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"Allen, Norman {DISC~Welwyn}" <[log in to unmask]>


Allen, Norman {DISC~Welwyn}


Sat, 28 Jul 2001 17:41:12 +0200





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*** With apologies for cross-posting (LIS-LINK & LIS-SERIALS)***
The following are available to anyone prepared to arrange collection.
Remaining volumes will be discarded before the end of August, therefore
please send requests by Wed. 15 August to

Norman Allen, Librarian, Roche Discovery Welwyn
40 Broadwater Road, Welwyn Garden City, Herts AL7 3AY
email: [log in to unmask]  tel.01707 366399/366401  fax:01707 320081

ABSTRacts of PAPers of the AMerican CHEMical SOCiety MEETings    10 years
ACCounts of CHEMical RESearch    1968, v1 -
ACTA PHARMACOLogica et TOXICOLogica    1978, v42 - 1986, v59
        see continuation PHARMACOLogy & TOXICOLogy
ADVanced DRUG DELIVery REViews    1987, v1 - 1999, v40
ADVances in DRUG RESearch    1964, v1 -
ADVances in ENZYMOLogy    1975, v41 -
ADVances in HETEROCYCLic CHEMistry    1963, v1 -
ADVances in ORGanic CHEMistry: METHODS & RESULTS    1960, v1 -
ADVances in PHARMaceutical SCIences    1964, v1 -
ADVances in PHARMACOLogy & CHEMOTHERapy    1980, v17 -
ADVances in PROTEIN CHEMistry    1965, v20 -
AGENTS & ACTIONS    1975, v5 - 1994, v43 (missing 1989)
        see continuation INFLAMMation RESearch
AIDS TREATment UPDATE    1996 -
ALKALOIDS: CHEMistry & PHARMACOLogy    1981, v20 -
AMerican Journal of CARDIOLogy    1989, v63 - 1996, v77
AMerican Journal of CLINical NUTRition    1994, v60 - 1997, v65
AMerican Journal of MEDicine    1989, v86 - 1996
AMerican Journal of PATHOLogy    1989, v135 -
AMerican Journal of PHYSIOLogy    1994, v266 - 1998, v275
ANALytical BIOCHEMistry    1970, v33 - 1975, v69;  1988, v168 -
ANALytical CHEMistry    1977, v49 - 1981, v53  and  1986, v58 - 1999, v71
ANALytical PROFILES of DRUG SUBSTances    1972, v1 -
ANGEWandte CHEMie    GERman EDition    1956, v68 - 1964, v76
ANGEWandte CHEMie    INTernational EDition in ENGLish    1962, v1 -
ANIMal WELFARE    1994, v3 - 1999, v8
ANNALS of INTERNal MEDicine    1994, v120 - 1998, v130
ANNals of the RHEUMatic DISeases    1978, v37 - 2000, v59
ANNual REPorts in MEDicinal CHEMistry    1965, v1 -
ANNual REPorts on NMR SPECTRoscopy    1968, v1 -
ANNual REPorts in ORGanic SYNTHesis    1975 -
ANNual REPorts on the PROGress of CHEMistry    1960, v57 -
           - Section A - general, physical & inorganic    1967, v64A - 1972, v64B
           - Section B - organic    1967, v64B -
ANNual REView of BIOCHEMistry    1975, v44 -
ANNual REView of IMMUNOLogy    1983, v1 -
ANNual REView of MEDicine    1970, v21 -
ANNual REView of MICROBIOLogy    1979, v33 -
ANNual REView of PHARMACOLogy and TOXICOLogy    1980, v20 -
ANNual REView of PHYSIOLogy    1980, v42 -
ANTIMICROBial AGENTS & CHEMOTHERapy    1980, v17 - 1995
ANTISENSE & NUCLEIC ACID DRUG DEVelopment    1994, v4 -
ANTIVIRAL CHEMistry & CHEMOTHERapy    1990, v1 - 1995
ANTIVIRAL RESearch    1984 - 1987
APPLied BIOCHEMistry & BIOTECHNOLogy PART B: MOLecular BIOTECHNOLogy    1996, v6 - 1998, v10
ARCHives of BIOCHEMistry & BIOPHYSics     1969, v129 - 1998
ARCHives of PHARMACOLogy, NAUNYN-SCMIEDEBERG'S    1959, v236 - 1997, v356
ARTHRITIS & RHEUMatism    1980, v23 - 2000, v43
ARZNEIMITTELFORSCHUNG     (Drug Research)    1971, v21 -
ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals    1983, v11 - 1998, v16
        4th ed covering 1909 - 1973/74
        1st suppl covering 1910 - 1919, all vols
        2nd suppl covering 1920 - 1929, all vols
        3rd suppl covering 1930 - 1949, to v16, pt1, 1974
        4th suppl covering 1950 - 1959, to v1, pt3, 1973
BERichte der DeuTSCHen CHEMischen GESellschaft    1874, v7 -
BIOCHEMical & BIOPHYSical RESearch COMMUNications    1967, v26 -
BIOCHEMical Journal    1930, v24 -
BIOCHEMical PHARMACOLogy    1990, v39 - 1999, v58
BIOCHEMical SOCiety TRANSactions    1978, v6 -
BIOCHEMIST    1997 -
BIOCHEMISTRY    1962, v1 -
BIOCHIMica et BIOPHYSica ACTA    1947, v1 - 1960, v38, no. 1
   - annual cumulative indexes    1971, v225 -
   - BIOENERGetics    1971, v226(B12) - 1998, v1409
   - BIOMEMBRanes    1971, v225(M11) - 1994, v1189
   - ENZYMOLogy    1971, v227(E33) - 1981, v662(E94)
      see continuation Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology  and  General Subjects
   - GENE STRUCTure & EXPRESSion    1985, v824(N11) -
      see former section Nucleic Acids & Protein Synthesis
   - GENeral SUBJects    1971, v230 -
   - LIPIDS & LIPID METABolism    1980, v617 - 1994, v1215
   - MOLecular BASIS of DISease    1991, v1096 - 1993, v1225
   - MOLecular CELL RESearch    1982, v720(C1) -
   - NUCLeic ACIDS & PROTEIN SYNthesis    1971, v228(N40) - 1974, v374(N67)
        see continuation Gene Structure & Expression
   - PROTEIN STRUCTure    1971, v229(P15) - 1977, v492(P50)
        see continuation Protein Structure & Molecular Enzymology
   - PROTEIN STRUCTure & MOLecular ENZYMOLogy    1982, v700(P1) -
        see former section Enzymol & Protein Structure
   - REViews on BIOENERGetics    1973, v301(BR1) - 1988
   - REViews on BIOMEMBRanes    1979, v559 - 1993, v1154
   - REViews on CANCER    1974, v355(CR1) - 1992, v1114
        1998, v14 -
BIOLogical MASS SPECTROMetry    1980, v7 - 1994
        see continuation  Journal of MASS SPECTROMetry
BIOLogical & PHARMaceutical BULLetin    1993, v16 -
BIOORGanic CHEMistry    1971, v1 -
BIOORGanic & MEDicinal CHEMistry    1993, v1 -
BIOORGanic & MEDicinal CHEMistry LETTers    1991, v1 -
BIOPOLYMERS    1982, v21 - 1990, v29
BIOTECHNIQUES    1988, v6, no. 10 -
BIO/TECHNOLOGY    1989 - 1995
        see continuation Nature Biotechnology
BRIEFings in BIOINFORMatics    2000, v1 -
BRitish Journal of CLINical PHARMACOLogy    1974, v1 -
BRitish Journal of EXPerimental PATHOLogy    1980, v61 - 1989
        see continuation International Journal of EXPerimental PATHOLogy
BRitish Journal of PHARMACOLogy    1968, v32 -
        until 1968, v33 as British Journal of Pharmacology & Chemotherapy
BRitish MEDical BULLetin    1990, v46 -
BRitish MEDical Journal    1973 -
BULLetin of the CHEMical SOCiety of JAPan    1977, v50 -
BULLetin on the RHEUMatic DISeases    1975-79, v26-29 & 1981, v31 - 2000, v49
CANCER RESearch    1984, v44 - 1996, v56
CARCINOGENESIS    1991, v12 -
CARDIOVASCular RESearch    1980 - 1992
CELL    1990, v60 -
CELLular IMMUNOLogy    1992, v139 -
CELLular SIGNALling    1989, v1 -
CHEMical ABSTRacts    1937, v31 - 1966, v65
        1928, v22 - 1936, v30
CHEMical COMMUNications    1965 -
        part continuation of PROCeedings of the CHEMical SOCiety
        see continuation Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion D
        see Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety - CHEMical COMMUNications
CHEMical & ENGineering NEWS    1998 -
CHEMical HEALTH & SAFety    1995 v2 -
CHEMical & PHARMaceutical BULLetin (Tokyo)    1973, v21 -
CHEMical REViews    1950, v41 -
CHEMical SOCiety REViews    1972, v1 -
CHEMische BERichte    1947, v80 -
        see former title BERichte der DeuTSCHen CHEMischen GESellschaft
CHEMistry & BIOLogy    1995, v2 -
CHEMistry & INDustry    1984 -
CHEMistry LETTers    1978 -
CHEMOTHERAPY (Basle)    1979, v25 -
CHEMTRACTS: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology    1991, v2, no. 4 - 1996, v9
CHEMTRACTS: ORGanic CHEMistry    1989, v2 -
CHEMTRACTS    1997, v10 -
CHIMica THERapeutica    1966, v1 - 1974, v9
        see continuation EURopean Journal of MEDicinal CHEMistry
CHIRALITY    1989, v1 - 2000, v12
CIRCULATION    1986, v75 -
CIRCulation RESearch    1991, v68 - 1995
CLINical CANCER RESearch    1995, v1 - 1996, v2
CLINical THERapeutics    1994, v16 - 1997, v19
CLINical & EXPerimental IMMUNOLogy    1983, v52 -
CLINical & EXPerimental PHARMACOLogy & PHYSIOLogy    1975, v2 - 1988
CLINical INFECTious DISeases    1992, v14 -
        see former title REViews of INFECTious DISeases
CLINical PHARMACOKINETics    1980, v5 -
CLINical PHARMACOLogy & THERapeutics    1985, v37 - 1990, v48
COMMENTS on TOXICOLogy    1987, v1 - 1996, v5
COMParative HAEMATOLogy INTernational    1991, v1 - 1999, v9
CRC CRITical REViews in THERapeutic DRUG CARRier SYSTems    1984, v1 -
CRC CRITical REViews in TOXICOLogy    1974, v3 - 1999, v29
CURRent BIOLogy    1993, v3, no. 7 -1994, v4, no. 3
CURRent CHEMical REACTions    2000 -
CURRent CONTENTS - LIFE SCIences    1 year
CURRent CONTENTS - PHYSical, CHEMical & EARTH SCIences   1 year
CURRent MEDicinal CHEMistry    1995, v2 -
DNA & PROTEIN ENGineering TECHniques    1988, v1 - 1990, v3
        see continuation METHODS in MOLecular and CELLular BIOLogy
DRUG & COSMETic INDustry    1 years
DRUG DELIVery   1993, v1 -
DRUG DESign & DISCOVery    1994, v8 -
DRUG DEVelopment & INDustrial PHARMacy          1981, v7 -
        until 1982 as Drug Development Communications
DRUG DISCOVery TODAY    1996, v1 -
DRUG INFormation Journal    1990, v24 -
DRUG METABolism & DISPOSition    1973, v1 -
DRUG METABolism REViews    1990, v22 -
DRUG SAFety    1990, v5 - 2000, v23
DRUGS    1978, v15 - 1993
DRUGS of the FUTURE    1976, v1 -
DRUGS UNDER EXPerimental & CLINical RESearch    1992 - 1998 (incomplete)
EMBO Journal   1987, v6 -
EMERGing INFECTious DISeases    1998, Sept -
ESSAYS in BIOCHEMistry    1965, v1 -
EURopean Journal of BIOCHEMistry    1967, v1 -
EURopean Journal of BIOCHEMistry REViews    1989 - 1996
EURopean Journal of CLINical PHARMACOLogy    1971, v3 - 1998, v54
        see former title PHARMACOLogica CLINica
EURopean Journal of IMMUNOLogy    1988, v18, no. 6 -
EURopean Journal of MEDicinal CHEMistry - CHIMica THERapeutica    1975, v10 -
        see former title CHIMica THERapeutica
EURopean Journal of PHARMACOLogy    1978, v53 - 1997, v339
EURopean Journal of RHEUMATOLogy & INFLAMMation    1978, v1 - 1996, v16
EXPERIENTIA    1945, v1 - 1993, v49
FASEB Journal    1987, v1 -
        see former title FEDeration PROCeedings
FEBS LETTers    1968, v1 -
FEDeration PROCeedings    1986, v45 - 1987, v46, no. 8
        see continuation FASEB Journal
GASTROENTEROLOGY    1994, v106 -
GENeral & SYNTHetic METHODS (RSC Specialist Periodical Reports)    1978, v1 -
GENES & DEVelopment    1991, v5 -
HEALTH & SAFety at WORK     1 year
HELVetica CHIMica ACTA    1939, v22 -
HEPATOLOGY     1998 -
HUMan & EXPerimental TOXICOLogy    1988, v7 -
        until 1989 as HUMan TOXICOLogy
HUMan MOLecular GENETics    1992, v1 - 1994, v3
IMMUNITY     1994, v1 -
IMMUNOLOGY    1973, v24 -
IMMUNOLogy TODAY    1980, v1 - 2000, v21
        see continuation TRENDS in IMMUNOLogy
INDEX CHEMicus      2000 -
INFLAMMation RESearch    1995, v44 - 2000, v49
        see former title Agents & Actions
INHALation TOXICOLogy    1994, v6 - 1997, v9
INTernational ANTIVIRAL NEWS    1994, v2 - 2000, v8
INTernational Journal of EXPerimental PATHOLogy    1991, v72 -
        see former title British Journal of Experimental Pathology
INTernational Journal of IMMUNOPHARMACOLogy    1979, v1 - 1987, v9
INTernational Journal of PEPTide & PROTEIN RESearch    1975, v7 - 1996, v48
        see continuation Journal of PEPTide RESearch
INTernational Journal of PHARMaceutics    1978, v1 -
JAMA   (Journal of the AMerican MEDical ASSOCiation)    1981, v245 -
Journal of ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICiency SYNDRomes    1988, v1 - 1989
Journal of ALLERGy & CLINical IMMUNOLogy    1989, v83 -
Journal of the AMerican CHEMical SOCiety    1921 -
Journal of ANTIMICROBial CHEMOTHERapy    1986, v15 - 1992, v30
Journal of BIOLogical CHEMistry    1950, v182 -
Journal of BIOLogical RESPONSE MODifiers    1982, v1 - 1989, v8
Journal of BIOMOLecular NMR    1991, v1 -
Journal of CARDIOVASCular PHARMACOLogy    1979, v1 - 1993, v22
Journal of CELL BIOLogy    1994, v124 -
Journal of CHEMical EDUCation    1984, v61 - 1998
Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety    1889, v55 - 1967
   - SECTion A: Inorganic, Physical & Theoretical    1966 - 1971
        see continuation Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, DALTON TRANSactions /
        FARADAY TRANSactions I / II
   - SECTion B: Physical Organic    1966 - 1971
        see continuation Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, PERKIN TRANSactions II
   -SECTion C: Organic    1966 - 1971
        see continuation Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, PERKIN TRANSactions I
   - SECTion D: Chemical Communications     1970 - 1971
        see continuation Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, CHEMical COMMUNications
   - CHEMical COMMUNications    1972 -
        continuation of Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion D
   - DALTON TRANSactions (Inorganic & Physical Inorganic)    1972 - 1976
        see former title Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion A
   - FARADAY TRANSactions I (Physical Chemistry)    1972, v68 - 1974, v70
        part continuation of Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion A  and
        TRANSactions of the FARADAY SOCiety
   - FARADAY TRANSactions II (Chemical Physics)    1972, v68 - 1974, v70
        part continuation of Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion A
        TRANSactions of the FARADAY SOCiety
   - PERKIN TRANSactions I (Organic & Bio-organic)    1972 -
        see former title Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion C
   - PERKIN TRANSactions II (Physical Organic)    1972 -
        see former title Journal of the CHEMical SOCiety, SECTion B
Journal of CHROMATOGRaphy    1984, v283 - 1999, v867
Journal of CLINical INVESTigation    1979, v63 -
Journal of CLINical MICROBIOLogy    1988, v26 -
Journal of CLINical PATHOLogy    1989, v42 -
Journal of COMPUTational CHEMistry    1994, v15 - 1998, v19
Journal of COMPUTer AIDED MOLecular DESign    1988, v2 -
Journal of CONTROLled RELEASE    1984, v1 - 1998, v62
Journal of DOCumentation    1990 -
Journal of EXPerimental MEDicine    1985, v162 -
Journal of GENeral MICROBIOLogy    1980 - 1987, v133
Journal of GENeral VIROLogy    1975, v26 - 1995 (incomplete)
Journal of HETEROCYCLic CHEMistry    1964, v1 -
Journal of IMMUNOLogical METHODS    1994 - 1998
Journal of IMMUNOLogy    1974, v112 -
Journal of INFECTious DISeases    1980, v141 -
Journal of INVESTigative DERMatology    1997, v108 - 2000, v115
Journal of LABELled COMPounDs & RADIOPHARMaceuticals    1991, v29 - 2000, v43
Journal of LIQuid CHROMATOGRaphy & RELATed TECHNOLogies    1988, v11 -
        until 1995 as  Journal of Liquid Chromatography
Journal of MAGNetic RESONance    1980, v37 - 2000, v147
Journal of MASS SPECTROMetry    1995, v30 - 2000, v45
        see former titles  Biological Mass Spectrometry  and  Organic Mass Spectrometry
Journal of MEDicinal CHEMistry    1959, v1 -
        until 1962 as Journal of Medicinal & Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Journal of MICROENCAPSULation    1988, v5 - 1997
Journal of MOLecular BIOLogy    1985, v181 -
Journal of NEUROIMMUNOLogy    1994, v49 - 1997, v80
Journal of ORGanic CHEMistry    1936, v1 -
Journal of PATHOLogy    1990, v160 - 2000, v192
Journal of PEPTide RESearch    1997, v49 -
        see former titles International Journal of Peptide & Protein Research  and
        Peptide Research
Journal of PEPTide SCIence    1997, v3 - 2000, v6
Journal for PHARMaceutical MEDicine    1991 - 1992
Journal of PHARMaceutical SCIences    1961, v50 -
Journal of PHARMACOKINETics & PHARMACODYNamics    1973, v1 -
        until 1999/2000, v27, as Journal of PHARMACOKINETics & BIOPHARMaceutics
Journal of PHARMACOLogical & TOXICOLogical METHODS    1981, v5 - 1998
        until 1991, v26, as  Journal of Pharmacological Methods
Journal of PHARMACOLogy & EXPerimental THERapeutics    1976, v196 -
Journal of PHARMacy & PHARMACOLogy    1970, v22 -
Journal of PHYSIOLogy    1980, v298 - 1997, v505
Journal of VIROLogy    1980, v33 - 1995
LABoratory ANIMal SCIence    1994, v44 - 1996, v46
LABoratory HAZARDS BULLetin    1990 -
LANCET    1968 -
LIEBIGS ANNalen der CHEMie    1940, v543 - 1989
MAGNetic RESONance in CHEMistry    1985, v23 - 2000
        see former title Organic Magnetic Resonance
MASS SPECTROMetry BULLetin   1 year
MASS SPECTRometry REViews    1993, v12 - 2000, v19
MEDicinal RESearch Reviews    1988, v8 - 1995, v15
METHODS in MICROBIOLogy    1969, v1 -
MOLecular CELL   1997, v1 - 1998, v2
MOLecular & CELLular BIOLogy    1988, v8 -
MOLecular MEDicine TODAY    1995, v1 - 2000, v6
        see continuation TRENDS in MOLecular MEDicine
MOLecular PHARMACOLogy    1966, v2 -
NATural PRODuct REPorts   1984, v1 - 1995
NATURE    1960, v185 -
NATURE BIOTECHNOLogy    1996, v14 -
        see former title Bio/technology
NATURE GENETics    1997, v15 -
NATURE MEDICINE    1995, v1 -
NATURE STRUCTural BIOLogy    1994, v1 -
NEUROPHARMACOLOGY    1980, v19 - 1992, v31
NEW ENGLand Journal of MEDicine    1980, v302 -
NEW SCIentist    1994 -
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESearch    1987, v15 -
ONCOGENE    (including  Oncogene Reviews)    1994, v9 -
ORGanic CHEMistry - a series of monographs    1964, v1 -
ORGanic MAGNetic RESONance    1975, v7 - 1985, v26
        see continuation MAGNetic RESONance in CHEMistry
ORGanic MASS SPECTROMetry    1968, v1 - 1994. v29
        see continuation Journal of Mass Spectrometry
ORGanic REACTions    1942, v1 -
ORGanic SYNTHeses    1921, v1 -
ORGANOPHOSPHORUS CHEMistry (RSC Specialist Periodical Reports)    1984, v15 -
PAPILLOMAVIRUS REPort    1994, v5 -
PCR METHODS & APPLICations    1992, v1 - 1995, v4
PEPTIDE RESearch    1993, v6 - 1996, v9
        see continuation Journal of PEPTide RESearch
PHARMaceutical DEVelopment & TECHnology    1997, v2 -
PHARMaceutical Journal    4 years
PHARMaceutical RESearch    1986, v3 -
PHARMACOLogica CLINica    1968/69, v1 - 1969/70, v2
        see continuation EURopean Journal of CLINical PHARMACOLogy
PHARMACOLogical REViews    1967, v19 -
PHARMACOLOGY    1978, v16 - 1984, v29, no. 6
PHARMACOLogy & TOXICOLogy    1987, v60 -
        see former title ACTA PHARMACOLogica et TOXICOLogica
PHARMACOPeial FORUM    1988, v14 -
PHYSIOLogical REViews    1984, v64 -
PROCeedings of the AMerican ASSOCiation for CANCER RESearch    1984 - 1996
        filed with Cancer Research
PROCeedings of the AMerican SOCiety for CLINical ONCOLogy    1984 - 1996
        filed with Cancer Research
PROCeedings of the CHEMical SOCiety    1962 - 1964
        see continuation CHEMical COMMUNications and CHEMistry in BRitain
PROCeedings of the NATionaL ACADemy of SCIences    1973, v70 -
PROCeedings of the SOCiety for EXPerimental BIOLogy & MEDicine    1987, v184 - 1989, v190
PROGress in DRUG RESearch    1959, v1 -
PROGress in MEDicinal CHEMistry    1961, v1 -
PROGress in PHARMACOLogy    1975, v1 - 1998
PROTEIN ENGineering    1994, v7 -
PROTEIN EXPRession & PURIFication    1996, v7 -
QUANTitative STRUCTure ACTivity RELATionSHips    1994, v13 - 2000, v19
Quarterly REViews (Chemical Society)    1947, v1 - 1971, v25
        continued in CHEMical SOCiety REViews
R & D MANAGEment    1993, v23 -
RADIOLogical PROTection BULLetin    1994, n149 -
RAPID COMMUNications in MASS SPECTRometry    1990, v4 - 1998, v12
REAGENTS for ORGanic SYNTHesis (Fieser's)    1967, v1 -
REGULatory TOXICOLogy & PHARMACOLogy    1981, v1 -
REViews of INFECTious DISeases    1981, v3 - 1991, v13
        see continuation CLINical INFECTious DISeases
RODD's CHEMistry of CARBON COMPounDs, 2nd edition    1964, v1 -
SCANDinavian Journal of IMMUNOLogy    1994, v40 -
SCIENCE    1954, v126 -
SCIentific AMerican    5 years
SCRIP (World Pharmaceutical News)    1 year
SEMINars in ARTHRITIS & RHEUMatism    1987, v17 - 1994, v24
SEMINars in VIROLogy    1994, v5 - 1998, v8
STRUCTURE    2000 -
SYNLETT    1989, no. 1 -
SYNTHESIS    1969 -
SYNTHetic COMMUNications    1976, v6 -
SYNTHetic METHODS of ORGanic CHEMistry    annual cumulations 1946, v1 - 1984, v38
TERATOGENESis, CARCINOGenesis & MUTAGENESis    1980, v1 - 2000, v20
TETRAHEDRON    1966, v22 -
TOXICOLogic PATHOLogy    1997, v25 -
TOXICOLOGY    1973, v1 - 1999, v141
TOXICOLogy & APPLied PHARMACOLogy    1975, v31 -
TOXICOLogy IN VITRO    1987, v1 - 1999, v13
TOXICOLogy LETTers    1977, v1 - 1999, v111
TOXICOLogy METHODS    1991, v1 -
TRENDS in BIOCHEMical SCIences    1986, v11 -
TRENDS in BIOTECHNOLogy    1990, v8 -
TRENDS in CELL BIOLogy     1991, v1 -
TRENDS in GENETics     1988, v4 -
TRENDS in IMMUNOLogy    2001, v22 -
        see former title TRENDS in IMMUNOLogy
TRENDS in MOLecular MEDicine    2001, v7 -
        see former title MOLecular MEDicine TODAY
TRENDS in NEUROSCIences    1983, v6 -
TRENDS in PHARMACOLogical SCIences    1984, v5 -
VETerinary PATHOLogy    1997, v34 -
VIROLogy & AIDS ABSTRacts    1999, v32 -
WHICH?    4 years
XENOBIOTICA    1991, v21 -
YEARBook of DRUG THERapy    1971 -
Norman Allen, Librarian, Roche Discovery Welwyn,  40 Broadwater Road,  Welwyn Garden City,  Herts  AL7 3AY,  UK
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