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[CSL]: CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2001


John Armitage <[log in to unmask]>


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Thu, 15 Nov 2001 14:00:09 -0000





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From: Bruce Schneier [mailto:[log in to unmask]] Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 7:45 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: CRYPTO-GRAM, November 15, 2001

               November 15, 2001

               by Bruce Schneier
                Founder and CTO
       Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.
            [log in to unmask]

A free monthly newsletter providing summaries, analyses, insights, and
commentaries on computer security and cryptography.

Back issues are available at
<http://www.counterpane.com/crypto-gram.html>.  To subscribe, visit
<http://www.counterpane.com/crypto-gram.html> or send a blank message to
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Copyright (c) 2001 by Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

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In this issue:
      Full Disclosure
      Crypto-Gram Reprints
      Counterpane Internet Security News
      Password Safe Vulnerability
      Microsoft on Windows XP
      Comments from Readers

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                Full Disclosure

Microsoft is leading the charge to restrict the free flow of computer
security vulnerabilities.  Last month Scott Culp, manager of the security
response center at Microsoft, published an essay describing the current
practice of publishing security vulnerabilities to be "information
anarchy."  He claimed that we'd all be a lot safer if researchers would
keep details about vulnerabilities to themselves, and stop arming hackers
with offensive tools.  Last week, at Microsoft's Trusted Computing Forum,
Culp announced a new coalition to put these ideas into practice.

This is the classic "bug secrecy vs. full disclosure" debate.  I've written
about it previously in Crypto-Gram; others have written about it as
well.  It's a complicated issue with subtle implications all over computer
security, and it's one worth discussing again.

The Window of Exposure

I coined a term called the "Window of Exposure" to explain the evolution of
a security vulnerability over time.  A vulnerability is a bug; it's a
programming mistake made by a programmer during the product's development
and not caught during testing.  It's an opening that someone can abuse to
break into the computer or do something normally prohibited.

Assume there's a vulnerability in a product and no one knows about
it.  There is little danger, because no one knows to exploit the
vulnerability.  This vulnerability can lie undiscovered for a short time --
Windows XP vulnerabilities were discovered before the product was released
-- or for years.  Eventually, someone discovers the vulnerability.  Maybe
it's a good guy who tells the developer.  Maybe it's a bad guy who exploits
the vulnerability to break into systems.  Maybe it's a guy who tells no
one, and then someone else discovers it a few months later.  In any case,
once someone knows about the vulnerability, the danger increases.

Eventually, news of the vulnerability spreads.  Maybe it spreads amongst
the security community.  Maybe it spreads amongst the hacker
underground.  The danger increases as more people learn about the
vulnerability.  At some point, the vulnerability is announced.  Maybe it's
announced on Bugtraq or another vulnerability Web site.  Maybe it's
announced by the security researcher in a press release, or by CERT, or by
the software developer.  Maybe it's announced on a hacker bulletin
board.  But once it's announced, the danger increases even more because
more people know about it.

Then, someone writes an exploit: an automatic tool that exercises the
vulnerability.  This is an inflection point, and one that doesn't have a
real-world analog for two reasons.  One, software has the ability to
separate skill from ability.  Once a tool is written, anyone can exploit
the vulnerability, regardless of his skill or understanding.  And two, this
tool can be distributed widely for zero cost, thereby giving everybody who
wants it the ability.  This is where "script kiddies" come into play:
people who use automatic attack tools to break into systems.  Once a tool
is written, the danger increases by orders of magnitude.

Then, the software developer issues a patch.  The danger decreases, but not
as much as we'd like to think.  A great many computers on the Internet
don't have their patches up to date; there are many examples of systems
being broken into using vulnerabilities that should have been patched.  I
don't fault the sysadmins for this; there are just too many patches, and
many of them are sloppily written and poorly tested.  So while the danger
decreases, it never gets back down to zero.

You can think of this as a graph of danger versus time, and the Window of
Exposure as the area under the graph.  The goal is to make this area as
small as possible.  In other words, we want there to be as little danger as
possible over the life cycle of the software and the particular
vulnerability.  Proponents of bug secrecy and proponents of full disclosure
simply have different ideas for achieving that.

History of Full Disclosure

During the early years of computers and networks, bug secrecy was the
norm.  When users and researchers found vulnerabilities in a software
product, they would quietly alert the vendor.  In theory, the vendor would
then fix the vulnerability.  After CERT was founded in 1988, it became a
clearinghouse for vulnerabilities.  People would send newly discovered
vulnerabilities to CERT.  CERT would then verify them, alert the vendors,
and publish the details (and the fix) once the fix was available.

The problem with this system is that the vendors didn't have any motivation
to fix vulnerabilities.  CERT wouldn't publish until there was a fix, so
there was no urgency.  It was easier to keep the vulnerabilities
secret.  There were incidents of vendors threatening researchers if they
made their findings public, and smear campaigns against researchers who
announced the existence of vulnerabilities (even if they omitted
details).  And so many vulnerabilities remained unfixed for years.

The full disclosure movement was born out of frustration with this
process.  Once a vulnerability is published, public pressures give vendors
a strong incentive to fix the problem quickly.  For the most part, this has
worked.  Today, many researchers publish vulnerabilities they discover on
mailing lists such as Bugtraq.  The press writes about the vulnerabilities
in the computer magazines.  The vendors scramble to patch these
vulnerabilities as soon as they are publicized, so they can write their own
press releases about how quickly and thoroughly they fixed things.  The
full disclosure movement is improving Internet security.

At the same time, hackers use these mailing lists to learn about
vulnerabilities and write exploits.  Sometimes the researchers themselves
write demonstration exploits.  Sometimes others do.  These exploits are
used to break into vulnerable computers and networks, and greatly decrease
Internet security.  In his essay, Culp points to Code Red, Li0n, Sadmind,
Ramen, and Nimda as examples of malicious code written after researchers
demonstrated how particular vulnerabilities worked.

Those against the full-disclosure movement argue that publishing
vulnerability details does more harm than good by arming the criminal
hackers with tools they can use to break into systems.  Security is much
better served, they counter, by keeping the exact details of
vulnerabilities secret.

Full-disclosure proponents counter that this assumes that the researcher
who publicizes the vulnerability is always the first one to discover it,
which simply isn't true.  Sometimes vulnerabilities have been known by
attackers (sometimes passed about quietly in the hacker underground) for
months or years before the vendor ever found out.  The sooner a
vulnerability is publicized and fixed, the better it is for everyone, they
say.  And returning to bug secrecy would only bring back vendor denial and

That's the debate in a nutshell:  Is the benefit of publicizing an attack
worth the increased threat of the enemy learning about it?  Should we
reduce the Window of Exposure by trying to limit knowledge of the
vulnerability, or by publishing the vulnerability to force vendors to fix
it as quickly as possible?

What we've learned during the past eight or so years is that full
disclosure helps much more than it hurts.  Since full disclosure has become
the norm, the computer industry has transformed itself from a group of
companies that ignores security and belittles vulnerabilities into one that
fixes vulnerabilities as quickly as possible.  A few companies are even
going further, and taking security seriously enough to attempt to build
quality software from the beginning: to fix vulnerabilities before the
product is released.  And far fewer problems are showing up first in the
hacker underground, attacking people with absolutely no warning.  It used
to be that vulnerability information was only available to a select few:
security researchers and hackers who were connected enough in their
respective communities.  Now it is available to everyone.

This democratization is important.  If a known vulnerability exists and you
don't know about it, then you're making security decisions with substandard
data.  Word will eventually get out -- the Window of Exposure will grow --
but you have no control, or knowledge, of when or how.  All you can do is
hope that the bad guys don't find out before the good guys fix the
problem.  Full disclosure means that everyone gets the information at the
same time, and everyone can act on it.

And detailed information is required.  If a researcher just publishes vague
statements about the vulnerability, then the vendor can claim that it's not
real.  If the researcher publishes scientific details without example code,
then the vendor can claim that it's just theoretical.  The only way to make
vendors sit up and take notice is to publish details: both in human- and
computer-readable form.  (Microsoft is guilty of both of these practices,
using their PR machine to deny and belittle vulnerabilities until they are
demonstrated with actual code.)  And demonstration code is the only way to
verify that a vendor's vulnerability patch actually patched the

This free information flow, of both description and proof-of-concept code,
is also vital for security research.  Research and development in computer
security has blossomed in the past decade, and much of that can be
attributed to the full-disclosure movement.  The ability to publish
research findings -- both good and bad -- leads to better security for
everyone.  Without publication, the security community can't learn from
each other's mistakes.  Everyone must operate with blinders on, making the
same mistakes over and over.  Full disclosure is essential if we are to
continue to improve the security of our computers and networks.

Bug Secrecy Example

You can see the problems with bug secrecy in the digital-rights-management
industry.  The DMCA has enshrined the bug secrecy paradigm into law; in
most cases it is illegal to publish vulnerabilities or automatic hacking
tools against copy-protection schemes.  Researchers are harassed, and
pressured against distributing their work.  Security vulnerabilities are
kept secret.  And the result is a plethora of insecure systems, their
owners blustering behind the law hoping that no one finds out how bad they
really are.

The result is that users can't make intelligent decisions on
security.  Here's one example:  A few months ago, security researcher Niels
Ferguson found a security flaw in Intel's HDCP Digital Video Encryption
System, but withheld publication out of fear of being prosecuted under the
DMCA.  Intel's reaction was reminiscent of the pre-full-disclosure days:
they dismissed the break as "theoretical" and maintained that the system
was still secure.  Imagine you're thinking about buying Intel's
system.  What do you do?  You have no real information, so you have to
trust either Ferguson or Intel.

Here's another:  A few weeks ago, a release of the Linux kernel came
without the customary detailed information about the OS's security.  The
developers cited fear of the DMCA as a reason why those details were
withheld.  Imagine you're evaluating operating systems: Do you feel more or
less confident about the security the Linux kernel version 2.2, now that
you have no details?

Full Disclosure and Responsibility

Culp has a point when he talks about responsibility.  (Of course, Scott is
avoiding "mea Culpa.")  The goal here is to improve security, not to arm
people who break into computers and networks.  Automatic hacking tools with
easy point-and-click interfaces, ready made for script kiddies, cause a lot
of damage to organizations and their networks.  There are such things as
responsible and irresponsible disclosure.  It's not always easy to tell the
difference, but I have some guidelines.

First, I am opposed to attacks that primarily sow fear.  Publishing
vulnerabilities that there's no real evidence for is bad.  Publishing
vulnerabilities that are more smoke than fire is bad.  Publishing
vulnerabilities in critical systems that cannot be easily fixed and whose
exploitation will cause serious harm (e.g., the air traffic control system)
is bad.

Second, I believe in giving the vendor advance notice.  CERT took this to
an extreme, sometimes giving the vendor years to fix the problem.  I'd like
to see the researcher tell the vendor that he will publish the
vulnerability in a few weeks, and then stick to that promise.  Currently
CERT gives vendors 45 days, but will disclose vulnerability information
immediately for paid subscribers.  Microsoft proposes a 30-day secrecy
period.  While this is a good idea in theory, creating a special insider
group of people "in the know" has its own set of problems.

Third, I agree with Culp that it is irresponsible, and possibly criminal,
to distribute easy-to-use exploits.  Reverse engineering security systems,
discovering vulnerabilities, writing research papers about them, and even
writing demonstration code, benefits research; it makes us smarter at
designing secure systems.  Distributing exploits just make us more
vulnerable.  I'd like to get my hands on the people who write virus
creation kits, for example.  They've got a lot to answer for.

This is not clear-cut: there are tools that do both good and bad, and
sometimes the difference is merely marketing.  Dan Farmer was vilified for
writing SATAN; today, vulnerability assessment tools are viable security
administration products.  Remote administration tools look a lot like Back
Orifice (although less feature-rich).  L0phtCrack is a hacker tool to break
weak passwords as a prelude to an attack, but LC 3.0 is sold as a network
administration tool to test for weak passwords.  And the program that
Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested for writing has legitimate uses.  In fact,
most tools have both good and bad uses, and when in doubt I believe it is
better to get the information in the hands of people who need it, even if
it means that the bad guys get it too.

One thing to pay attention to is the agenda of the researcher.  Publishing
a security vulnerability is often a publicity play; the researcher is
looking to get his own name in the newspaper by successfully bagging his
prey.  The publicizer often has his own agenda: he's a security consultant,
or an employee of a company that offers security products or services.  I
am a little tired of companies that publish vulnerabilities in order to
push their own product or service.  Although, of course, a non-altruistic
motive does not mean that the information is bad.

I like the "be part of the solution, not part of the problem"
metric.  Researching security is part of the solution.  Convincing vendors
to fix problems is part of the solution.  Sowing fear is part of the
problem.  Handing attack tools to clueless teenagers is part of the problem.

The Inevitability of Security Vulnerabilities

None of this would be an issue if software were engineered properly in the
first place.  A security vulnerability is a programming mistake: either an
out-and-out mistake like a buffer overflow, which should have been caught
and prevented, or an opening introduced by a lack of understanding the
interactions in a complex piece of code.  If there were no security
vulnerabilities, there would be no problem.  It's poor software quality
that causes this mess in the first place.

While this is true -- software vendors uniformly produce shoddy software --
the sheer complexity of modern software and networks means that
vulnerabilities, lots of vulnerabilities, are inevitable.  They're in every
major software package.  Each time Microsoft releases an operating system
it crows about how extensive the testing was and how secure it is, and
every time it contains more security vulnerabilities than the previous
operating system.  I don't believe this trend will reverse itself anytime

Vendors don't take security seriously because there is no market incentive
for them to, and no adverse effects when they don't.  I have long argued
that software vendors should not be exempt from the product liability laws
that govern the rest of commerce.  When this happens, vendors will do more
than pay lip service to security vulnerabilities: they will fix them as
quickly as possible.  But until then, full disclosure is the only way we
have to motivate vendors to act responsibly.

Microsoft's motives in promoting bug secrecy are obvious: it's a whole lot
easier to squelch security information than it is to fix problems, or
design products securely in the first place.  Microsoft's steady stream of
public security vulnerabilities has led many people to question the
security of their future products.  And with analysts like Gartner advising
people to abandon Microsoft IIS because of all its insecurities, giving
customers less security information about their products would be good for

Bug secrecy is a viable solution only if software vendors are followers of
W. Edwards Deming's quality management principles.  The longer a bug
remains unfixed, the bigger a problem it is.  And because the number of
systems on the Internet is constantly growing, the longer a security
vulnerability remains unfixed, the larger the window of exposure.  If
companies believe this and then act accordingly, then there is a powerful
argument for secrecy.

However, history shows this isn't the case.  Read Scott Culp's essay; he
did not say: "Hey guys, if you have a bug, send it to me and I'll make sure
it gets fixed pronto."  What he did was to rail against the publication of
vulnerabilities, and ask researchers to keep details under their
hats.  Otherwise, he threatened, "vendors will have no choice but to find
other ways to protect their customers," whatever that means.  That's the
attitude that makes full disclosure the only viable way to reduce the
window of vulnerability.

In his essay, Culp compares the practice of publishing vulnerabilities to
shouting "Fire" in a crowded movie theater.  What he forgets is that there
actually is a fire; the vulnerabilities exist regardless.  Blaming the
person who disclosed the vulnerability is like imprisoning the person who
first saw the flames.  Disclosure does not create security vulnerabilities;
programmers create them, and they remain until other programmers find and
remove them.  Everyone makes mistakes; they are natural events in the sense
that they inevitably happen.  But that's no excuse for pretending that they
are caused by forces out of our control, and mitigated when we get around
to it.

Scott Culp's essay:

Q&A with Culp:

News articles on Culp:

Microsoft's push for secrecy:

My original essay on the Window of Exposure:

My earlier essays on full disclosure:

Note that the nCipher anecdote is untrue.  Details are here:

Other commentary:

Thanks to Tina Bird, Jon Callas, Scott Culp, Greg Guerin, Elias Levy, Jeff
Moss, Eric Raymond, and Elizabeth Zwicky for reading and commenting on this

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           Crypto-Gram Reprints

Why Digital Signatures are Not Signatures

Programming Satan's Computer:  Why Computers are Insecure

Elliptic-Curve Public-Key Cryptography


The Future of Fraud:  Three reasons why electronic commerce is different

Software Copy Protection: Why copy protection does not work:

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After all the posturing, Sen. Gregg is not going to introduce a bill
mandating government access to cryptography:

FBI is expanding its Internet wiretapping efforts:


Just in case anyone is doubting my near hysteria about the entertainment
industry and their willingness to destroy the computer industry to achieve
their goals....  Last month the RIAA tried to sneak an amendment into the
anti-terrorism legislation giving them the right to hack into people's
computers, looking for unauthorized copyrighted material.  I am disgusted
at this attempt to equate people who make unauthorized copies of music with
people who fly passenger jets into skyscrapers.
And they're also considering using denial-of-service attacks to shut down
file sharing servers:
And the SSSCA saga continues:
Not much is known about the legislation, because Sen. Hollings refuses to
release much information about it and is blocking hearings:
These guys have to be stopped before they destroy computer security for
The SSSCA draft:

Seems like "terrorist" is the current thing to call someone you don't
like.  Michael Lane Thomas, Microsoft's senior .Net developer evangelist,
called virus writers "industrial terrorists."  As I wrote in the last
issue, this is wrongheaded and damaging.  Terrorists cause terror, and
should not be confused with normal criminals.  Malware writers are annoying
-- they cause damage, cost money, and destroy data -- but they're not
Particularly disturbing is the way Thomas tried to invoke patriotism and
counterterrorism in an effort to get people to use Microsoft products.  He
said that if people stop using Microsoft's IIS because of security concerns
-- as Gartner advocated recently -- that this "would only accomplish what
the industrial terrorists want."

CERT predicts computer attacks this year will be double what they were last

There's a bunch of new stuff at NIST.  A report of the Second Modes of
Operation Workshop:
Changes in the Digital Signature Standard, FIPS 186-2.  Among other things,
the change notice specifies recommended key sizes and modifications to the
The Key Management Schemes document for the Key Management Workshop,
scheduled for 1-2 November:

A new book claims that a woman cryptanalyst broke part of the German Enigma
encoding machine before World War II, but her supervisors ignored her

A new version of Linux is being released without security information, out
of fear of the DMCA.  Honestly, I don't see how the DMCA applies here, but
this is a good indication of the level of fear in the community.

Worry about insider attacks:

Good article on the need for software security standards:

Hacking wireless networks:

Microsoft's DRM2, their new digital-rights management security software,
has been broken.  A hacking tool developed by someone with the pseudonym
Beale Screamer can strip the copy protection off audio files.
Once again, we learn that any digital copy protection system can be
broken.  This break isn't even interesting.

And Hong Kong hackers are making a business out of breaking Microsoft copy

Nice four-part article on security policies.

Identity theft is on the rise:

Good article on information warfare:

IDSs and their complexity:

More news on the Enigma machine stolen from Bletchley Park last year.  The
rotors have been recovered:

Two-part article on honeypots, by the Honeynet Project:

Essay by Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau on the security/privacy
implications of Microsoft's .NET initiative:

Security flaw in software that automatically updates anti-virus software:

Some months ago I warned about the security problems that Unicode will
bring.  Here's an example:

Network Associates is trying to sell PGP:

Good example of real-world risks from networked systems.  An Australian man
was found guilty of hacking into a Queensland computerized waste-management
system and caused millions of liters of raw sewage to spill out into local
parks and rivers.

More problems with Microsoft Passport:
It's an enormous risk to put all this information in a single
repository.  And the Microsoft PR spin completely missed the point.  They
said: "Ultimately, the big takeaway from this is that there is no evidence
that anyone has ever taken advantage of this."  One, would there be any
evidence?  Two, the real problem is future risk, not current injury.  And
three, on what basis should I continue trusting Microsoft's vacuous
security promises?

Passport vulnerabilities Web site:

DeCSS has been ruled "speech" by a California State Appeals Court,
overturning the lower court ruling.  Good news!

A GSM phone with end-to-end encryption:

Essay on the problems of "security by obscurity."  Makes the point that
Microsoft is likely to break its record for security patches this year:
over 100.  (That's two a week.)

Within hours of Windows XP being released, pirates broke the copy
protection schemes and started distributing stolen copies.
Microsoft's spin here is correct.  There are certainly security risks
involved in using pirated software.

More security data:  A survey says that one in nine IIS servers can be
taken over by hackers.  Is it any wonder that Gartner is advising people to

Another survey says that two thirds of all wireless networks in London are
completely open:

Hacking tools are getting worse:

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      Counterpane Internet Security News

It's been a great few months at Counterpane.  We're signing up monitoring
customers at an unprecedented rate.  We've got the best security VARs in
the country--major national resellers like VeriSign and NEC, as well as
excellent local resellers like Accudata, FishNet, Espiria, and Cadre
Systems--selling Counterpane monitoring.  We've just launched the
"Counterpane Protected" program.  Industry analysts are touting
Counterpane's capabilities and opportunities.

Counterpane Protected:

Analyst commentaries:

Schneier is speaking in Dallas (11/28), Baltimore (12/3), and New York

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The U.S. government wants its own private Internet.  The idea is to create
a secure GOVNET, physically separate from the public Internet.  I think
this is a good idea, although it will be very expensive and difficult to do
and will almost certainly have insecurities.  But even a mediocre
implementation would be more secure than what they have now.

Limiting access to a network goes a long way towards improving its
security.  Hackers can't attempt to break in from half a planet
away.  Well-meaning friends can't pass along viruses.  Trojans can't alert
their owners of successful infections.  Users can't access questionable Web
sites and release their passwords, configurations, and private
information.  Outsiders can't sniff passwords.  The software would be just
as buggy -- applications and operating systems would have the same
vulnerabilities -- but accessing those vulnerabilities would be much harder.

The effectiveness of this is directly tied to how strong the physical
separation is.  The networks have to be physically different.  GOVNET can't
run on the Internet over a VPN.  GOVNET can't have firewall-protected
gateways to the Internet.  GOVNET can't be separated from the Internet by
one of those silly "air-gap" products.  GOVNET has to use its own routers,
its own servers, and its own clients.  If a GOVNET user wants to use the
Internet, he needs two computers on his desk.  He can use the same programs
on both, but they have to be different copies.  And he can't share files
between them, not even by floppy disk.

Breaking any of these rules hurts the security.  Pass a MS Word floppy
between the two networks, and you risk infection by a macro virus.  Attach
a computer to both networks, and you risk all sorts of malware jumping
over.  Add public dial-up access points, and then the public can try to
break in.

GOVNET isn't a new idea.  There are already several separate internets in
the U.S. government -- INTELINK, SIPRNET, NIPRNET, etc. -- some of these
classified networks.  The classified networks are completely encrypted, and
all access points are in secured rooms and buildings.  They're a whole lot
more secure than the Internet, but it took the Melissa virus 24 hours to
jump over from the Internet to one of these networks.  And the LoveLetter
virus infected several of these computers.

I can imagine what happened.  Some senior executive checked his e-mail on
the Internet.  Then he plugged the same laptop into one of the private,
secure, classified, separate networks.  And the viruses crossed over.

But even that is worlds better than what we have today.  And a GOVNET
designed from scratch can include other security features.  There can be
mandated strong authentication (inasmuch as commercial products allow
it).  All the links can be encrypted.  Anonymity can be banned.  There can
be better accountability.  There can be an approved list of permitted
software.  GOVNET could not prevent insider attacks, but it could make them
a lot harder to get away with.

On the other hand, physically separating a network from the Internet makes
it a whole lot less useful.  And usefulness is why companies connected
their corporate networks to the Internet in the first place.  In a lot of
ways, this is a huge step backwards.  The Internet got its name because it
was a network of networks.  In the old days, there was Arpanet, Milnet,
BITnet, Usenet, JANET, and a host of other disjoint networks.  Connecting
them to the Internet made them all more useful.

Inasmuch as GOVNET (and the others) disconnect themselves from the
Internet, they become less useful.  Networks like INTELINK have
well-defined missions; that's why they work.  GOVNET doesn't, and that's
its biggest weakness.  Users will need to access pieces of the Internet,
and the temptation will always be there to link to the Internet through
some kind of firewall.  And then the separation is gone.  Unfortunately,
the security of something like GOVNET is likely to be inversely
proportional to its utility.

Press Release:


News and Commentary:

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          Password Safe Vulnerability

Password Safe is a free Windows utility that securely stores passwords.  I
designed it when I first realized that I had too many passwords to
remember.  I could either choose poor passwords -- or reuse passwords for
different purposes -- or create a program that encrypts passwords on a hard
drive.  This is the basic idea: choose one strong password (or passphrase),
and encrypt all your other passwords using that password and Password
Safe.  Password Safe is small and simple; it is designed to do one thing
well, and is not laden with features and options.

Recently, a small vulnerability was discovered in Password Safe.  The issue
is that in some circumstances, when you minimize Password Safe with the
"clear clipboard when minimized" and "lock password database on minimize"
options turned on, Windows memory management will leave a username or
password in memory.  It's not the master safe combination that can be left
in memory, but the most recently used stored password.  This leak was found
in Windows 95, and we don't yet know if it happens in other versions of
Windows.  (I would assume it does until proven otherwise.)

Living with the vulnerability is easy.  Close the program completely
between uses.  Don't rely on PS 1.7.x's password-on-restore feature as 100%
protection against an attacker who, say, steals your laptop.  And if you
don't use password-on-restore anyway, then this doesn't affect you.

Is this a real vulnerability?  Yes.  Is Password Safe still secure?  Yes,
and I haven't stopped using it because of this.  Is this something that
should be fixed?  Yes.

Password Safe should be updated in any case.  I have a list of about a
dozen minor tweaks and improvements, and the program needs to be verified
on Windows XP.  And Password Safe needs to be made open source.  But I
don't have the time to deal with it.

If anyone would like to take over programming responsibilities for Password
Safe, I would like to hear from them.  I am looking for someone who is
experienced in Windows programming, especially in the sorts of memory
management issues that this vulnerability brings to light, and someone who
is willing to do this work gratis (for the fame and glory) on a free piece
of software.  I want to retain design control over the project, but am
happy to make the source code freely available.  I also would like to port
Password Safe to the Macintosh and to the Palm OS.

Interested parties should send an e-mail to me.

Password Safe:

Vulnerability Description:

** *** ***** ******* *********** *************

           Microsoft on Windows XP

eWeek carried an interview with Microsoft's Jim Allchin, the VP of
Microsoft's Platform Group.  I want to quote and comment on two bits of it.

"Windows XP is dramatically more secure than Windows 2000 or any of the
prior systems.  Buffer overflow has been one of the attacks frequently used
on the Internet.  We have gone through all code and, in an automated way,
found places where there could be buffer overflow, and those have been
removed in Windows XP.

"We have also turned off by default a whole set of things so that users are
configured in a minimalist kind of way, making them less vulnerable.  We
also put a Win XP machine naked on the Internet and let people try and
crack it.  There have been no entrances and no issues so far."

I like saving these quotes.  Every time Microsoft releases an operating
system, they claim it is dramatically more secure than the previous
operating system.  They said this with Windows NT.  They said this with
Windows 2000.  Every time they are wrong.  We'll get back to the above
quotes in a year or so.

"We test all our security fixes.  With all the security fixes we've
published over the last 10 years, we go through a regression for every one,
we put it on the Microsoft Web site before we publish it to people, we run
it in production here, and we feel very confident about the quality of
that....  The security fixes that we produce don't include other
functionality; they are specifically designed to remove a potential

We did't even have to wait a year for this one.  On the same day this
interview ran, Microsoft had to pull a security patch because it broke
people's networks when they installed it.  Oops.  So much for regression
testing, so much for testing patches on Microsoft's own network.

And another Microsoft patch, the one to fix the nasty vulnerability
described in MS01-50, was difficult to install, partly because of
"Microsoft's decision to roll in a number of fixes that had nothing to do
with security, such as correcting an error in how Excel sorts
Czech-language lists" (according to Business Week).

I have long maintained that Microsoft treats security problems as PR
problems, and this is just more evidence for that.  They consistently lie
to the press when talking about security, as evinced again and again by
their actions.

The Allchin interview in eWeek:

Microsoft's faulty patch:

Microsoft stuffing other updates into a security patch:

** *** ***** ******* *********** *************

            Comments from Readers

From: Alistair McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: SSSCA: International Aspects

Moving on the SSSCA, have you given any thought to the international
implications of acts such as this?  We have seen with the DMCA that if
reverse-engineering work is done in another country, that the U.S. will
attempt to prosecute as soon as the individual is within U.S. borders.  I
do not know if they would try and extradite for such a crime, but it's
possible that they might.

With the SSSCA, it's computer hardware (plus, I guess, supporting software)
that has to conform to the law.  But there is no reason for other
countries, (I guess Taiwan comes to mind as producer of motherboards, hard
drives, controllers and other components) to produce hardware that
conforms.  There's no reason for other countries to introduce similar
legislation either.  So in other countries, copying is indeed possible
without the SSSCA.  The U.S. (and maybe Canada) would possibly be an island
where copy protection was, indeed, protected, but the rest of the world
would be free to copy.  There's no feasible way for the U.S. to force all
hardware worldwide to be SSSCA-compliant.

Digressing slightly, what is a computer?  A modern washing machine has
one.  I recall that Microsoft marketed embedded Windows at the appliance
market a few years ago, I have no idea how successful they are or were in
this market, but computers are becoming more common on cars and domestic
appliances.  Imagine when people find out that a particular model of
refrigerator (or car), coupled with a serial terminal, a bit of VBscript,
and maybe a breakout box or spaghetti of wiring, can be used to copy music

Back onto the SSSCA: I haven't looked in detail at it, but copies made
abroad, on non-SSSCA hardware, could easily be transmitted to U.S.
citizens.  It's possible that the SSSCA requires copy protection for every
application and file format, but even so, bootleg applications would
appear, perhaps with slightly modified file formats without signatures, or

It would be impossible to regulate this: even if all incoming broadband
were analyzed (and that itself would be impossible), files could be
compressed, encrypted, renamed, and so on, to enable them to slip
through.  The data (movies, music, etc) would get into the U.S.A.  Without
limiting net access within and without the USA, this is inevitable.  Would
it be a crime to receive an e-mail with a non-SSSCA attachment, even if the
e-mail were unsolicited?  The details are fascinating!  Imagine if you
could get a foreign friend to e-mail a rival a dodgy file, then blow the
whistle to the authorities!

What about the effects on commerce?  What about American multinationals,
with offices in Europe?  Will they even be able to share word-processed
documents or e-mail?  What about using SSSCA-compliant hardware in their
European offices; will it be possible, or, on the other hand,
mandatory?  Would there be legislation that a U.S. corporation can only
share SSSCA-compliant files?  The implications could be far-ranging: a
corporation would no longer be buying in a free market, but in an
SSSCA-compliant market, presumably with increased costs.  There goes

In one way, America might be committing economic suicide.  In another, it
might just be a great inconvenience for everyone buying a next-generation
computer.  Imagine that pre-SSSCA computers become so popular that people
snap them up at garage sales!

In reality, I think that the past has shown that any copy-protection scheme
can be beaten.  At worst, this will be an inconvenience to U.S. citizens
and businesses.  At best, people will see sense and this bill will never
become law.

From: Anonymous
Subject: CD and DVD copy protection

 > I have long argued that the entertainment industry
 > doesn't want people to have computers. The entertainment
 > industry wants users to sit back and consume things.
 > They are trying to turn a computer into an
 > Internet Entertainment Platform, along the lines of
 > a television and VCR.


I work for a company that develops CD and DVD hardware.  And I am always
amazed by the ideas that have been bandied about here at work that would
turn CDs and DVDs into Pay Per Play systems.

My employer considers these ideas because they fear a possible lawsuit from
the entertainment industry for "letting the cat out of the bag"; i.e.,
vicarious copyright infringement.

We don't pirate the music or movies, but the pirates use our hardware on a
PC, so we could somehow be liable.  That's the fear, anyway, so every once
in a while, a new format is proposed here at work, DIVX-style audio discs,
pay per play movie discs, etc, etc.

If you want to see the Entertainment Industry's wet-dream version of what a
CD/DVD would really look like, and how it would be used, check out:


Basically, "fair use" as we know it today is completely circumvented by

You have to pay to play the data, even if the data is on a disc, in your
hand, paid for with your own money.

From: Martin Rex <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Liability and Software

Bruce's statement on the liability for software is absolutely correct, as
well as the analogy to Firestone tires.

Code Red uses the IIS well *WITHIN* spec, since it performs requests that
are valid under the HTTP/1.0 and 1.1 specs.  It is very clearly a problem
in the webserver if it cannot cope with a valid request properly.

Similar with Outlook, where the (security zone) settings claim to provide
protection from executable or other unsafe content, however the mechanisms
implemented by Microsoft have never reliably worked so far.  Nimda is just
characters -- it is Outlook that turns it into a virus.  My Unix-based
pure-ASCII mailer would show Nimda to me as what it actually is: characters.

If a Firestone tire blows up under very specific steering patterns "left,
right, left, left, left, right, left," the manufacturer can not get away
with stating that this particular usage pattern is "improper use" for which
he is not liable.

If a manufacturer labels his lawnmower explicitly as safe for children at
all ages including toddlers, then he can certainly be held liable when
children play with it and get hurt.

Microsoft is selling software which they claim is "safe" for the Internet
although it evidently is not safe for any practical meaning of the word

Internet-safe means that their IIS does not only handle Microsoft-approved
URLs correctly, but that it handles all valid HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1
protocol correctly, including the patterns used by Code Red and Nimda.

Same goes for Outlook: E-mail programs *MUST* be safe for all uses allowed
by the underlying protocol specs, not just the few uses that Microsoft
happens to try in their end-user tests.

From: Edward Welbourne <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Liability and Software

In the last Crypto-Gram, Buck Hodges <[log in to unmask]> wrote
 > The abuse of defects is what differentiates this from traditional
 > product liability.  We should instead prosecute the criminals that
 > intentionally cause mayhem and destruction.

So, roughly, Buck argues that worms, viruses, etc. should be compared with
someone emptying a box of caltrops onto the road: the tire manufacturer
isn't responsible for any ensuing carnage, the hooligan is.

Which is fair enough, but if a locksmith changed the locks on the door to
your apartment for you but used locks that are stupidly easy to pick, there
should and probably would be a product liability case to answer, at least
if you were subsequently robbed and the locksmith had chosen the locks for
you without making the risk clear.  The robber abused defects to commit a
crime: but the lock-smith still had some responsibility to ensure that's
not easy for the robber to succeed.

 > Many of the defects ... exploited by worms and viruses would not
 > have any effect on the software product if the product were used
 > properly.

Here's the rub: and it more or less leaves the question wide open.  A major
difference between software and car tires is what's meant by "using the
product properly."

With cars, it's easy enough: if you're driving it on a well-maintained
public road at a speed safe for the road conditions in the absence of ice,
oil spills, caltrops, shards of glass or other anomalous circumstances,
you're using the product properly.  There are a few other circumstances
when you can claim you were using it properly, but the above covers pretty
much all the use that's ever made of car tires; and the exceptions have to
do with minor degradation in some of the constraints listed.

With locks it's not as clear cut, though I dare say there's at least rather
more case law than with software; and I would argue that security holes in
software should be considered alongside locks rather than car tires; though
the situation with software is somewhat weirder.

To illustrate....  My webserver recently (on 2001 August 5th) received a

   GET /default.ida?...%u00=a  HTTP/1.0

where the ... comprised a sequence of 224 'N' characters, followed by a
sequence of 22 tokens of form %uxxxx, with each x replaced by a hex digit,
0-9 or a-f.  In fact, the 22 tokens in question were:  %u9090 %u6858 %ucbd3
%u7801 %u9090 %u6858 %ucbd3 %u7801 %u9090 %u6858 %ucbd3 %u7801 %u9090
%u9090 %u8190 %u00c3 %u0003 %u8b00 %u531b %u53ff %u0078 %u0000.

Now, as I understand it, this is a well-formed HTTP request.  Not a very
pretty one, I'll grant -- but take a look at some of the links coming off
the latest Crypto-Gram and notice that quite a lot of them devolve into
little more than a sequence of punctuators and gibberish after the initial
protocol://site.domain, possibly with a :port and maybe some of the
path.  It's not all that weird after all.  Albeit, I grant, it's by no
means innocent.

I have a webserver installed on my computer and I use it properly.  That
is, my computer is configured to delegate, to it, the handling of incoming
connection requests on port 80, the default port for HTTP.  Since the above
was a valid HTTP request, addressed to that port, I would claim that all
parties (including the requestor) were "using it properly."

I am pleased to say that I don't run IIS, so my webserver duly logged  the
request, along with its time, date, originating IP address (I sent abuse@
this a polite e-mail suggesting they check for a virus or worm), the HTTP
response code (404) returned and the number of bytes transmitted in that
response.  My webserver behaved properly.

Yet a default IIS installation receiving the same request (as I understand
it, this was the Code Red worm's opening gambit) would be hijacked by a
program the installation's owner probably didn't consent to have running on
their computer.

Under the circumstances, I cannot see how IIS was "not being used properly"
in this case.  I grant that some other software -- something invoked as a
result of accessing /default.ida on an IIS box -- was, indeed, not being
used properly.  However, since Microsoft's installation process for IIS
automagically made arrangements for IIS to delegate to that other software
in such cases, without warning the user that this might involve extra
risks, the party who wasn't using something properly was Microsoft (albeit
via its software); it seems to me that this really does resemble the
Firestone tire situation.

I won't deny there's scope for further argument here: I'll only claim that
the water's a lot muddier than in the case of car tires.  I suspect that
similar arguments can be applied to Outlook and many other favorites of the
builders of worms and viruses.

On the other hand, I'd have to agree with Buck about the perils of
extending product liability to software; it's sufficiently complex we'd be
unable to release any software for fear of product liability suits.  I
guess that's why everyone and his dog has a license which disclaims all
responsibility -- a practice for which I have more patience when the
product's source code is openly available than when the source code is kept
private -- to avoid such suits.

 > Lawyers would absolutely love having the ability to bring massive
 > class action lawsuits against Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, Apple, and
 > others (even Red Hat) to hold them liable for the damages caused
 > by flaws exploited by worms, viruses, and other malicious code.
 >  They would make a fortune, and we the consumers would be paying
 > the legal bills through higher software prices.

In the aftermath of each worm attack, we get to hear reports in the press
of how billions of dollars were lost as a result of the attack.  Now, I'm
somewhat inclined to suspect such claims are inflated, but in any case
doubtless there are some decidedly non-trivial losses being made; and a
good lawyer could make them sound about as big as gets claimed.

Much of the loss is borne by corporations.  The loss is suffered because
they were using Microsoft's products, which have a consistent history of
security failings.  There are less risk-rich software solutions available,
especially when it comes to IIS's competitors, so much of that loss was
"avoidable."  The corporations' executives (and employees) have a duty of
care, to the shareholders, to avoid expensive risks, where possible.  The
fact that a crime was committed against the corporation doesn't protect
them, any more than if a robbery had only been possible because the staff
had all consistently been sloppy about locking doors, windows, safes, etc.
when leaving their offices.

So I guess it's time some shareholders sued some corporations, their boards
or their IT managers over a failure of "due diligence" causing actual
corporate losses (as reported in the press).  Or some lawyers could start a
class action suit on behalf of some shareholders.

Since Microsoft does use some of its own software and does suffer lossage
sometimes through worms, viruses, etc., it would be particularly poignant
to see its shareholders suing its executives over the culpable
irresponsibility of using its products.

** *** ***** ******* *********** *************

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CRYPTO-GRAM is written by Bruce Schneier.  Schneier is founder and CTO of
Counterpane Internet Security Inc., the author of "Secrets and Lies" and
"Applied Cryptography," and an inventor of the Blowfish, Twofish, and
Yarrow algorithms.  He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Electronic
Privacy Information Center (EPIC).  He is a frequent writer and lecturer on
computer security and cryptography.

Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. is the world leader in Managed Security
Monitoring.  Counterpane's expert security analysts protect networks for
Fortune 1000 companies world-wide.


Copyright (c) 2001 by Counterpane Internet Security, Inc.

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