, its capacity for
 targeted assassination, and its political implications. Max pays
 little attention to the document. At that point, it's not clear who
 sent it to him, but later it appears the system designer, Ray Bering,
 probably originated it. The surveillance system manager, Brice
 Phelps, wants that information rescinded, and is willing to kill Max
 to get it. Max is snatched away by two thugs in front of his house,
 but then escapes from the two kidnappers intent on killing him after
 surveillance cameras spot the activity (a scuffle between the hit men
 over Max's bribery offer not to kill him), focus in, then terminate
 the two attackers using an automated high-power rifle. Max flees.
 Later, Ray Bering is killed by the surveillance system (under the
 direction of Brice Phelps) just as he is about to contact the police
 officer, Dean Brock, who was investigating Max's disappearance. Max
 stays out of touch and drifts away from his past life.

 Before the kidnapping, Max's primary links to his wife and business
 associates were electronic -- cell phones and emails (sitting by his
 pool, Max gets a phone call from his wife, sitting in her bedroom 100
 feet away, to say she's leaving him) -- and Max embodies the notion
 that identity and location are the product of the electronic
 signatures of cell phones and internet connections. Who and where you
 are is discernible by your electronic transactions in cyberspace.
 Accordingly one can never hide, and with the right tools -- big
 computers, big software, and big data bases -- government officials
 argue that they can build the ability to interdict criminal behavior
 before it happens.[11] This phenomenon has been referred to as "the
 disappearance of disappearence."[12]

 Despite this, and like the proverbial terrorist sleeper cell, people
 can hide themselves inside complex surveillance systems by being
 'invisible'. Mike Max does so by taking up with a clan of Latino
 landscapers, who exist beneath the radar screen of electronic
 monitoring and remain invisible to mainstream society. The workers
 are part of the generic background -- the immigrant workers never
 become visible in the figure-ground. Max's disappearing act works. He
 hides in plain sight at the very place he has fled. Once he's 'off
 the grid' of identity numbers (phones, credit cards), he is hard to
 track. His travels with Latino laborers confound attempts to locate

 If there is any other way for Max and the Latino laborers to be read,
 it is as the contemporary model of the terrorist cell: a group
 existing without being seen. The message of ~The End of Violence~
 anticipates but does not bode well for technological systems that
 hope to find sleeper cells by mining their credit transactions (they
 bought ammonium nitrate and fuel oil), or intercepting their cellular
 and wireless communications. But such systems require assembly and
 careful analysis of information. If you don't leave information
 trails, tracking systems can't find you. Mike Max's success remaining
 out of sight with the Latinos undercuts a view that current
 anti-terrorism policies will detect 'invisible' sleeper cells within
 the U.S. From the perspective of 2005, it's possible to see the
 Latino laborers as doubles for the hidden terrorist cell.

 ~The End of Violence~ was released in 1997, but its speculation about
 ubiquitous, all-seeing video surveillance systems was more a
 documentary observation by 2005. For example, within days of the
 7-July-05 London bombings, public surveillance tapes produced a
 visual portrait of the four attackers.

           [image available at: en.wikipedia.org] [13]

 Still photographs and CCTV footage of Tim McVeigh, the Oklahoma City
 bomber, were taken on April 17, 1995 at a McDonalds close to the
 Ryder's outlet where he rented the truck destined to be his
 VBIED.[14] This was approximately 48 hours before he prosecuted the
 attack on the Murrah Building. The portrait of four suicide bombers
 entering London's Luton tube station at 7:21:54 joins another famous
 last chance: Mohammad Atta passing through the Portland, Maine
 airport at 5:45:13 on September 11, 2001.

           [image available at: worldpress.org] [15]

 CCTV systems can picture the reality of terrorism conspiracies.
 Unfortunately, it is a reality not prevented.[16] In London, the good
 news was we had pictures of the suicide bombers before they struck.
 The bad news: who knew what they were doing? Beyond the four of them,
 it's not really clear. A May 2006 report on the July 7th bombings
 claims the four operated on their own with little or no other
 infrastructure.[17] The police didn't know them -- they were
 initially called 'cleanskins' by the British authorities, although
 the 2006 report admitted British intelligence knew something about
 two of them. Nevertheless, here was the model sleeper cell, largely
 unknown to law enforcement. The worst news: even if somebody had
 known at that moment (7:21:54 a.m.), what could they have done?

 At the conclusion of ~The End of Violence,~ Ray Bering, who has been
 depicted as either the designer of the surveillance system or one of
 its operatives (it's not clear which), is killed by the weapon
 controlled through his system. This surveillent assemblage does not
 end violence, but is a mechanism that furthers the use of violence
 for social control. Thus, the information feed from ~The End of
 Violence~ is broad-ranging. It depicts a panoptic system tied to a
 powerful, accurate, largely invisible weapon that can strike
 individuals down from remote locations. It's an automated sniping
 system that defines others as enemies of the state and executes them.
 Perhaps the problem in London was an incomplete assemblage -- they
 were missing the sniping system that would have shot the suicide
 bombers at the tube entrance.[18] Somebody must have known they were
 coming. It was there on the screen.

 If it hadn't been prevented, it wouldn't have happened

 Another information feed to the war on terror originates from the
 fertile, drug-driven imagination of Philip K. Dick. The goal of the
 high tech systems depicted in ~Minority Report~ (2002)[19] is to stop
 homicides before they occur. This is another 'end of violence'
 scenario, embodying both general deterrence and incapacitation goals
 of contemporary punishment -- what David Garland refers to as "the
 new apparatus of security and prevention."[20] The Department of
 Pre-Crime uses human-machine socio-technical systems linking three
 psychic empaths to a future murder notification system. But this is a
 surveillant assemblage of a whole other kind from ~The End of
 Violence~. The empaths experience visions of the future, and offer a
 'consensus' view of the anticipated murder. (A minority report is
 produced if consensus is not achieved.) The vision is transferred via
 high-tech multi-image interactive display screens to police officers
 who are experienced translators and observers of empath images. They
 are observed by a three member panel of judges as well as their own
 colleagues. The name of the (future) perpetrator is carved into a red
 wooden ball, thus the announcement as the "pre-cogs" generate their
 vision: "we got a Red Ball." The red ball puts everyone on alert a
 crime is about to occur.

 Locational inferences drawn from the visions by the police
 translators are relayed to pre-crime SWAT teams, who narrow down the
 targeted attack by traveling across Washington D.C.'s metro
 landscape. Upon finding the place of the yet-to-be committed crime,
 they stop the crime before it happens. Or put more elegantly,
 Pre-Crime is designed to "prevent the future from becoming the
 past."[21] But like the care taken by undercover operatives to avoid
 giving suspects an entrapment defense, Pre-Crime agents have to
 interrupt the to-be-prevented murder at just the right moment. The
 Pre-Crime Unit applies less-than-lethal weapons (sonic projectiles,
 vomit sticks) to subdue the red ball. The offender is arrested and
 placed into suspended animation, sentenced, then stacked inside a
 warehouse of vertical storage pipes that could be called
 less-than-lethal incarceration. The jury is the panel of judges who
 observed the pre-crime bust. Using the technologically-enhanced
 record of the future murder that was prevented, offenders are
 sentenced on the basis of not committing the crime they would have
 committed had the pre-crime detection system not been in place.[22]

 That is a neat way to define and measure crime prevention. It is
 extreme, topsy-turvy risk-oriented policing supported by advanced
 information technologies, an ongoing development in 21st century law
 enforcement.[23] ~Minority Report's~ model is machine-mediated crime
 prevention on steroids. Law enforcement uses technologies and
 techniques to protect targets at highest risk of criminal attacks.
 Policing becomes risk management: show us the valuable targets, and
 they will be defended. ~Minority Report~ reflects a state of phantom
 existentialism. Being convicted of a crime you didn't commit becomes
 a fundamental part of the criminal justice system. I am imprisoned
 for a new class of crime: the crime I would have committed.

 In an increasingly risk-averse society, this is not such a strange
 concept, and the 21st century war on terror is trying it on for size.
 The same principle now holds for terrorism suspects held as enemy
 combatants or material witnesses. They are held ~sans habeas corpus~
 for long periods, ~de facto~ guilty of crimes they had not (yet)
 committed. This cast of characters includes a Florida college
 professor, Jose Padilla, Zacarias Moussouai, and other conspirators
 caught before executing their acts.[24] And in another iteration of
 ~Minority Report's~ less-than-lethal incarceration, the U.S.
 sometimes 'renders' its terrorism suspects to other countries with
 "more advanced" methods of interrogation than can be used
 domestically.[25] It's an alternative version of the "round 'em up"
 model: arrest enough people for the crimes they might commit, obtain
 confessions for crimes that might be planned, and pretty soon a state
 of complete incapacitation might exist.

 How do you understand what you hear?

 If interpretation of technologically-enhanced psychic visions lies at
 the heart of ~Minority Report~, the art of synthetic inference is
 showcased in ~The Conversation~, another information feed promoting
 anticipation in the interests of prevention. Like ~The End of
 Violence~ and ~Minority Report~, how operators interpret intercepted
 communications ultimately drives the system. Every surveillant
 assemblage is based on interpretation by technicians who are
 monitoring communications in cell phones, bugs, computers, or CCTV
 video consoles. Somebody must interpret the information picked up
 from surveillance to inform law enforcement or, in the case of ~The
 Conversation~, to eavesdrop private conversations for a client. In
 the film, an audio recording obtained through great technical
 virtuosity is painstakingly reconstructed, and then interpreted.
 Harry Caul, a private surveillance expert who recorded, edited, and
 produced the conversation (from inside the challenging, chaotic aural
 environment of a crowded urban park), believes a crime will occur,
 and based on his (inaccurate) theory of victims and villains,
 intervenes and discovers the causality he inferred was
 misinterpreted. The crime could not be stopped even though events
 were anticipated. Those he thought victims were actually
 perpetrators. After all his efforts, an unsuspected crime occurs, one
 not thought of. This is the failure of preventive surveillance

 In an era when law enforcement and intelligence agencies
 internationally are intercepting millions of telephone, fax, email,
 and other satellite communications on a daily basis, the challenge of
 accurate interpretation is rarely explored. The Echelon system,
 managed by the western powers (U.S. Britain, New Zealand, Australia,
 and Canada), gobbles up international satellite communications,
 creating an astronomical volume of information reportedly
 'interpreted' by computers of the U.S. National Security Agency.[26]
 It is an actual global system that remained unmentioned in one of the
 only movies to ever focus on the NSA, ~Enemy of the State~ (1998). In
 the midst of revelations the U.S. engaged in administratively-driven
 domestic surveillance -- warrantless electronic eavesdropping in the
 U.S. since fall 2001[27] -- the public is given information that
 implies deadly terrorist plots are prevented, but few trials come to
 fruition and those that do are often based on a weak evidentiary
 trail. And it is never clear to what extent extensive technological
 monitoring systems play a role in breaking these conspiracies. Even
 though prosecutors had compiled mountains of wiretap information on a
 professor at the University of South Florida, Sami al-Arian, since
 1994, the U.S. attorney failed to gain a conviction in eight of the
 17 counts, and the jury deadlocked on the remaining nine.[28]
 Nonetheless, shadowy plots are reportedly stopped. New York City's
 Brooklyn Bridge was going to be destroyed by an Ohio truck driver
 named Iyman Faris. Another man in Columbus, Ohio, Nuradin Abdi, was
 indicted for a plot to explode a bomb at a shopping mall, although
 the indictment was unclear as to the actions taken by the men to
 actually implement their plot -- in short, it didn't matter that they
 weren't likely to pull it off. Cases that are brought are lengthy,
 expensive, and contentious, subject to many different
 interpretations. Few are slam-dunks and many wither away, such as the
 trials of Jose Padilla and Zacharias Moussaoui, the 'enemy
 combatants' squirreled away in Iraq and Guantanamo, and those
 material witnesses 'rendered' to other countries for questioning and
 interrogation. The truth of terrorist conspiracies is as hard to
 interpret as ~The Conversation~.

 Interestingly, ~The Conversation~ did not involve formal law
 enforcement. Instead, it is set in a shadow world of corporate
 security consultants -- another contemporary scene on display in Iraq
 and the war on terror, with privatized bodyguards, private security
 details, Halliburton, Kellogg-Brown-Root, and the private soldiers
 employed by Blackwater USA.[29] But in ~The Conversation~, it did not
 matter whether the intelligence was generated by a public servant or
 a private entrepreneur. Harry Caul did a yeoman's job of collecting
 and collating the conversation, but he interpreted it out of context.
 He recognized a pending act of violence, but could not stop it.
 Caul's preventive impotence is framed differently by John Turner:
 "information gleaned from surveillance practices does not necessarily
 produce knowledge ... surveillance technology and its technicians may
 be more directly involved in creating reality rather than making a
 record of it."[30] This is a permutation of the uncovered conspiracy
 -- the busted plot -- that is a primary target of US anti-terrorism
 programs. ~The Conversation~ holds little constructive hope for
 homeland security arguments that we can prevent bad things from
 happening if only we interpret the information correctly.

 Revising the scene of the crime

 We are led to believe we always leave information trails, that there
 are those who have the heightened senses of psychic bloodhounds who
 can find our trail and find us. Another information feed to the war
 on terror is our belief that the mediated crime scene investigator --
 the forensic specialist -- can always de-construct and re-construct
 crimes in ways that lead to their solution. This is the idea of
 ~CSI~: we will use data to identify perpetrators, solve crimes, make
 arrests. In ~CSI~, it is working backward to reconstruct an event --
 becoming all-knowing in reverse.

 The lesson is simple: once a crime has occurred via murder or bombing
 or arson, the physical evidence left behind can be identified,
 imaged, categorized, sorted, and analyzed to create hypotheses about
 unwitnessed crimes. We will apply forensic approaches to bombing
 sites, the place of terrorist crimes. The guilty parties will be
 deduced from an analysis of evidence. In the 7-7-06 London bombings,
 the "bomb factory" at 18 Alexandra Grove contained forensic evidence
 physically connected to three of the four suicide bombers, and there
 were numerous CCTV images of all four suicide bombers, separate and
 together, that ultimately placed them at London's Luton Station. The
 official report identified where the four bombers sat on the subway
 trains and bus -- based on forensic evidence. Data re-create the
 event, and the investigators reveal, picture, and divine the truth
 from the data they find and interpret. This is the same as preventing
 an attack before it occurs, but in the opposite direction.

 On the other side of the TV screen in Washington, D.C., the Terrorism
 Information Awareness (TIA) program crafted by the U.S. Department of
 Homeland Security, to be fully developed by the Defense Advanced
 Research Projects Administration (DARPA), was a data mining program
 that would use pre-conceived scenarios of terrorist attacks to guide
 the data search and look for data transaction patterns that might be
 signifiers for planned terrorist attacks. Ultimately, TIA's
 potential for sinking western conceptions of personal privacy was the
 reason it sunk. But for both ~CSI~ and the deposed TIA program, the
 idea is to use data to solve problems. You create pictures and
 scenarios and think about how to interpret and react to them. It is
 an exercise in reverse synthesis.

 U.S. anti-terrorism operatives formulate scenarios of terrorist
 attack, then the data signatures these attacks might generate are
 hunted nationally or internationally in a vast field of computerized
 purchase, travel, lodging, and movement transactions. By 2005, the
 federal homeland security infrastructure produced a short list of
 likely terrorist incidents. These included an emergency vehicle-borne
 improvised explosive device -- a VBIED -- within a sports stadium;
 trucks spraying anthrax spores on city streets; pneumonic plague germ
 releases in bathrooms of airports, train stations, and sporting
 events; and others.[31] [32] The federal DHS calls them "all-hazards
 planning scenarios." Fifteen scenarios involving chemical, nuclear,
 biological, radiological (CNBR), explosive, and cyber attacks are
 profiled.[33] The preventive idea was to figure out how to anticipate
 such events by uncovering the precursor actions that perpetrators
 would have to perform. As James Elroy might put it, 'Police pinpoint
 perpetrators performing precursor potshots'.

 Ironically, read through the perspective of ~CSI~, these scenarios
 provide a blueprint for terrorists. The scenarios describe the
 general plan for successful CNBR and explosive attacks, setting out
 the basic plot and resulting damage from each attack, assuming each
 one is at least partially successful. If terrorists take the ~CSI~
 approach after closely considering the various scenarios, they can
 move in reverse from their anticipated crimes to a better designed
 plot that defies prevention.[34] This is at least one inferences to
 be drawn from Brian Jackson, et al's RAND Corporation report on group
 learning among terrorist groups.[35] Tactics mutate.

 In a looking glass world, this is the way of ~CSI~: given a crime,
 use forensic technologies to 'back into' what happened. But to
 deliver value-added in the war on terror, from the crime to the
 causes is the wrong direction, and that's a problem with the ~CSI~
 model: it's backwards. It's not that post-crime forensics data can't
 generate insights in the future, it's that the real goal is to
 prevent the crime from happening. That requires data assembly and
 exploration in advance of the crime. This was the publicized promise
 of TIA and MATRIX, and is certainly one of the objectives of current
 terrorism scenario building exercises. TIA and MATRIX exist now
 primarily in spirit, but aspects of each continue -- particularly
 scenario building and information sharing. For the war on terror, the
 really important idea is to prevent attacks, not necessarily to
 understand them after they happen.

 What's your reaction time?

 Even though the causal arrow of ~CSI~ runs the wrong way, if data can
 be divined to give us a better than average guess about the future,
 one obvious question is how much time is left before the attack -- if
 we even know it is coming. At one extreme is the short time frame:
 the prevention of a terrorist plot slowly uncovered during the last
 24 hours before it's scheduled to occur (TV's ~24~). It poses the
 question of stopping a terrorist plot as quickly as possible. What's
 required is improvisational planning to satisfy short-term preventive
 goals. The timing of prevention is important -- as it was in
 ~Minority Report~ -- so that law enforcement personnel aren't too
 late or, what is almost worst, they become agent ~provocateurs.~ At
 one extreme, the attack is thwarted in the 'nick of time', but at the
 other extreme, too much lead time means that interdictions might only
 'shapeshift' terrorist plans into later successful attacks.

 Cells learn from mistakes, and react tactically to anti-terrorism
 measures. There is a viral aspect to this: mediated representations
 of successful crime and terror attacks can inform real criminals and
 terrorists of vulnerabilities and strategies. By changing they might
 become better. Jackson et al studied how Aum Shinrikyo, Hezbollah,
 Jemaah Islamiyah, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, and
 environmental/animal rights groups learned and adapted to changing
 patterns of attack and counterattack.[36] For terrorists, it's a
 commission sales challenge: mount enough attacks and pretty soon one
 is successful. Spontaneous attacks might be possible, but mass
 casualty events -- required to draw worldwide public attention to the
 event -- must be planned and are unlikely to just be lucky breaks. By
 viewing filmed versions of how technologies are used to prevent
 crime, criminal agents can engage in social learning and devise more
 effective attack strategies. It is probably impossible to determine
 if this occurs or not.

 Consider the criminal use of a nuclear device (the topic of ~The Sum
 of All Fears~). If you have knowledge of the time and place of a
 deadly attack that can only be obtained through torture, how far are
 you willing to go to get that information? (This appears to be at
 least in part the question addressed in ~24~; by the fourth season of
 the series in 2005, a few years after the Abu Ghraib scandal, torture
 become a bi-directional feature of ~24~, practiced by good guys and
 bad guys alike.) Among the worst case scenarios are nuclear devices
 or, in the 'lite' version, radioactive dirty bombs. The French in
 Algeria went to great lengths in the early 1950s to end civilian
 bombings and other attacks by the National Liberation Front (FLN),
 including torture and execution by guillotine (both shown
 convincingly in ~The Battle of Algiers~). ~The Siege~ offered an even
 more straightforward view: society will strong arm suspects
 possessing deadly intent. Contemporary suicide bombers were once
 considered mad bombers, but contemporary profiling efforts consider
 them sane and generally rational.[37] Suicide bombings produce high
 casualty rates, and are poster children for the ticking bomb
 question. The largely unstated philosophical rationale of government
 officials is clear: harming one person who has knowledge of future
 lethal attacks in order to save many is justified. If 200 are at
 risk, one person with relevant information might easily be tortured
 or killed as a means toward preventive information extraction. Should
 this be measured in the number of lives saved or maimings prevented?
 How can you measure that if you never really know? It's hard to
 identify consequences of a future you have not seen.

 Go back to the London bomber quartet and the 9/11 hijacker duo, where
 CCTV technology systems were in use. In the case of the subway/bus
 bombers, their video at the Luton station was recorded at 7:22 am.
 Three bombs went off in the tubes one hour and forty minute later, at
 8:50 am, and one more in a bus about an hour after that. Could a SWAT
 team intercept them and disrupt their attack in an hour-and-a-half
 (or, two and a half hours for the bus attack)? In the other CCTV
 warning, Mohammad Atta is heading to the Bangor-to-Boston flight.
 The lead time for prevention was more favorable here. It's 5:45 am,
 three hours before the plane they piloted crashed into the World
 Trade Center at 8:46 am. Three full hours in which to mount a
 preventive operation. The problem was that no one was watching. There
 were no empaths clued into future terrorist attacks, no insightful
 technicians monitoring live-feed CCTV, no automated sniping system,
 no daring interpreters of intercepted data. The Pre-Crime Unit for
 anti-terrorism was incomplete. It only took one unpredicted murder
 attempt to disprove the worth of pre-crime interdiction units. How
 many does it take to discredit reliance on CCTV surveillance systems?

 Final resort: the technology of military control

 Despite these dreams of invincibility, terrorist acts do occur. And
 when they do, the U.S. policy response is usually retaliatory. We
 fire missiles, we destroy property, we invade countries. We shoot
 missiles in order to kill single individuals. Sometimes, we occupy
 space. Another information feed to the U.S. war on terror is explored
 in ~The Siege~ (1998), and it is interesting to recognize that ~The
 Siege~ was released in 1998, well in advance of 9/11, long before the
 torture chambers of Abu Ghraib, the USA PATRIOT Act, or the
 intelligence sharing problems identified after the 9/11 attacks. It
 represents another kind of surveillant assemblage.

 ~The Siege~ speculated on the existence of domestic sleeper cells of
 suicidal terrorists, presenting a spooky prophesy of the political
 and military approach to uncontrollable suicide terrorism possible in
 the U.S. The movie proposed U.S. willingness to intern large numbers
 of citizens selected using ethnic profiling as a counter-terrorism
 tool, and to use torture to extract information. It portrayed the FBI
 in competition with the CIA, which withheld information that would
 have helped the FBI's investigation. In this, the FBI and the
 military were also in conflict and, in a twisted way, the FBI, CIA,
 and army operated much like the independent sleeper cells they were
 seeking -- no agency knew what the others were doing. The CIA's chief
 undercover informant turns out to be a suicide bomber, in disguise as
 a moderate Muslim; the CIA was literally in bed with him.[38] At the
 most obvious level, the failure of data sharing between the FBI and
 the CIA -- a major plot device in ~The Siege~ -- anticipates the
 charges of intelligence failure generated by 9/11 post-mortem
 analyses. That the two agencies do not play well together is taken as
 standard now.

 A major technological referent in ~The Siege~ is the use of
 sophisticated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) (especially
 vehicle-borne (VB) IEDs) by the sleeper cell terrorist groups. This
 included a simulated bus attack with a paint explosion that
 anticipated the real thing; paint bombs were a dress rehearsal to
 suicide attacks on key governmental assets such as New York's FBI
 headquarters. The use of tactical, coordinated VBIED suicide attacks
 in Iraq would follow in six years, and if the Iraqi insurgent groups
 have not seen ~The Siege,~ be assured that many senior U.S.
 politico-military officials have.

 Through another lens, ~The Siege~ was a blueprint for a fascist
 future driven by a counter-terrorist infrastructure built to respond
 to terrorist acts. Its real-life predecessor was the Argentinean
 dirty war model, 1976-83: Buenos Aires, the Naval Mechanics School,
 the "disappeared," and torture, all borne of an Argentinean military
 tribunal's no-holds-barred war on Montonero terror. There were an
 estimated 30,000 civilian casualties.[39] [40] ~The Siege~ shows one
 form of social control a government might initiate in the midst of an
 uncontrollable outbreak of suicide bombings. The inability to stop
 the ultimate smart weapon of mass destruction, human suicide bombers,
 drives the transformation of Manhattan real estate into a prison
 camp. Unable to find a needle in a haystack, the tactical response is
 to incarcerate the haystack.

 Since at least 1999, national armies and police agencies have
 repeatedly practiced establishing ~The Siege~-style security
 environments at 'globalization' events -- meetings of the WTO, the
 G8, and others. Robert Warren writes about urban "pop-up armies"
 composed of combined law enforcement and military personnel engaged
 in security and suppression[41] -- they aim to protect members of the
 G8 or WTO at their regular meetings. Fortified zones of public
 defense surround meetings of international business and political
 leaders. The 'anarchists' and 'black block' play the same role they
 played in the late 19th century: even if you don't see them, they're
 there. Protesters are the attackers against which security forces are
 arrayed. Soldiers and police practice their maneuvers.
 Less-than-lethal weapons are used as much for efficiency in
 controlling or dispersing crowds as for the excuse to exercise the
 tactics of the police and military to coordinate control over urban

 ~The Siege~ had two other psychic linkages with the real war on
 terror since 2002: the direct torture of the interrogation room, as
 well as the unmoored terror of internment camps. Torture is a
 socio-technology that hones powers of prediction: apply pain, obtain
 plot details, the names of others, more arrests, more torture, until
 the plot is uncovered and stopped. Torture becomes a tool of
 prediction. Internment creates the specter of losing family members
 to profiling operations (e.g., pick-up Arab males between 18 and 28,
 and detain them; offer the possibility of physical torture.). This
 anticipated the Abu Ghraib scandal and current U.S. policies toward
 incarceration of enemy combatants and potential terrorists.

 The lesson is simple: the U.S. and other collaborating governments
 are fascinated with controlling actions and behavior by controlling
 space, and they've had plenty of practice. ~The Siege~ offers a
 blueprint for a lockdown on urban space and alternative visions of
 American civil liberties in the post 9/11 era. It was another
 information feed to the war on terror.


 Visual media mirror the approaches societies use to fight terrorism,
 but interpreting what we see in that mirror requires more of a
 through-the-looking-glass approach. Episodes from films can clearly
 foreshadow the performance of actual police intelligence systems.
 There might be a positive feedback loop in which cinema validates the
 performance of technology systems by showing their successes and
 failures. Was ~The Siege~ a direct descendant of the French-Algerian
 War or a prophesy of fighting a global insurgency in Iraq?

 Films such as ~The End of Violence~, ~The Conversation~, and
 ~Minority Report~ suggest we have only limited abilities to interpret
 information we intercept. Technologies give us a capacity for vast
 data collections (CCTV, wiretaps, crime reports, dialed number logs,
 incident characteristics, watch lists, etc.) but framing information
 into a preventive model is a much more challenging affair.
 Information and intelligence might remain unexamined, unanalyzed, or
 untranslated for hours, days, weeks, or months. As the analytical lag
 grows, crimes become harder to prevent. The time periods for windows
 of actions narrow, and prevention becomes increasingly difficult.
 Technology systems produce images that are fuzzy or unclear, audio
 that is garbled -- "what was that sound?...who's in that picture?"
 Video monitoring pictures terrorists before they strike, but images
 are so remote and unexamined before the crime that no predictive
 value is possible. How can we monitor in real time so many people
 from so many places?

 Alternatively, the information that is available might not be used or
 fully understood. We can misinterpret information as in ~The
 Conversation~. FBI informants can fail to recognize or fail to report
 they have rented rooms to future 9/11 perpetrators, or the wiretap
 information that the FBI collected on a terrorism suspect for years
 can, after all, be insufficient for conviction. Patterns of radical
 Islamists taking aviation lessons are missed or ignored.

 ~CSI~ offers an alternative information feed of infinite,
 technologically-enhanced justice: using the tools of forensic
 science, we will solve each crime so the guilty are brought to
 justice or the innocent exonerated. We will explain every crime, but
 we won't necessarily prevent them. In real life, some of the forensic
 evidence collected (fingerprints, DNA, images, ballistics, drugs,
 chemical compounds, bodily fluids) might take months to be tested,
 unlike ~CSI's~ mostly instantaneous turnaround of forensic analysis.
 These time delays allow other crimes to happen.

 And in the real-life time it actually takes to complete forensics
 tests, terrorist incidents do occur. As reactions to terrorist acts
 evolve, ~The Siege~ feeds the war on terror from one tactical
 technology to control urban space and use profiling to incarcerate
 many people under general suspicion of potential terrorist (or
 'insurgent') behavior (e.g., persons of interest, enemy combatants,
 or ethnic and religious groups). This model is practiced by countries
 hosting world organization meetings (sites of 'pop-up armies'), used
 by U.S. jurisdictions in major political gatherings such as the
 Republican National Convention (so called national security events),
 and most assuredly but less successfully applied to the ongoing Iraq

 Information feeds to the war on terror come from many sources. The
 failure of police and intelligence bureaus to share information in
 ways that can help prevent terrorist attacks is a central theme of
 ~The Siege~ as much as a well documented critique of failed data
 sharing between the FBI and the CIA, or lack of coordination among
 law enforcement agencies generally (e.g., the FBI, DEA, and local
 police). Abu Ghraib is both a reflection of where the incarcerated of
 ~The Siege~ were headed and the latest evolution of the war on
 terror: the ticking bomb and the threat of sudden randomized death
 must be stopped, and this will justify any technology or tactic to
 bring about the end of violence. We are perhaps being conditioned to
 accept torture and warrantless wiretapping as a means to
 anti-terrorism. In ~The Conversation~, Harry Caul's failure to
 correctly interpret the lovers' dialogue can be viewed in much the
 same way as the failure of U.S. attorneys, using extensive wiretap
 information, to obtain convictions against a Florida professor, under
 investigation since 1995, for various terrorism charges. The concept
 of Pre-Crime feeds current anti-terrorism policies. It also feeds us
 some of the informational, operational, technological, ethical, and
 philosophical quandaries of crime prevention.

 Information feeds to the war on terror show how media representations
 of surveillance assemblages create fear about the criminal acts they
 are meant to prevent, as well as fear surveillance tools will be used
 against people for lesser or no crimes. Deploying the tool creates
 fear because it implies a danger lurking in society, one to be
 guarded against. Technology is used to fight risk, and if it's risky
 we are probably afraid of it. It creates fear of the lurking danger.
 This ratchets up public fears of future crimes. Deployment also
 creates a fear that the tool could be turned around and used against
 any citizen for any reason. Almost anyone could be targeted by
 thermal imaging and located via a global positioning system providing
 data to a local geographical information system (e.g., utility
 customers). It could happen to anybody. We are afraid of
 indiscriminate use of the surveillant assemblange. The concluding
 scene of ~The Conversation~, in which Harry Caul sits in the rubble
 of his destroyed apartment (ruined during the unsuccesful search for
 a hidden eavesdropping bug) is eloquent cinematic imagery of our fear
 of surveillance.

 The overriding message of these information feeds to the war on
 terror is the final reality they represent: a failure to recognize
 that neither technologies, techniques, nor luck will protect us fully
 from the true believers. (Part of the question here is on what 'side'
 the true believer resides -- the zealous Army interrogator who uses
 torture and death or the suicide bomber?) Stopping plots is tough,
 especially since actionable prophecy is not the primary product of
 U.S. police agencies. By far, they react to crimes ~ex post~, and do
 not prevent many crimes ~ex ante~ -- an exception respectfully
 granted to ~The Minority Report~. Even basic crime stats in the U.S.
 -- Uniform Crime Reports -- are called "crimes known to the police,"
 as if there has to be a point at which the police are notified a
 crime has occurred for it to have actually occurred. It becomes worse
 when we consider issues linked to unreported crime and victimization
 reports. Prevention hovers in the background, rarely able to take
 center stage. Despite this, a model of perfect predictive action is
 the underlying objective of many of the world's counter-terrorism
 programs.[42] The data produced in this maelstrom of anti-terrorism
 meanwhile continue to accumulate. We are expected to believe that
 with the right technological tools, those data will tell us what will
 happen so we can stop it. But when we think we know what's happening,
 why are we so surprised when we find out it's wrong?


 [1] MATRIX was a data mining operation originally designed to select
 likely terrorists out of a batch of names, based on criminal records,
 residential locations, travel patterns, and purchase transactions,
 and other electronic data bases. It began with a dozen states in
 2002, crash dieted to four, than died after federal funding ended in
 2005. TIA never made it off the ground after widespread fears of
 domestic political abuse, and the role of former felon John
 Poindexter as its director. RISS is going strong, forming the core of
 several regional law enforcement information networks. The
 organization responsible for RISS is the Institute for
 Intergovernmental Research in Florida. TIPOFF is a terrorist watch
 list supposedly slated for merger with other watch lists maintained
 by a dozen federal agencies. AFIS is the automated fingerprint
 information system and VICAP is the violet criminal apprehension
 program, the FBI's software equivalent of Clarice Starling. For more
 on these contemporary tools of 21st century law enforcement, see:
 Bureau of Justice Assistance. _The RISS Program 2002_. Office of
 Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, June, 2003; General
 Accounting Office. _Terrorist Watch Lists Should be Consolidated to
 Promote Better Integration and Sharing_. United States General
 Accounting Office, GAO 03-322, Washington, D.C., April, 2003; William
 Krouse. "The Multi-state anti-terrorism information exchange (MATRIX)
 pilot project." _CRS Report for Congress_. Congressional Research
 Service. The Library of Congress. Order code RL32536, August 18,
 2004; and Gina Marie Stevens. "Privacy: total information awareness
 programs and related information access, collection, and protection
 laws." _CRS Report for Congress_. Congressional Research Service. The
 Library of Congress. Order code RL31798, March 21, 2003.

 [2] Richard Grusin. "Premediation," _Criticism_ 46 (1), Winter, 2004.
 pp. 17-39.

 [3] See National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United
 States. _The 9-11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National
 Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States_, New York:
 W.W. Norton & Co., 2004.

 [4] Kevin Haggerty and Richard Ericson. "The surveillant assemblage,"
 _British Journal of Sociology_ 51 (4), pp. 605-622.

 [5] J. Hoberman. "All as it had been: Hollywood revises history,
 joins the good fight." ~Village Voice~, December 5-11, 2001.

 [6] James Castonguay. "Conglomeration, new media, and the cultural
 production of the War on Terror," _Cinema Journal_ 43 (4), Summer
 2004, p. 102

 [7] This suggests ideas about the size of the information feed, the
 flow volume of the pipeline. How many people see these media
 representations of police technologies (e.g., how many viewers of
 ~The Minority Report~, ~The End of Violence~, ~The Conversation~)?
 How many weekly viewings are there of ~CSI~, a show that runs
 approximately 10 to 12 one-hour episodes per week in many U.S. cable
 systems? The answers are large, in the millions. That's a lot of
 potential influence.

 [8] Raymond Foster. _Police Technology_. New York: Prentice Hall,
 2005. pp. 287-327.

 [9] See Stephen Fay, who analyzes the behavior of those sitting in
 front of CCTV monitoring screens. Stephen J. Fay. "Tough on crime,
 tough on civil liberties: some negative aspects of Britain's
 wholesale adoption of CCTV surveillance during the 1990s,"
 _International Review of Law, Computers & Technology_ 12 (2), 1998.
 pp. 315-347.

 [10] The 2000 _Kyllo_ decision in the U.S. Supreme Court found that
 when technologies such as thermal imaging cameras -- used against
 Kyllo by local police to show heat loss from his house allegedly
 attributable to marijuana cultivation -- reveal intimate details,
 that makes it a search, which requires a warrant. Nobody obtained a
 warrant to use thermal imaging on the Kyllo house. Technologies that
 reveal intimate details are by definition searches, and for these
 technology scans to be legal, warrants must be obtained in the U.S.

 [11] In the post-2001 war on terror, this was the model behind the
 MATRIX system that was used by a number of states in the US, as well
 as the theory behind the Terrorist Information Awareness program.
 Various data bases could be mined for people that fit particular
 profiles believed to reflect terrorist behavior (Jeffrey W. Siefert.
 "Data mining: an overview," _CRS Report for Congress_. Congressional
 Research Service. The Library of Congress. Order code RL31798, May 3,
 2004; William Krouse. "The Multi-state anti-terrorism information
 exchange (MATRIX) pilot project." _CRS Report for Congress_.
 Congressional Research Service. The Library of Congress. Order code
 RL32536, August 18, 2004). The story of how a former drug
 courier-turned-DEA snitch designed the original template for the
 MATRIX program is detailed in Michael Shnayerson, "The Danger List."
 ~Vanity Fair~. December, 2004. pp. 232-246.

 [12] Kevin Haggerty and Richard Ericson. "The surveillant
 assemblage," _British Journal of Sociology_ 51 (4), p. 620.

 [13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_July_2005_London_bombings
 (accessed November 30, 2005)

 [14] Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau. _Privacy on the Line: The
 Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption_. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press,
 1998. p. 267.

 [15] www.worldpress.org/Europe/1684.cfm (accessed November 30, 2005)

 [16] Brandon Welsh and David Farrington find CCTV systems appear to
 reduce criminal activity in a limited number of places (e.g., parking
 garages). Brandon Welsh and David Farrington. "Effects of
 closed-circuit television on crime." _Annals of the American Academy
 of Political and Social Sciences_ 587. May, 2003. pp. 110-135.

 [17] House of Commons (UK). _Report of the Official Account of the
 Bombings in London on 7th July 2005_. HC 1087. London: The Stationary
 Office, May 11, 2006.

 [18] A passenger suspected to be a bomber (but later shown to be
 innocent of any wrongdoing) actually was killed by local police in
 the wake of the bombing investigation. It is unclear whether he was
 fleeing the police, or was mistakenly believed to be one of the
 suspects in the earlier failed bombing attempts on 7/21/05. The
 London police shot Jean Charles de Menezes, a Brazilian electrician,
 to death on 7/22/05, after Menezes was followed by the police into a
 subway train. The police fired 11 shots, striking Menezes in the head
 seven times and once in the shoulder. He was not a terrorist nor any
 kind of criminal. For further detail see
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Charles_de_Menezes, (accessed
 January 1, 2006).

 [19] adapted from Phillip K. Dick. "Minority Report," 1956. Online
 at: http://www.philipkdick.com/works_stories.html (accessed December
 22, 2005).

 [20] David Garland. _The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order
 in Contemporary Society_. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2001.
 p. 170.

 [21] Richard Grusin. "Premediation." _Criticism_ 46 (1). Winter,
 2004, p. 19

 [22] The film mostly focuses on the Pre-Crime Commander John
 Atherton's red ball for an inexplicable murder. Atherton tries to
 exonerate himself from a pre-crime indictment, and is ultimately
 placed in suspended animation (less-than-lethal) incarceration,
 before solving the case and exacting revenge. Interest here is on the
 Pre-Crime socio-technical systems.

 [23] Described by Richard Ericson and Kevin Haggerty in _Policing the
 Risk Society_. Toronto: University of Toronto Pres, 1997.

 [24] For a recent New York City conspiracy see: Craig Horowitz.
 "Anatomy of a foiled plot," ~New York Magazine~. December 6, 2004.
 Reprinted in James Elroy, ed. _The Best American Crime Writing~, New
 York: Harper, 2005. Available online at:
 http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/features/10559/ (Accessed
 November 23, 2005).

 [25] Michael Garcia. _Renditions: Constraints Imposed by Laws on
 Torture_. Congressional Research Service. Order code RL32890.
 September 22, 2005. Accessible online at:

 [26] European Parliament. _Report on the existence of a global system
 for the interception of private and commercial communications
 (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI))_. Final A5-0264/2001.
 July 11, 2001. Available online at: www.fas.org (Accessed November 3,

 [27] James Risen and Eric Lichtblau. "Bush lets U.S. spy on callers
 without courts." ~New York Times~. December 16, 2005. Available
 online at: www.nytimes.com (Accessed December 16, 2005); Morton
 Halperin. _A Legal Analysis of the NSA Warrantless Surveillance
 Program_. Center for American Progress, January 5, 2006. Available
 online at: http://www.americanprogress.org/site/ (Accessed January 9,

 [28] Phil Long and Martin Merzer. "Jury clears former Florida
 professor of terrorism-related charge." ~Miam Herald~. December 6,
 2005. Online at: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/13344097.htm
 (Accessed January 2, 2006).

 [29] This at least faintly resembles the 2004-06 private wiretapping
 case in Los Angeles, involving Anthony Pellicano, a private detective
 to the rich and powerful in the Hollywood region.

 [30] John Turner II. "Collapsing the interior/exterior distinction:
 surveillance, spectacle, and suspense in popular cinema." _Wide
 Angle_ 20(4), October, 1998. p. 109.

 [31] Eric Lipton. "U.S. report lists possibilities for terrorist
 attacks and likely toll." ~New York Times~, March 16, 2005. Online
 at: http://www.nytimes.com (accessed January 2, 2006).

 [32] Most of these disaster scenarios have a pre-existing array of
 mediated representations: ~Black Sunday's~ attack on the superbowl,
 or the subway hijacking in ~The Taking of Pelham One Two Three~, or
 the plague depicted in ~Outbreak~, or the bank customers turned to
 individual [suicide] bombers suggested by ~Swordfish~, or the
 nuclear terrorists depicted in ~Sum of All Fears~ and ~Peacemaker~
 are cinematic examples of terrorist attack scenarios.

 [33] Homeland Security Council. _Planning Scenarios Executive
 Summaries: Created for Use in National, Federal, State, and Local
 Homeland Security Preparedness Activities_. Report in partnership
 with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. July, 2004. Online at:
 (Accessed March 28, 2005).

 [34] As a result, there have been frequent attempts by U.S.
 administrative agencies to restrict the distribution of critical
 infrastructure information, as well as strategic and tactical
 analyses of terrorist operations.

 [35] Brian Jackson, J.C. Baker, K. Cragin, J. Parachini, H. Trujillo,
 and P. Chalk. _Aptitude for Destruction, Volume 1: Organization
 Learning in Terrorist Groups and its Implications for Combating
 Terrorism_. Report prepared for the National Institute of Justice.
 Santa Monica, CA. RAND CorporationBrian, 2005.

 [36] Brian Jackson, J.C. Baker, K. Cragin, J. Parachini, H. Trujillo,
 and P. Chalk. _Aptitude for Destruction, Volume 1: Organization
 Learning in Terrorist Groups and its Implications for Combating
 Terrorism_. Report prepared for the National Institute of Justice.
 Santa Monica, CA. RAND CorporationBrian, 2005.

 [37] Robert Pape. _Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide
 Terrorism_. New York: Random House, 2005; Scott Atran. "Genesis of
 suicide terrorism." _Science_ 299. March 7, 2003. pp. 1534-1539.

 [38] In 2000-01, two of the 9/11 hijackers rented rooms in the house
 of an FBI informant. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon
 the United States. _The 9-11 Commission Report: Final Report of the
 National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,
 Official Government Edition_. New York. W.W. Norton & Co, 2004. p.

 [39] Marguerite Feitlowitz. _A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the
 Legacies of Torture_. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

 [40] The U.S. military has long been involved in training and support
 of Latin American military officials who engage in state terrorism.
 See material on the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, GA, and
 its current form as The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security
 Cooperation (WHINSEC). The role of this U.S. military training school
 in Latin American affairs, including training for government troops
 in Columbia, South America, can be found at
 http://www.ciponline.org/facts/soa.htm (accessed November 5, 2005).

 [41] Robert Warren. "Situating the city and September 11th: military
 urban doctrine, 'pop-up' armies and spatial chess." _International
 Journal of Urban & Regional Research_ 26 (3). September, 2002. pp.

 [42] Yonah Alexander, ed. _Combatting Terrorism: Strategies of Ten
 Countries_. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2002.


 Alexander, Yonah, ed. _Combating Terrorism: Strategies of Ten
 Countries_. Ann Arbor, MI. University of Michigan Press, 2002.

 Atran, Scott. "Genesis of suicide terrorism," _Science_ 299:
 1534-1539. March 7, 2003.

 Bureau of Justice Assistance. _The RISS Program 2002_. Office of
 Justice Programs. U.S. Department of Justice. June, 2003.

 Castonguay, James. "Conglomeration, new media, and the cultural
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 Samuel Nunn is a professor of criminal justice in the School of
 Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University Purdue
 University, Indianapolis, and the criminal justice research director
 for the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment. His research
 focuses on criminal justice technologies and their impacts.


 * CTHEORY is an international peer-reviewed journal of theory,
 * technology and culture. Articles, interviews, and key book
 * reviews in contemporary discourse are published weekly as
 * well as theorisations of major "event-scenes" in the
 * mediascape.
 * Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
 * Editorial Board: Jean Baudrillard (Paris), Paul Virilio (Paris),
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