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Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader


Film-Philosophy Editor <[log in to unmask]>


Film-Philosophy Salon <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:46:06 +0100





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        *** Visit CTHEORY Online: http://www.ctheory.net ***

 Announcement      04/06/24     Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker

 Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader

     We are pleased to announce the forthcoming publication:
     _Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader_. Life in the Wires is
     an interdisciplinary anthology on the future of technoculture
     and the revolutionary impact of the Internet on media,
     technology, culture and politics.

     Beginning this fall, _Life in the Wires_ will be the organizing
     text for a new, innovative series of electronic seminars
     sponsored by CTheory and the Pacific Centre for Technology and
     Culture. CTheory readers interested in participating in the
     networked seminar discussions on Life in the Wires should
     contact the editors at [log in to unmask]

                             Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Editors


                 Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, Editors

                         CTheory Books / NWP
                         ISBN 0-920393-21-7


 Life in the Wires is about life today, from Al-Jazeera to eBay, from
 creatively understanding new media to analyzing how questions of
 gender, race, class and colonialism have been deeply transformed by
 networked society.

 Life in the Wires, is in essence what Jean-Paul Sartre calls a "fused
 community" – a global intellectual community of theorists, musicians,
 artists, filmmakers, computer programmers, multimedia designers,
 architects, engineers, Soweto poets, Net activists – young and old, a
 multiplicity of race, class, gender, nation and disciplines: writing
 from universities, industry, media, the streets; the design and
 programming centers of IT, from anti-globalization street protests,
 from mediawatch, from the badlands of Texas, the streets of San
 Francisco, the hybrid cities of Cape Town, London, Toronto, New York,
 Paris, Helsinki, Singapore and Berlin.



                      (available July 1, 2004)

        • An interactive website, continuously updated with new
          supplementary materials for teaching
        • Streamed electronic seminars, regularly updated, featuring
          leading contemporary intellectuals such as: Donna Haraway,
          DjSpooky, Stelarc, William Leiss and Arthur Kroker, among
        • A general introduction by the editors to Life in the Wires
          as well as thematic introductions to each section of the
        • Index
        • Key bibliographical references


                          TABLE OF CONTENTS

 Life in the Wires: Introduction                                     9
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

 Screens in the Wires                                               17
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

    1.  Crossing into the Twisted World                             20
        ~James Conlon~

    2.  Material Memories: Time And The Cinematic Image             27
        ~Paul D. Miller (Dj Spooky)~

    3.  Speed Ramping                                               34
        ~David Cox~

    4.  Making the World Safe for Fashionable Philosophy!           40
        ~Joe Milutis~

    5.  I Was Seduced by 48 Robots in a Metallic Arena              49
        ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

 Music in the Wires                                                 55
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

    6.  Black Secret Technology (The Whitey On The Moon Dub)        61
        ~Julian Jonker~

    7.  The Turntable                                               70
        ~Charles Mudede~

    8.  Cardboard Resistance:                                       79
        Deconstructed Rock and the Politics of Authenticity
        ~Phillip Vannini~

    9.  Full With Noise: Theory and Japanese Noise Music            86
        ~Paul Hegarty~

   10.  Go With the Flow                                            99
        ~Bo Vibe~

 Politics in the Wires                                             105
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   11.  Unmanned:                                                  110
        Embedded Reporters, Predator Drones and Armed Perception
        ~Jordan Crandall~

   12.  Priming the Pump of War                                    117
        ~Dion Dennis~

   13.  CTHEORY Interview With Paul Virilio:                       126
        The Kosovo War Took Place In Orbital Space
        ~Paulo Virilio in conversation with John Armitage~

   14.  1000 Years of War:                                         135
        CTHEORY Interview with Manuel De Landa
        ~Manuel De Landa in conversation with Evan Selinger et. al.~

   15.  Dangerous Philosophy: Threat, Risk and Security            155
        ~Irving Goh~

   16.  Networks, Swarms and Multitudes                            165
        ~Eugene Thacker~

 Gender in the Wires                                               179
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   17.  The Cyborg Mother: A Breached Boundary                     184
        ~Jaimie Smith-Windsor~

   18.  When Bad Girls Do French Theory                            192
        ~Joan Hawkins~

   19.  Metal Gender                                               207
        ~Steve Dixon~

   20.  Screaming Eagle: For Kathy Acker                           215
        ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   21.  Kathy Acker in Life and Death                              218
        ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

 Cities in the Wires                                               221
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   22.  ~Chimurenga~: Cape Town Now!                               226
        CTHEORY Interview with Ntone Edjabe
        ~Trebor Scholz~

   23.  Circuits, Death And Sacred Fiction: The City Of Banaras    230
        ~Mahesh Senagala~

   24.  Designing the Solipsistic City:                            234
        Themes of Urban Planning and Control in
        ~The Matrix~, ~Dark City~, and ~The Truman Show~
        ~Samuel Nunn~

 Net in the Wires                                                  245
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   25.  The Rush to Judgment: Binary Thinking in a Digital Age     249
        ~Peter Lurie~

   26.  Flash Fetish                                               257
        ~Nate Burgos~

   27.  Spatial Discursions:                                       260
        Flames Of The Digital And Ashes Of The Real
        (Confessions Of A San Francisco Programmer)
        ~Robert Nirre~

   28.  Why the Web Will Win the Culture Wars for the Left:        269
        Deconstructing Hyperlinks
        ~Peter Lurie~

   29.  Speaking in Djinni:                                        277
        Media Arts and the Computational Language of Expression
        ~D. Fox Harrell~

   30.  The Ambiguous Panopticon:                                  285
        Foucault and the Codes of Cyberspace
        ~Mark Winokur~

   31.  Technical Machines and Evolution                           309
        ~Belinda Barnet~

 Posthumanism in the Wires                                         327
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   32.  The Post-Cyborg Path to Deconism                           333
        ~Steve Mann~

   33.  Lifestyles of the Cloned and (In)Famous                    340
        ~Jason Lubyk~

   34.  Professor DVD                                              343
        ~Nicholas Rombes~

   35.  What is Cool?                                              348
        Notes on Intellectualism, Popular Culture, and Writing
        ~Jeff Rice~

   36.  Beyond Postmodernism?                                      354
        Paul Virilio's Hypermodern Cultural Theory
        ~John Armitage~

   37.  Hyper-Heidegger                                            369
        ~Arthur Kroker~

   38.  Myron Krueger Live: CTHEORY Interview                      377
        ~Jeremy Turner~

 Art in the Wires                                                  385
 ~Arthur and Marilouise Kroker~

   39.  Loving the Ghost in the Machine:                           389
        Aesthetics of Interruption
        ~Janne Vanhanen~

   40.  Koshun's Knob                                              398
        ~Lesego Rampolokeng~

   41.  Motion Perception in Movies and Painting:                  402
        Towards a New Kinetic Art
        ~Michael Betancourt~

   42.  Net Baroque                                                410
        ~Christina McPhee~

   43.  Digitality: Approximate Aesthetics                         415
        ~Anna Munster~

   44.  Hallucinations of Invisibility:                            430
        From Silence to Delirium
        ~Ted Hiebert~

   45.  Distraction And Digital Culture                            443
        ~William Bogard~

 Contributors                                                      461

 Acknowledgments                                                   466

 Index                                                             467

  |                                                                 |
  |  To order copies of this text for personal or classroom use     |
  |          please send an email to: [log in to unmask]               |
  |                                                                 |
  |                                                                 |
  |           Life in the Wires: The CTheory Reader                 |
  |             Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds                   |
  |                    ISBN 0-920393-21-7                           |
  |                 475 pages, price: $29.95                        |
  |                                                                 |
  |                                                                 |
  |           for more information see the Announcement for         |
  |             _Life in the Wires_ at www.ctheory.net              |
  |                                                                 |


 * CTHEORY is an international journal of theory, technology and
 *    culture. Articles, interviews, and key book reviews in
 *    contemporary discourse are published weekly as well as
 *    theorisations of major "event-scenes" in the mediascape.
 * Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
 * Editorial Board: Jean Baudrillard (Paris), Paul Virilio (Paris),
 *   Bruce Sterling (Austin), R.U. Sirius (San Francisco), Siegfried
 *   Zielinski (Koeln), Stelarc (Melbourne), Richard Kadrey (San
 *   Francisco), DJ Spooky [Paul D. Miller] (NYC), Timothy Murray
 *   (Ithaca/Cornell), Lynn Hershman Leeson (San Francisco), Stephen
 *   Pfohl (Boston), Andrew Ross (NYC), David Cook (Toronto), Ralph
 *   Melcher (Sante Fe), Shannon Bell (Toronto), Gad Horowitz
 *   (Toronto), Andrew Wernick (Peterborough).
 * In Memory: Kathy Acker
 * Editorial Correspondents: Ken Hollings (UK),
 *   Maurice Charland (Canada) Steve Gibson (Canada/Sweden).
 * Editorial Assistant: Ted Hiebert
 * WWW Design & Technical Advisor: Spencer Saunders (CTHEORY.NET)
 * WWW Engineer Emeritus: Carl Steadman


                To view CTHEORY online please visit:

            To view CTHEORY MULTIMEDIA online please visit:


 * CTHEORY includes:
 * 1. Electronic reviews of key books in contemporary theory.
 * 2. Electronic articles on theory, technology and culture.
 * 3. Event-scenes in politics, culture and the mediascape.
 * 4. Interviews with significant theorists, artists, and writers.
 * 5. Multimedia theme issues and projects.
 * The Editors would like the thank the University of Victoria for
 *   financial and intellectual support of CTheory. In particular, the
 *   Editors would like to thank the Dean of Social Sciences, Dr. John
 *   Schofield, the Dean of Engineering, Dr. D. Michael Miller and Dr.
 *   Jon Muzio, Department of Computer Science.
 * No use of CTHEORY articles without permission. Works from the
 *   CTHEORY archive may only be reprinted with permission of the
 *   Editors. Email [log in to unmask] for more information.
 * Mailing address: CTHEORY, University of Victoria, PO Box 3050,
 *   Victoria, BC, Canada, V8W 3P5.
 * Full text and microform versions are available from UMI, Ann Arbor,
 *   Michigan; and Canadian Periodical Index/Gale Canada, Toronto.
 * Indexed in: International Political Science Abstracts/
 *   Documentation politique international; Sociological Abstract
 *   Inc.; Advance Bibliography of Contents: Political Science and
 *   Government; Canadian Periodical Index; Film and Literature Index.

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