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MUSEUMS-INFO  November 2005

MUSEUMS-INFO November 2005


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Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Amgueddfeydd 27


"Whittaker, Carol (CyMAL - Aberystwyth)" <[log in to unmask]>


Museums Current Awareness Bulletin <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 9 Nov 2005 10:35:02 -0000





text/plain (707 lines)

CyMAL: Amgueddfeydd Archifau a Llyfrgelloedd Cymru

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Amgueddfeydd 27

Yn dilyn y rhifyn yma, bydd Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth CyMAL yn cael ei ddanfon
trwy restr dosbarthu JISC i hwyluso pethau. Er mwyn derbyn y rhifyn nesaf  a
wnewch chi ddilyn y linc yma: 

Mae MUSEUMS-INFO yn cynnwys cyfleuster trafod.  Os oes gennych unrhyw
gwestiwn i danysgrifwyr eraill, a wnewch chi gysylltu amgueddfeydd eraill a
gweithwyr amgueddfeydd o amgylch Cymry (a thu hwnt) gan anfon gwestiynau,
atebion, gwybodaeth a newyddion i [log in to unmask]

Diolch i bawb sydd wedi danfon unrhyw wybodaeth i'r bwletin yma.

1.	CyMAL 

1.1 Grantiau - cais hydrefol
Mae CyMAL wedi hysbysu amgueddfeydd ynglyn â phenderfyniadau grantiau
2005-06.  Cysylltwch â ni os am drafod ymhellach.

Peidiwch ag anghofio i gysylltu â ni os ydych yn anhebygol i wario unrhyw
arian grant a ddyranwyd i chi yn ystod y flwyddyn, hyd yn oed symiau bach.
Cysylltwch â [log in to unmask]

1.2 Cyflwyniad i Fentora
Dydd Mawrth 22 Tachwedd 2005 a Dydd Mawrth 10 Ionawr 2006
Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos-on-Sea
Nod y cwrs deuddydd hwn yw rhoi cefndir mentora i gyfranogwyr a'r fframwaith
sylfaenol ar gyfer mentora yn yr hirdymor a'r byrdymor. Ffocws y cwrs yw
galluogi cyfranogwyr i ddatblygu'n effeithiol fel mentorwyr yng nghyd-destun
cynlluniau datblygu proffesiynol y sectorau. Er bod y cwrs yn canolbwyntio'n
bennaf ar y Cynllun Mentora CILIP newydd bydd y cwrs o fantais i unigolion
sy'n ystyried mentora gyda Chynllun Cymdeithas yr Amgueddfeydd neu sydd am
gyflwyno mentora yn eu gweithle. Bydd rhaid I fynychwyr ddod i Ran 1 a 2 o'r
cwrs er mwyn cwblhau anghenion hyfforddi  Cynllun CILIP.

Ceir mwy o wybodaeth yn http://www.cymal.cymru.gov.uk/event/mentoringnw.html
; er mwyn cadw lle
ewch i http://www.cymal.cymru.gov.uk/event/bookingform-cy.html neu
cysylltwch â Richard Davies yn mailto:[log in to unmask] neu
(01970) 610230.

1.3 Gweithdai Archwilio Anabledd
Dydd Mawrth 22 Tachwedd 2005 yn Llyfrgell Tredegar Newydd/Canolfan White
Rose, Elliotstown, Tredegar Newydd 
Dydd Mawrth 29 Tachwedd 2005 yng Nghastell Bodelwyddan, Bodelwyddan, y Rhyl

Cynllunnir y Gweithdai Archwilio Anabledd ar gyfer staff o wasanaethau
amgueddfeydd, archifau a llyfrgelloedd Cymru sy'n meddwl am ddefnyddio'r
broses archwilio i helpu i wneud eu gwasanaethau'n hygyrch a chynhwysol i
bobl anabl.
Yn ystod y gweithdy bydd cynrychiolwyr:

*	Yn nodi'r rhesymau am gynnal archwiliad anabledd 
*	Yn sefydlu beth ddylai archwiliad effeithiol ei gynnwys
*	Yn clywed astudiaeth achos o archwiliad a gwblhawyd gan amgueddfa
neu archif 
*	Yn ystyried pwy ddylai gynnal archwiliad 
*	Yn ystyried comisiynu archwiliad 
*	     Yn cael cyngor ar ariannu archwiliad

Pymtheg lle sydd ym mhob gweithdy - felly archebwch yn gynnar i osgoi cael
eich siomi.  Rhaid derbyn pob archeb erbyn dydd Llun 14 Tachwedd.
ttp://www.cymal.cymru.gov.uk/event/bookingform-cy.html  Os bydd angen
gwybodaeth bellach arnoch cysylltwch os gwelwch yn dda â Christine Taylor ar
y ffôn (01970 610231) neu drwy e-bost: ([log in to unmask]).

1.4 Cymdeithas Amgueddfeydd - Adborth o'r Gynhadledd
Beyond the Bucket and Spade: cultivating Cornish Tourism. It was interesting
to learn how a new team of people had attempted to turn round the fortunes
of Penwith and how success had caused some conflict with the local
population. Rural counties with poor economies definitely need cultural
tourism to provide a boost. In Cornwall the intervention of the Tate meant
that the museums and arts of that entire district benefited. Penlee House in
Penzance was a struggling local authority museum but now, with the support
of the Tate and the council's change of policy on heritage, a new art
gallery with quality special exhibitions has been created and the visitor
figures have doubled. Now there's a case to prove that partnership working
can be truly beneficial. 

1.5 Cyfarfod Cyntaf
Rhwydwaith Annog Addysg Cymru - Rhybudd Cynnar
Cynhelir cyfarfod cyntaf rhwydwaith Annog Addysg Cymru ar 8 Rhagfyr yn
swyddfeydd y WDA, Ladywell House, Y Drenewydd, Powys SY16 1JB.

Os nad ydych yn aelod o'r Rhwydwaith ar hyn o bryd, ond eich bod am
fynychu'r cyfarfod, cysylltwch â Christine Taylor
[[log in to unmask] (01970) 610231] i gael ffurflen

Thema: Creu Cysylltiadau: y gorffennol, y presennol a'r dyfodol...
Saturday 29 April to Sunday 4 June 2006
For the latest news see September MGM2006 News.
For new case studies go to Case Studies
For list of 2006/7 Anniversaries go to Special Dates
Museums and Galleries Month Homepage: http://www.mgm.org.uk/
Bydd prosiectau, digwyddiadau a gweithgareddau Mis Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau
dal  yn gymwys ar gyfer grantiau CyMAL.  Dechreuwch gynllunio nawr er mwyn
danfon ceisiadau yn Ionawr 2006.

1.7 Newyddion
Wedi cael grant, aelod newydd o staff, arddangosfa newydd neu syniad da
Mae CyMAL wastad â diddordeb i dderbyn newyddion o amgueddfeydd ar draws
Cymru i'w gynnwys yn y bwletin yma, yn ein cyfnodolyn neu ar gyfer hyrwyddo
ehangach.  Anfonwch neu e-bostiwch eich storiau (tua 100 o eiriau) gyda
lluniau os yn bosib i [log in to unmask]


2.1 Dros £230,000 wedi'u neilltuo ar gyfer adeiladau hanesyddol Cymru
Mae'r Gweinidog Diwylliant, Alun Pugh, wedi cyhoeddi y bydd dros £233,000 yn
cael eu rhannu rhwng pedwar ar ddeg o adeiladau hanesyddol pwysicaf Cymru.
Cynigiodd Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru y grantiau, sy'n amrywio o £1,050 i
£51,000, i gyflawni gwaith atgyweirio ac adnewyddu hanfodol ar yr adeiladau
hyn ledled Cymru. 
Ymhlith y prosiectau sy'n manteisio ar yr arian hwn y mae Amgueddfa
Pont-y-pwl. Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Amgueddfeydd Tor-faen yn adnewyddu'r adeilad
clasurol hwn o'r 19eg ganrif fel cyfleuster cymunedol sy'n gartref i
amgueddfa ac oriel celf, a chynigiwyd £51,000 i atgyweirio wyneb allanol
hanesyddol yr adeilad.

2.2 Cofnod y Trafodion - http://tinyurl.com/ddzkh
Cwestiynau i'r Gweinidog Cyllid - Portffolio Diwylliant, y Gymraeg a
C1 Owen John Thomas: Pa gynlluniau sydd gan y Gweinidog i gynyddu cyllideb
gyffredinol portffolio diwylliant, y Gymraeg a chwaraeon? OAQ0305(FIN)
Eleanor Burnham: A gredwch ei bod yn briodol i Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau
Cenedlaethol Cymru wario'r arian a ddyrannwyd iddo ar ail-frandio, ac a
gredwch ei bod yn dderbyniol colli enw brand
'Cymru' o'i deitl?


3.1 David Lammy, Minister for Culture, keynote address to Museums
Association Conference 
I am delighted to be here today and it is a great privilege to be Minister
for Culture at a time in which Britain's creativity and cultural heritage is
thriving. Since taking up post in May I have been struck by the range and
quality of museums' contributions to so many aspects of life in this
country. ...... 

3.2 'Don't Buy Looted Goods By Accident' David Lammy Tells Heritage Bodies
Museums, libraries and archives must work to ensure that they do not
accidentally acquire material that has been stolen or looted, Culture
Minister David Lammy said today.
New Guidelines published today by the DCMS, urge cultural institutions to:
*	ask for evidence, or provenance, of the object's history before
acquiring it; 
*	refuse to accept anything when there are doubts about its origins;
*	seek expert advice when they are unsure of how to progress.
*	3.3 David Lammy's speech, "Where now for black & minority ethnic
heritage?" hosted by the Heritage Lottery Fund at the British Museum. 
*	3.4 Appointment To The New Post Of Head Of The National Historic
Ships Unit
*	DCMS and the National Maritime Museum are very pleased to announce
the appointment of Martyn Heighton to lead the National Historic Ships Unit
as Head of Secretariat to the newly-created Historic Ships Advisory
*	4.1 The AGM of the Federation of Museums and Galleries of Wales will
be held on Wednesday 30th November 2005 at Wrexham Museum from 11-3.30.
Full details and voting papers have been sent out to all paid up members.
If you have not received your papers or are not a member but would like to
join and attend the AGM please contact Rachael Rogers, Secretary on
[log in to unmask] to request information.  (NB: Nominations
for committee must be sent to the secretary by 15th November 2005)
*	Information about parking and train links can be found at:
*	4.2 At the Museums Association AGM on 26th October 2005 Rachael
Rogers, Curator of Abergavenny Museum was officially elected to MA Council
as National Professional Councillor in Wales for a period of 3 years.  This
post was previously held by Kevin Mason, Director of Bodelwyddan Castle
Trust.   The first meeting Rachael will attend will be on 17th November
*	Rachael's aim is to raise the profile of Welsh museums, whilst
acting as a voice for museum professionals in Wales.  Naturally she can only
do this if she is aware what you want. This is therefore a request to you
all to get in touch with Rachael at any time to make comments and raise
concerns.  She will then do her best to bring them up as appropriate.  
*	Rachael can be contacted via email
[log in to unmask]  Following the first meeting she will
let you know the date of further meetings and any relevant agenda items that
you may want to comment on.
*	4.3 'What's in Store'
*	Phil Parkes, Consultant for 'What's in Store' is trying to find out
what databases museums in Wales are using to catalogue their collections. He
would be very grateful if you could let him know at [log in to unmask]
what system you are using. At this stage he does not require any detailed
*	We asked three members of the MA for their personal view of this
year's conference, updating their thoughts on each day through an online
diary. Not always in agreement, but always interesting, here's what they
thought...  http://www.museumsassociation.org/11608&_IXSESSION_=aFkhBghE69s
*	6.1 English Heritage - Free Publications: http://tinyurl.com/7p5r9
*	Easy Access To Historic Landscapes 
*	The United Kingdom's historic parks, gardens and landscapes are
valued for their beauty, diversity and historical significance. Millions of
people visit them every year but many others feel unwelcome and unable to
enjoy these special places. Improving... 
*	Access Audits for Places of Worship- an Introduction 
*	Easy Access to Historic Properties 
*	Access Audits for Places of Worship- Detailed Guidance 
*	Easy Access to Historic Buildings

6.2 By All Reasonable Means: Inclusive access to the outdoors for disabled
The Countryside Agency has produced a framework for good practice in working
with disabled people to improve and increase their access to the outdoors.
It aims to provide clear and detailed advice for countryside managers on how
to improve access opportunities for disabled people. The document guides
land managers, land owners and others, through a process for working more
closely with disabled people - actively including disabled people in these
In the wake of the enactment of a major new piece of disability legislation,
the guide is seen as a 'live document'. It will be updated in the light of
experience and statutory developments, especially those relating to the
Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA 2005).

6.3 Herian - Develop Your Local Heritage 
Are you seeking to realise the potential of the heritage on your doorstep?
Do you have a heritage project that you want to develop?
Herian is a company representing a multi-sectoral partnership of South Wales
local authorities, national statutory bodies and voluntary and private
organizations. It aims to aid regeneration of industrial South Wales through
the promotion of heritage tourism. In particular it seeks to facilitate
measures that will provide coherent and easily accessible information for
visitors and engage local people in projects to improve the heritage
'product' on the ground.
During November 2005, we are holding a series of short meetings across South
Wales. We will tell you more about the work of HERIAN in your region, and
give you an opportunity to "feed in" to the area plans for developing
heritage locally.
In addition, we will be looking to assist ten projects to develop. Come
along and tell us why your project should be the one of the ten which
receives help and support over the next six months. 

6.4 DYSG
Cenhadaeth Dysg yw gwella ansawdd addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-14. Byddwn yn
gwneud hyn drwy gyfrwng ymchwil sy'n sail i'n polisi a'n hymarfer, drwy
helpu i lunio ac esbonio polisi addysg, a thrwy ddarparu rhaglenni gwella a
chefnogi i gyrff sy'n darparu addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-14. Dysg yw adain
weithredol yr Asiantaeth Dysgu a Datblygu Sgiliau (LSDA) yng Nghymru.
*	Mae Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) 
	wedi cyhoeddi ei flaenoriaethau allweddol ar gyfer datblygu gweithlu
dysgu Cymru: LLUK yw'r Cyngor Sgiliau Sector sy'n gyfrifol am ddysgu gydol
oes - yn cynnwys cynllunio gweithlu ac arwain datblygiad proffesiynol yn ei
bum etholaeth: canolfannau cymunedol, colegau, llyfrgelloedd, y gweithle a
	O Newyddlen Dysg Cymru, Hydref 2005:
*	Prosiect Dysg cyflawn yn cael ei arloesi yng Nghymru 
	Mae cynlluniau I drawsnewid darpariaeth addysg a hyfforddiant ar
draws Cymru dros yr ugain mlynedd nesaf ac yn y dyfodol ar y gweill mewn
chwe ardal yng Nghymru. Mae'r ardaloedd hyn, a elwir yn Gynlluniau Braenaru,
yn edrych ar y ffordd y gall cyfnod newydd o ddysgu gynnig llawer mwy o
ddewis a chyfleoedd a phrofiadau dysgu o ansawdd gwell i bobl ifanc ac i
	O Newyddlen Dysg Cymru, Hydref 2005:
*	Hanes yn eich Dwylo
	Dychmygwch ymweld â thref hanesyddol, ac wrth i chi fynd heibio i
bob adeilad mae eich tywysydd yn dangos lluniau i chi o'r adeilad trwy'r
oesoedd.  Gallwch glywed straeon gwerin a hanes lleol, a darganfod beth
ddigwyddodd i'r teuluoedd a fu'n byw yno.  Dim ond gan faint o amser sydd
gennych y mae eich taith wedi ei chyfyngu - oherwydd cyfrifiadur bach a
ddelir yn y llaw yw eich tywysydd
	O Newyddlen Dysg Cymru, Hydref 2005:

6.5 Group For Education In Museums 
You may be aware that new legislation has been proposed to ban the use and 
possession of replica weapons. Whilst targetted at their use in criminal 
acts, the law could have the unfortunate side effect of making historical 
re-enactments with replica weapons illegal. There are already proposed 
exemptions for use by museums and by actors. Re-enactors are calling for a 
specific exemption to include people who make, possess and use replica 
weapons for historical re-enactments. The bill goes to committee in Mid 
November, so re-enactors are asking for our support now to ensure that this 
exemption is included. Contact details:  http://www.gem.org.uk/
*	Violent Crime Reduction Bill 
	This is the text of the Violent Crime Reduction Bill, as introduced
in the House of Commons on 8th June 2005.
	Imitation firearms:
	30 Manufacture, import and sale of realistic imitation firearms
	31 Specification for imitation firearms
	32 Supplying imitation firearms to minors
	33 Increase of maximum sentence for possessing an imitation firearm


7.1 National Inventory Research Project - First National Seminar
University of Glasgow, Monday, 28 November 2005 at 2pm.
Knowing what is in a collection is essential to maximising its benefits to
audiences. The National Inventory Research Project is a unique national
initiative helping museums add value to their collections by offering
specialist expertise to create authoritative records. The Project's current
priority is to research and catalogue 7,000 non-British Continental oil
paintings dating between 1200 and 1900 in 200 U.K. public collections.
The seminar will offer a range of brief papers by project staff, researchers
and curators about the aims and methodology of the project, revealing new
research findings and concrete examples of curatorial benefits, and
discussing the wider contexts of the project. 
For full details and to reserve a place please contact the Project Director,
Andrew Greg, [log in to unmask] Tel: (Mon, Thurs ) 0141 330 8519,
(other days) 0141 423 7081 or the Administrative Assistant, Clare Hewitt,
[log in to unmask]

7.2 Oral History, Copyright and the Web 
Oral History Society workshop organised in conjunction with the British
Library Sound Archive. 
26 November British Library, Cost: £15-£20 
 Booking: Belinda Waterman, Department of History, University of Essex
[log in to unmask]  www.ohs.org.uk/conferences/2005/index

7.3 Collect and Share Seminar 
National Museum and Galleries of Wales, Cardiff, Tuesday 13th December 2005
engage Cymru in partnership with NIACE Dysgu Cymru are delighted to announce
that we will be holding a FREE seminar on lifelong learning in galleries and
art museums. Collect & Share is a project about lifelong learning in Europe.
Its main focus is on projects relating to art galleries or museums, or
involving artists (visual artists or others). Its aim is to promote good
practice in learning and education for adults (age 16 or over) in or with
museums, galleries, visual arts venues and practitioners. Spaces are limited
to 12 only, so please register your interest as soon as possible. This is a
FREE event - but in order to attend you MUST have a case study to bring
along with you, on disc or hard copy.
To register your interest please contact Emma Boyd at engage on 0207 244
0110 or email [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> you will
then be contacted in due course with more information and to confirm your
attendance. If you have any queries or would like more information about the
event please contact Shaun Featherstone, engage Cymru co-ordinator on 029
2075 6767 or email [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 

7.4 Artistic licence - Working with artists in museums and galleries 
9 December 2005, London 
Working with artists, musicians and writers are an exciting and imaginative
way to enliven a museum or gallery space and bring fresh perspectives to a
museum or gallery and to their educational role. This event is a practical
introduction to working with artists, and will help participants gain a
greater understanding of using artists to interpret collections, create
innovative artist-led education programmes, and will give useful tips on how
to source, pay and train artists appropriately. 
To book go to : www.museumsassociation.org/ma/11583

7.5 The grand tour - Creating effective touring exhibitions
5 December 2005, London
Touring exhibitions are an excellent way to bring objects and stories to a
wider audience, with the advantages of pooling resources and sharing risk.
This conference looks at different ways of producing and funding touring
exhibitions and how to overcome the design challenges they raise. It
investigates touring exhibitions to non-traditional venues such as schools
libraries and shops and the educational and outreach benefits they bring. 
To book go to : www.museumsassociation.org/ma/11537

7.6 Beyond the Palaces: Sustaining the Future of Heritage Organisations
Michael Day, Chief Executive, Historic Royal Palaces
The free lecture is on 14th November at 6.00 pm at The Chadwick Lecture
Theatre, Chadwick Building, University College London, Gower Street, London,
WC1E 6BT. 

7.7 CPD+ learning set/ support group. 
Please contact Heather Perry, Caerphilly Museums: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 01443 822666.

8. MDA
Making your Mark - New Training Film from MDA
The labelling and marking of museum objects is the essential first step in
ensuring that they are managed effectively. Museum professionals need to
know how to mark the objects in their care in a way that is non-destructive
and reversible.
To address the need for a clear demonstration of current best practice in
this important area, MDA has produced Making your Mark, a new short training
film which outlines the fundamental principles of good labelling and
marking, and provides clear, close-up demonstrations of techniques for
different kinds of objects.
The video will be shown as part of all MDA training courses. It available
for £27.50 to MDA members or £37.00 to non-members. If you would like to
order your copy see http://www.mda.org.uk/texts.htm
MDA also publishes a fact sheet on Labelling and Marking, which you can
download free of charge. http://www.mda.org.uk/labels.htm


9.1 Digital Curation
'New ISO standard will ensure long life for PDF documents: 'ISO 19005,
Document management - Electronic document file format for long-term
preservation - Part 1, Use of PDF 1.4 (PDF/A-1)', enables organizations to
archive documents electronically in a way that will ensure the preservation
of content and visual appearance over an extended period of time. It also
allows documents to be retrieved and rendered with a consistent and
predictable result in the future, independent of the tools and systems used
for creating, storing and rendering the files.'
sourced from the Digital Curation Centre website at http://www.dcc.ac.uk/

9.2 Important change to hazard classification in Europe:
A number of hydrocarbon solvents that may be used in conservation
treatments, that were previously classified as "Harmful" have been
reclassified as "Toxic" and/or Carcinogenic" in the EC.  In brief, they are:
Stoddard Solvent (British Standard white spirit, type A, BS 245, 1976) CAS
Registry number 8052 41 3		EC EINICS # 232 489 3 
Petroleum purum...	CAS number 64742 82 1		EC# 265 185 4
Petroleum puriss..	CAS number 8032 32 4  		EC# 232 453 7 
White spirit Type 1... CAS number 64742 82 1		EC# 265 185 4
White spirit Type 2...	CAS number 64741 92 0		EC# 265 095 5	
White spirit Type 3...	CAS number 64742 48 9		EC# 265 150 3

The hazard data information supplied by chemical companies may be out of
date. Conservators using hydrocarbon products are advised to check  the CAS
or EC numbers of the products to check if they correspond to these types. 

There should not be the same level of concern about household grade white
spirits; a leading manufacturer has confirmed that they have changed their
formulation so that existing hazard warnings apply.
To read full text go to:
To carry out a  COSHH assessment online, go to:
For information on CAS Registry: http://www.cas.org/EO/regsys.html
For information on EC # http://ecb.jrc.it/esis/esis.php
Finally if you do not have the safety data sheets for a chemical, try:

10.1 Siarad Siop
Dyma'n cylchlythyr misol ni sy'n ceisio rhoi'r help, y cyngor a'r wybodaeth
sydd eu hangen arnoch chi, y diwydiant, er mwyn eich helpu chi i oroesi a
ffynnu yn y diwydiant fel ag y mae heddiw. Mae Siarad Siop yn cael ei anfon
i tua 6000 o fusnesau ledled Cymru.

10.2 Cynhadledd Cynghrair Twristiaeth Cymru 2005
Costau uwch; cyfleusterau cyhoeddus; prinder sgiliau; cyfraddau busnes;
graddio; polisi dim ysmygu; grantiau busnes a marchnata Cymru fydd ar ben yr
agenda wrth gynnal pedwaredd gynhadledd flynyddol Cynghrair Twristiaeth
Cymru eleni yng Ngwesty'r Metropole, Llandrindod, ar y 6ed a 7fed Tachwedd


11.1 Adroddiad Blynyddol AOCC yn Edrych tua'r Dyfodol
Mae Amgueddfeydd ac Orielau Cenedlaethol Cymru (AOCC) wedi cyhoeddi'i
adroddiad blynyddol am y cyfnod rhwng 1 Ebrill 2004 - 31 Mawrth 2005.
O fis Tachwedd ymlaen, bydd AOCC yn newd ei enw i Amgueddfa Cymru. Bydd rhai
o'r amgueddfeydd dan ei ofal hefyd yn newid eu henwau. O hyn ymlaen, dyma
fydd enwau swyddogol yr amgueddfeydd cenedlaethol, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol
Caerdydd, Sain Ffagan Amgueddfa Werin Cymru, Amgueddfa Lleng Rufeinig Cymru,
Caerllion, Big Pit Amgueddfa Lofaol Cymru, Blaenafon, Amgueddfa Lechi Cymru,
Llanberis, Amgueddfa Wlân Cymru, Dre-fach Felindre ac Amgueddfa Genedlaethol
y Glannau, Abertawe.

11.2 Hwyl hanner tymor
Os ydy teithio nol mewn amser yn apelio atoch, yna dewch i ymweld ag Oriel
Ddarganfod Glanely yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Caerdydd yn ystod mis Tachwedd.


	12.1 Swyddog Grantiau - Amrediad y Cyflog £18,522 - £22,515
	Dyddiau cau 17 Tachwedd 2005.
	Mae Cronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri yn dosbarthu cyfran dreftadaeth o'r
elw a godwyd gan y Loteri Genedlaethol.Yr rydym yn dosbarthu tua £330 miliwn
bob blwyddyn i brosiectau amrywiol ac arddechog - yn gryno, popeth sydd wedi
bod o bwys wrth ffurfio cymeriad ac hunaniaeth pawb yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Yr
ydym, ar hyn o bryd, yn recriwtio am ddau Swyddog Grantiau, llawn amser
(Lleolir yng Nghaerdydd).
	I gael mwy o wybodaeth ac ymgeisio am y swydd hon,ymwelwch â'n
gwefan: www.hlf.org.uk  neu ffoniwch: 020 7649 6037. Defnyddwyr Minicom: 020
7406 5790. (Mae dulliau gwahanol ar gael wrth ofyn amdanynt).

	12.2 Lottery Bill
	Heritage Link is concerned that the proposed changes in the way
Lottery money is distributed could affect the Heritage Lottery Fund more
significantly than other distributors due to the long term and often phased
nature of the capital projects it supports. The briefing note recommended
that the implications of Clauses 8 and 9 but particularly Clause 8 are very
carefully scrutinised bearing in mind that their impact will vary from one
distributor to another. For the full Briefing Note see the Heritage Link
website www.heritagelink.org.uk <http://www.heritagelink.org.uk> under
News/For the Record. 


13.1 English Heritage Calls for UK-Wide Approach to Heritage Research
Research Strategy 2005 
Research into understanding England's historic environment - its condition,
threats and value - will benefit from a more coordinated approach with the
other devolved home countries, according to English Heritage.
We need your views on the issues discussed in this document. We also want
your views on our proposal to help create a UK-wide strategy for research on
the historic environment. 
Please forward your views in writing to Research Strategy Feedback:
c/o James Stevens, Conservation Department, English Heritage, 23 Savile Row
London, W1S 2ET Telephone: 020 7973 3212, Fax: 020 7973 3249
Email: [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

13.2 UK Historic Environment Research Group (UKHERG)
What is UKHERG? The Power of Place and Force for Our Future (Dec 2001)
identified the need for a co-ordinated approach to research into the
historic environment. ... many strategic research needs and issues are
common to the whole of the UK and valuable work is being done on the
situation in other countries, and UK wide, which needs to be fed in to the
In 2002 the UK Historic Environment Research Group (UKHERG) was set up. The
aim of the group is to co-ordinate socio-economic research across the sector
and to share knowledge and practice.
It is intended that any relevant research identified by members can be
shared through an email bulletin which Ian Baxter at the Heritage Futures
Network, Glasgow Caledonian University is co-ordinating. To join the email
forum send an email to: [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with details of your name, position
and email address. Alternatively, visit: <http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/ukherg> 
For general enquiries about UKHERG, contact Gail Fawcett at [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 

13.3 Treth: Achub lluniau i'r cyhoedd 
Mae 10 o luniau casgliad Castell y Penrhyn wedi eu cadw ar gyfer y cyhoedd.
Cafodd y gweithiau eu cadw i'r cyhoedd er mwyn arbed talu treth etifeddiaeth
gweth £3,083,349. 
Ymhlith y lluniau mae un o gyfnod y Dadeni gan Palma Vecchio, artsit o
Fenis, a'r unig enghraifft o waith Willem van der Velde o'r Iseldiroedd sydd
yng Nghymru. 
Bydd y lluniau'n dal i gael eu harddangos yng Nghastell Penrhyn sydd yn
nwylo'r Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

13.4 Project Amgueddfa Caerdydd - Cylchlythyr - Hydref 2005
Mae hwn yn amser allweddol ar gyfer y Project Amgueddfa. Mae cynnig ariannol
wedi cael ei gyflwyno i Gyngor Caerdydd, ynghyd â chynlluniau ar gyfer
parhau â datblygiad amgueddfa ar gyfer Caerdydd. Mae'n flwyddyn gyllideb
anodd arall i'r Cyngor, felly nid oes unrhyw sicrwydd, ond maent yn
frwdfrydig. Os na fydd y cynnig hwn yn llwyddiannus, yna ein nod yw ceisio
am arian gan y Loteri Treftadaeth yn 2006, I ddarparu gweddill y nawdd
cyfalaf. Yn y cyfamser, mae digon yn mynd ymlaen wrth i ni barhau I gefnogi
dathliadau canmlwyddiant 2005. Mae'r holl weithgareddau isod yn cael eu
cynnal yn yr Hen Lyfrgell,Yr Ais, Caerdydd.
.Arddangosfa Canrif Caerdydd - 100 Mlynedd ym Mywyd y Ddinas
Rhyfel Caerdydd: 1939-1945 gyda Eu Gorffennol, Eich Dyfodol

Cylchlythyr llawn ar gael o: Anna Smith, Swyddog Project yr Amgueddfa, Yr
Hen Lyfrgell, Working Street, CF10 1WE Ffôn: 029 20 353266 Ffacs: 029 20
353273 e-bost: [log in to unmask]

13.5 Gwyl Peter Warlock Festival, Montgomery 16, 17 and 18 Rhagfyr 2005 
Montgomery Civic Society and Old Bell Museum are hosting a festival to mark
the 75th anniversary of the death of the composer Peter Warlock who wrote
some of the finest British music of the 20th century whilst living near
Montgomery at Cefnbryntalch.  A prestigious programme of lectures, workshops
and concerts will be held in Montgomery's historic buildings which Warlock
would have known. The young tenor, Andrew Kennedy, the winner of the Cardiff
Singer of the World Award 2005 will be performing at the Saturday evening
recital in the church and Professor Bernard Knight, the retired home office
pathologist and crime writer will be re-examining the evidence surrounding
the death of Warlock.   There will be an exhibition in the Old Bell Museum
portraying the background to Warlock's music written in Wales.
A full programme of events can be found on the Old Bell Website:
 www.oldbellmuseum.org.uk <http://www.oldbellmuseum.co.uk>

13.6 Loan of the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus from the British Museum
The Egypt Centre is pleased to announce the loan of perhaps the most
important Egyptian mathematical papyrus - The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus
(BM10058) from the British Museum. The loan was made possible through the
generous support of various Swansea University academic departments, but
particularly the Department of Mathematics and School of Engineering. It is
intended to enhance and publicize the Centre's existing innovative schools'
mathematics workshops through the loan of this artefact. We also have a week
of special half term mathematics activities booked for the week of the 26th
of May 2006 for any interested children.

13.7 Trails: England Expects - On The Trail Of Admiral Lord Nelson
As well as the events being staged for Trafalgar 200, there are many museums
and locations across the UK where Nelson's deeds are remembered.
Monmouth, on the Welsh border, may not be on the coast but thanks to a
bequest from Lady Llangattock the Nelson Museum and Local History Centre was
founded there in 1924. It includes a large collection of his letters, his
fighting sword and, intriguingly, a forgery of his glass eye.

13.8 National buried treasures revealed!
More than 67,000 archaeological items and 427 pieces of treasure have been
discovered by members of the public over the past year. The details of the
finds are revealed today in two new reports launched by the Portable
Antiquities Scheme (PAS) and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport


14.1 Collections Development Strategy Consultation: November discussion
October 25, 2005
Many thanks to everyone who returned the consultation questionnaire
distributed to members and other stakeholders in September, seeking
confirmation and endorsement of key areas for development in the forthcoming
Collections Development Strategy for Scotland's Museums. Over 20 responses
were received and the information supplied is being collated and analysed
with a view to informing focus and questions for the main consultation
events being held in November.

14.2 'Museums, Galleries and Digitisation'
New research from SMC has identified a simple checklist that museums and
galleries can use to ensure that their digitisation of collections is as
effective as possible.
SMC's new document 'Museums, Galleries and Digitisation' suggests that by
following nine practical criteria, even the smallest of museums can build a
successful digital collection which will appeal to browsers and may even
promote increased visits to view physical collections.

Gwasanaeth Gwybodaeth Amgueddfeydd
Os ydych yn gwybod am unrhyw un a hoffai gael ei ychwanegu i'r rhestr, neu
hoffai gael copi caled o'r newyddion, neu os ydych heb fynediad i'r we ac am
gopi caled cysylltwch â Carol Whittaker. Byddwch yn dal i dderbyn copi caled
os ydych ar y rhestr ddosbarthu presennol.  

Bydd fersiwn Cymraeg a Saesneg o'r bwletin yn cael eu dosbarthu ar wahan yn
dilyn sylwadau darllenwyr.

Carol Whittaker AMA
Museums Development Adviser
Cynghorydd Datblygu Amgueddfeydd
CyMAL: Amgueddfeydd Archifau a Llyfrgelloedd Cymru CyMAL: Museums Archives
and Libraries Wales
Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru . Welsh Assembly Government
01970 610 238
[log in to unmask]

Dylai'r datganiadau neu'r sylwadau uchod gael eu trin fel rhai personol ac
nid o reidrwydd fel datganiadau neu sylwadau gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol
Cymru, unrhyw ran ohono neu unrhyw gorff sy'n gysylltiedig ag ef.
Any of the statements or comments made above should be regarded as personal
and not necessarily those of the National Assembly for Wales,any constituent
part or connected body. 

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Mae fersiwn wreiddiol y neges e-bost hon wedi'i sganio am feirysau gan wasanaeth sganio feirysau Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth (GSi) a ddarperir yn arbennig gan Energis mewn partneriaeth â MessageLabs.

Wrth i'r neges e-bost hon adael GSi, ardystiwyd nad oedd firws ynddi.

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