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[CSL]: Article 91: Designing the Solipsistic City


John Armitage <[log in to unmask]>


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Thu, 8 Feb 2001 08:04:17 -0000





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From: CTHEORY Editor [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 8:15 PM
To: ctheory
Subject: Article 91: Designing the Solipsistic City


 Article 91  07-02-01  Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker

 Designing the Solipsistic City: Themes of Urban Planning and Control
 in _The Matrix_, _Dark City_, and _The Truman Show_
 ~Samuel Nunn~

     ~Solipsism~, the theory that only one mind exists and that what
     appears to be external reality is only a dream taking place in
     that mind. [1]

 "We build the city based on peoples' memories of different cities in
 different times," says one of the alien protagonists in _Dark City_,
 a sci-fi treatment of film (very) noir.  The cinematic result:  a
 classical palimpsest of the US city, circa 'take your pick' 1940s
 through the 1970s, missing only daylight.  Ironically, it appears to
 be much like the cities that real urban renewal programs of the 1950s
 and 1960s delivered to us.  The real "city" in _The Matrix_, a film
 about a world in thrall to an artificial intelligence, is a literal
 nightmare of high rise, high tech pods, each one housing one of us,
 but perhaps more nightmarish is the observation that urban planner
 extraordinaire Le Corbusier (aka Charles Jenneret) designed and
 promoted the same kind of city, filled with six-meter square
 "machines for living," more than adequate to support the day-to-day
 life of Corbu's urban dwellers.  And in _The Truman Show_, the
 "on-camera 24-hours a day" hero's fictional city was in reality
 Seaside, Florida, an antiseptic, over-designed, ultra-high income
 suburban pastiche of yesteryears' fictional neighborhoods that never
 were (except in the minds of the husband and wife
 architects/designers, Andres Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk), with
 a lengthy layer of all too real restrictive covenants designed to
 control where residents gathered, what they did, and how their houses
 must look when they did it.  What is the city, then, if not what we
 make it in our minds?

 These three cinematic cities share a common theme:  complete and
 unquestioned control over their urban inhabitants, a control
 invisible and all-pervasive, as difficult to see as it is to shed.
 It is a control centralized and concise, embodied in a few powerful
 entities (a council, a machine, a director), content in their ability
 to direct citizens as desired.  When the intrepid citizens, dwellers
 in an urban simulacrum, become conscious of this control, the
 troubles start and the sparks fly.  It is as if these fictional
 cities, running smoothly and happily as long as the dreamers sleep,
 are faced with their own versions of the LA riots:  the abrupt and
 stark recognition that those invisible, embedded mechanisms of
 control built into the physical and social fabric of the city can
 break down, leaving pandemonium and disorder in their stead.  The
 solipsistic city awakens, and liberation follows.

 Whether planners admit it or not, the idea of control is never far
 from the surface in planning thought and practice.  Plans are made to
 control, or at least direct actions toward an instrumental end.[2]
 The history of planning is rooted in systematic efforts to control
 sanitary conditions, human behavior, physical appearance, and
 economic development.[3]  This is not a dark secret of planning
 theory.  It is not hidden in the recesses of esoteric planning
 events.  The quest for control over various elements of urban life,
 its chaos and disorder, is imprinted upon the major tentacles of
 urban planning, from garden cities to the city beautiful to the city
 efficient to the modernist city to the postmodernist new urbanism.
 The garden city was an attempt to physically eradicate slum areas,
 relocate the impoverished to a pristine exurban landscape, and
 control regional land use and economic development.[4]  The city
 beautiful and the city efficient were both designed to control the
 physical appearance of cities and in so doing introduce an element of
 control over the behavior of the unruly urban masses.[5]  The
 modernist city of Le Corbusier was an effort to strictly partition
 land use and to create highly efficient spatial arrangements of
 residential and non-residential structures and, not incidentally, to
 overlay a rationalized system for living on urban citizens.[6]  The
 new urbanism of ~Seaside~ and ~Celebration~ also has a major control
 orientation --- stringently dictate the look, layout, and
 distribution of buildings, and use it to shape human activities.

 In all these planning sagas, the goal is the same:  as planners think
 things should be, so they should be.  A useful metaphor here is
 solipsism, the notion that the only thing that's really real is the
 self, and that only what the self experiences can be considered real.
  Whatever the solipsist thinks, so it becomes.  But there's a twist

      solipsism must also postulate the existence of an additional
      class of processes --- invisible, inexplicable processes which
      give the mind the illusion of being in an external reality^E.thus
      the solipsist's explanation of the world is in terms of
      interacting thoughts rather than interacting objects.[7]

 So, the paradox of the solipsist is that ~something else~ controls
 the reality being experienced.  Planners constantly seek to identify
 and understand that "something else," and piddle with ways to control
 and influence it, whether "it" be land developers, land reformers,
 the poor, the rich, retailers, builders, politicians, legislators,
 business owners, bureaucrats, criminals, or cops.

 It is not surprising, then, that themes of control from planning
 experience have crept into popular culture.  Recently, three films,
 ostensibly dealing with the proverbial tropes of human reality, free
 will, and choice, have also provided food for thought about issues of
 control in the 21st century city.  _The Matrix_ proposes a future in
 which an artificial intelligence (AI) dominates the world, subjecting
 humans to an everyday virtual reality of 1996 that in actuality
 confines them, ~in stasis~, to coffin-like pods in 2197 that extract
 energy from them to run the AI's computers.  _Dark City_ depicts a
 planet consisting of a single huge metropolis run by aliens capable
 of changing thought and the physical landscape as a means of
 isolating and understanding human emotion.  And _The Truman Show_
 offers the ultimate ~cinema verite~ depicting the entire life of a
 single person in a clean postmodernist suburb, televised live to the
 rest of the world --- without that person being aware of it.  If
 examined in some detail, these films each provide provocative
 insights into the planning and control of cities, as embodied, almost
 unconsciously, in popular culture.  Among other ideas are those
 linked to electronic surveillance, the evolving power of information
 technologies, the changing nature of virtuality in real life, the
 identity and motivations of "planners" in charge of cities, and the
 mostly unpredictable power of human thought and emotion to create the
 future rather than to be victimized by it.

 Men in black
 The hegemony of traditional political and scientific authority runs
 rampant in all three films, establishing an undercurrent of
 conservative control and anti-subversion.  For example, in _Dark
 City_, the use of the large group of gothic, dark suited elites,
 known as The Visitors, seems to be a direct allusion to the use in
 representative democracy of senators and representatives, typically
 dressed alike, convened into large assemblages in which they discuss
 policy and public initiatives.  A perhaps unintended comment on the
 US version of democratic governance is that The Visitors are actually
 slimy, translucent little octopi-like creatures that inhabit the dead
 bodies of humans ("our vessels," states one of the aliens).  The dark
 suited AIs in _The Matrix_ also play the role of ultimate arbiters of
 "society's" wishes and are, in effect, the legislative body that
 passes judgment on any proposed or potential changes desired by the
 subversive elements living aboard the hovercraft, Nebuchadnezzar.
 The video production technicians and their imperious leader, Cristof,
 are literally on top --- within the faux moon that hovers constantly,
 day and night, over Seahaven --- in _The Truman Show_.  Similarly,
 the role of technical expertise and scientific credibility is
 occupied by the usual technocratic types who use their esoteric
 knowledge to leverage power.  The use of the doctor in _Dark City_ as
 the prime conduit for "new" thoughts and ideas appears to be another
 direct parallel to the use of scientists and engineers to fuel policy
 debates, by providing information and technical knowledge about
 particular issues.  Further, the doctor is used to inject new
 memories into the city's denizens, thus embodying the scientific fix
 associated with traditional rationalistic planning; further, the
 Visitors are essentially helpless to understand the behavior of their
 'citizens' without the technician/doctor's medicinal memory
 injections.  In another twist quite like the debates about the social
 construction of science, The Visitors (i.e., legislators) do not
 completely trust the doctor (i.e., the technical expert), continually
 threatening him (and having severely wounded him in the past),
 believing that somehow he isn't sincere about his willingness to
 "help" them.  This is much like the frequent mistrust in technical
 assistance and science in public policy debates, particularly when
 the focus is on emotionally compelling personal anecdotes (much like
 the personal memories that the doctor is able to inject into the
 citizens of _Dark City_).  And when _The Truman Show_ begins to
 literally come apart, the real authority behind the show, capitalist
 sponsors, exert their ultimate power to stop the program.

 IT is us
 The literally transformative power of information technology (IT) is
 another undercurrent in these films.  If the use of IT is a
 continuing theme in urban planning and urban policy to improve life
 and the efficiency of all of life's subsystems like home/work/school
 and so on, then the use of IT in _The Matrix_ is the ultimate
 resolution of this theme:  it demonstrates an evolutionary version of
 IT that has the capacity to absolutely do everything in much the same
 way that we currently conceptualize IT in the office, the home, the
 school, the store, and everywhere else.[8]  A literal form of virtual
 grocery shopping is embodied in the machine's capacity to control all
 human life, deliver everything it needs, but at the same time fool
 humans into believing that they are actually experiencing life.  This
 is the ultimate irony of the potential of IT:  it makes the practice
 of everyday life more efficient while drawing one further and further
 away from everyday life.  _The Matrix_ exhibits this dystopian
 potential of IT perfectly.  The use of IT in _The Truman Show_ is
 more subtle, yet is still there.  The advanced video production
 equipment and monitoring technology used to keep Truman Burbank under
 the perpetual gaze is made possible by IT, as is the constant
 communication between the video programmers and all the actors on the
 set.  In _The Truman Show_, the only person on the outside of the IT
 loop is Truman.  Only in _Dark City_ does there appear to be an
 absence of pervasive IT.  Instead, the aliens of _Dark City_ seek a
 form of information through relatively primitive means ---
 participation and observation --- that even the most advanced IT
 cannot possess:  human emotion.  And in this regard, all three films
 suggest that IT cannot really help its users to truly understand what
 motivates citizens in their quest to shuck the shackles of control.
 Using their methods, The Visitors were no more effective in fully
 comprehending the impact of emotions than the AI in _The Matrix_ and
 Cristof in _The Truman Show_ were in understanding the emotion-driven
 behavior of their respective subjects.  All the films imply that the
 power of IT cannot overcome that of human will and emotion.

 You are under my control
 Yet, despite this nod to the seeming power of human initiative, the
 element of control is the dominant motif throughout all three films.
 The idea is that some dominant group (planners?) can introduce
 control of a wide variety --- an almost infinite variety, in fact,
 because it basically encompasses all members of the rest of each
 world --- of individual humans by means of, in one film, a drug
 injected into their brains and, in another, by means of electronic
 connections into an individual body.  Thus, underlying each is the
 idea of ultimate control, the same kind of control that classical
 rationalistic, instrumental planning envisions.  In two of the films,
 though, the idea is unattainable.  Only temporarily are the
 planners/controllers able to exert perfect control over the citizens
 of _The Matrix_ and _Dark City_.  However, some members of both
 societies are in fact permanently 'living' and therefore one reading
 could be that the controllers are at least in part successful.  After
 all, this isn't surprising, because the controlling planners have
 ideal tools with which to satisfy almost everyone's wants and needs.
 Their 'policy instruments' consist of either fully electronic
 programming of the virtual life or pharmaceutical tools that control
 the mental and social circumstances of each citizen.  The latter is
 kind of a ~Brave New World~ of pharmacology while the former is the
 exemplar of computer mediated virtual reality.  Control in _The
 Truman Show_ is of a completely different kind, non-pharmaceutical
 and non-computerized.  It is the control of the "spectacle" of life,
 one that revolves around the one person in a city that doesn't know
 it's a spectacle, Truman Burbank.  It unfolds within an arena of
 constant, all-encompassing surveillance.  Like the denizens of _Dark
 City_ and _The Matrix_, he only gradually awakens to the fact that he
 is under complete and utter control on a 24/7 basis.  One could
 characterize Truman and Neo as doppelgangers of one another, both
 slowly coming to the realization that their entire life has been a
 charade, for one digital and for the other, analog.  Neo was
 controlled by the virtual, Truman by the real (well, not real
 exactly, but virtually real).

 The control theme is also embedded in past and contemporary urban
 planning approaches, such as the use of video surveillance cameras
 throughout UK and US cities[9] or the use of gated environments to
 control access and egress in urban and suburban developments.[10]
 The effort to have a central authority ~aware~ of everything that is
 going on, able to control who comes and who goes and who is
 identified as the perpetrator of social disorder is the
 ~raison-de-etre~ of systematic surveillance schemes, and one that
 developers and the media frequently exploit with the use of routine
 crime statistics.  This motif of camera-on-the-spot is, of course,
 entwined in _The Truman Show_, with its 5,000 cameras located in
 buttons, pens, doors, car radios, boats, cranes, mirrors, curbs,
 bridges, and every other conceivable place.  Truman Burbank
 epitomizes the surveilled subject, object of the gaze.  The irony in
 Truman's case is that the cameras are not "protecting" anyone one in
 the classic sense of video surveillance, but instead keeping the
 "authorities" apprised of where Truman is at all times in order to
 recompose the sequential composition of (sub)urban life that
 surrounds him.  Whereas the system of control in _The Truman Show_ is
 unleashed on ~one~ citizen, the systems of control in _The Matrix_
 and _Dark City_ focus on ~all~ citizens.  Control per capita is
 simply higher in Seahaven, Florida.

 But a continuing irony of planning is that the more authorities
 attempt to control, the more disorder is likely to emerge, whether
 the resulting disorder is due to the actions of one citizen only or
 many who group together to rebel against the idea of complete
 control.[11]  In the first place, simply overlaying control
 mechanisms on urban space implies the ~need~ for those mechanisms,
 signaling residents and visitors that the area is dangerous --- why
 else would the cameras be there?  Secondly, using such mechanisms on
 one space often simply shifts the elements of disorder to other areas
 free of such controls.  In _The Truman Show_, rebel elements
 ~outside~ the show often tried to inform Truman of what was truly
 going on.  Similarly, the presence of active police agencies in the
 other two films suggests that, despite the obvious orientation toward
 controlling the minds, bodies, and actions of citizens, there is
 nevertheless an element of disorder that must be controlled by means
 of the virtual police.  In _The Matrix_, the police appear primarily
 as SWAT teams interested in eradicating the rebellious virtual
 visitors from the wasted underworld of reality.  In _Dark City_, the
 police are needed to solve crimes of violence and to locate the
 subversive elements within the city that are not totally convinced of
 the "reality" of their existence.  In fact, _Dark City_'s crimes of
 violence were perpetrated via The Visitor's own experiments, in their
 own way similar to the escalation US murder rates during prohibition
 and more recently during urban drug wars (both of which were driven
 by US policy). [12]  Thus, the films all imply a never ending
 substructure of disorder that, even with the magic of cranial
 injections, omniscient video surveillance, and the invincible
 computing power of sentient super computers, cannot be controlled
 completely.  Further, as with the role of police in urban areas at
 the turn of the 20th century, the allegiance of police actors clearly
 is linked to the powers of capital or the purveyors of AI.  The
 police cannot be expected to support the rebels in _The Matrix_ nor
 are they, with limited exceptions, likely to assist the few citizens
 of _Dark City_ that question what is happening.  While the police in
 _The Matrix_ are evidently immune from any subversive thought, or
 from any 'reform' programming, some of the police detectives in _Dark
 City_ slowly discover the truth, or rather the absence of truth,
 behind the reality they experience.  For at least one detective in
 _Dark City_, the revelation is too much to bear, leading to a
 suicidal leap in front of a subway train.  For one of the AIs
 responsible for battling the subversives in _The Matrix_, a subway
 train has no effect, suggesting that, in both films, the real
 enforcers of order are the AIs and the aliens who have established
 the shifting ground rules of societal control, and the means to
 change them, in the first place.  As in _The Matrix_, the cops in
 _The Truman Show_ are simply lackeys of the program's controllers.

 It all seems so^E.familiar
 All three films contain ingredients traceable to the classical
 applications of planning to urban development.  For instance, the
 archetypal urban renewal schemes, in which new commercial and
 retail developments with spanking new high rises and antiseptic
 parking garages took the place of grungy deteriorated disorderly
 neighborhoods, were like the attempts in _Dark City_ to create whole
 new buildings or move existing buildings from one spot to another as
 well as to inject (literally) new forms of behaviors and memories
 into individuals.  The _Dark City_ is urban renewal on speed.  The
 constant tinkering of the physical structure of the city by The
 Visitors, called "kuning" (sounds like tuning), is like that of
 planners who believe they can "tune" cities to a perfect pitch.
 Urban dwellings in _The Matrix_ --- the ~real~ urban dwellings
 located in the wasted underground complex --- are the ultimate
 realization of Le Corbusier's "machines for living," sterile high
 rise units, mile high buildings, that literally house every human
 being in the world in their small tidy life support units.  As
 described by Neo, the city of _The Matrix_ may have been a Le
 Corbusier commission:

      to either side he sees other tube-shaped pods filled with red
      gelatin; beneath the wax-like surface, pale and motionless, he
      sees other human beings.  Fanning out in a circle, there are
      more.  All connected to a center core, each capsule like a red,
      dimly glowing petal attached to a black metal stem.  Above him,
      level after, level, the stem rises seemingly forever.  He moves
      to the foot of the capsule and looks out.  The image assaults
      his mind.  Towers of glowing petals spiral up to
      incomprehensible heights, disappearing down into a dim murk like
      an underwater abyss.[13]

 In particular, as depicted in _Dark City_, the replacement of old
 memories with new ones is directly parallel with the destruction of
 the cities of memory that has been decried by Boyer, Sandercock, and
 Hayden.[14]  Basically, the past is constantly recreated and
 redefined as the built environment metamorphoses into the latest
 visions of property development interests:

      in North America each new layer of civilization and development
      erases rather than builds upon the previous ones, so that while
      the history of [a city] can be told, it cannot be seen. the
      cities of the future will not be distinctive as cities have
      always been. ^EInstead of reflecting a unique culture, each
      future city seems likely to consist of the same borrowed
      fragments. [15]

 By destroying the layered physical identity that is embedded in the
 present array of urban structures, urban renewal projects in the past
 and routine redevelopment projects currently play a role in
 recreating or simply eradicating the past in exactly the same way
 that reprogramming recreated the past and reformulated the present
 for those in _The Matrix_ or new injections created new memories,
 replacing those of the past, in _Dark City_.  The present is
 continually reinvented, especially in _Dark City_ so that no past
 even exists for most of the city's denizens.  Part of the urban
 renewal irony of _The Truman Show_ is that its location was the real
 postmodernist town, Seaside, Florida, with very real restrictive
 covenants and architectural design constraints that had explicit
 behavioral control objectives.[16]  Seahaven, Florida, was a city
 without memory, like Seaside, but even more like its leading citizen,
 Truman Burbank, whose memories were real enough but reflected a
 false, unreal cast of family and friends who were actually neither.

 Postmodernist warnings about the loss of originality and the triumph
 of the copy, the reproduction, and the simulation are just beneath
 the surface of these films.  The idea of a simulated urban
 environment encapsulating all of everyday life (literally in the case
 of _Dark City_ and _The Truman Show_), essentially within a physical
 dome that demarcates the boundaries of daily existence, has roots in
 both utopian thought and more traditional planning practices, or as
 Zizek notes:  "what lurks in the background is, of course, the
 pre-modern notion of 'arriving at the end of the universe."[17]  The
 cities are real enough, physically speaking, but their "time" is out
 of place, especially in _Dark City_, which reflects a layering of
 different, earlier, eras such as the 1930s and 1940s.  The city of
 night depicted in _The Matrix_ is another amalgamation of middle 20th
 century urban architecture and transportation, although in "reality"
 it is the Chicago of 1996 juxtaposed over the wasted Chicago of 2192.
  The original script by the Wachowski brothers describes it more

      this is the Chicago you know.  Chicago as it was at the end of
      the twentieth century.  This Chicago exists only as part of a
      neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix... You
      have been living inside Baudrillard's vision, inside the map,
      not the territory^E.This is Chicago as it exists today:  The sky
      is an endless sea of black and green bile.  The earth, scorched
      and split like burnt flesh^E.'the desert of the real.'^E. the
      ruins of a future Chicago protruding from the wasteland like the
      blackened ribs of a long-dead corpse.

 What people have known in the past must somehow be more comforting,
 more acceptable, than a future that "no one" knows.  As for the
 "future," Seahaven represents the evolving postmodernist suburb
 without a city, the Disneyfied theme park of absolute and constant
 cleanliness and urban managerial efficiency.  Like a gated community,
 it's insulated from the outside "real" world, which makes it unreal:
  how can it be actual urban life if it is not engaged in the
 diversity and unpredictable drama of unregulated daily commerce and
 chaos?  Seahaven is programmed for Truman's sake and for that matter
 for the entire viewing audience, no less so than the analog
 programming of _Dark City_ by the Visitors for their "lab rats" and
 the digital programming of urban life in _The Matrix_ by the AIs for
 their power source.  All are very effective simulations, real enough
 to fool most of the denizens and citizens.  Nothing, however, is
 original, all are copies of bits and pieces from other times and
 other places.  This is the same concern that many urban analysts have
 expressed about the direction contemporary urban planning has

 We can make you perfect, quickly
 Another motif barely under the surface of these films is the notion
 of a continuing series of laboratory experiments to achieve desired
 outcomes.  _Dark City_  is home for thousands of "citizens" who are
 the actual subjects of daily experiments.  The ostensible objective
 is for The Visitors to understand human emotions, but in effect the
 ongoing experiments offer simply one opportunity after another to
 alter the life circumstances of an individual and then trace the
 results and impacts.  Truman Burbank, under the gaze of total
 surveillance, was also the object of frequent social experimentation,
 particularly regarding his romantic life.  His birth and life were
 both a televised experiment, and his creator, Cristof, sought to
 video tape the conception of a new life on the show.  These film
 examples are simply versions of the Deweyesque social learning
 paradigm:  the idea that public policies are simply temporary
 experiments, to be tried over and over with different variables being
 fiddled with until the proper results are obtained.  Modern planning
 theorists like Friedmann and urban analysts like Dunn have evoked
 this kind of paradigmatic imagery of evolving social systems in their
 explorations of contemporary planning and development practices. [19]
 Projects are like experiments.  What are the effects of new economic
 development tax incentives?  What measure could be taken of the
 different variables at work like public investment, transport
 networks, communications initiatives, or community development
 efforts?  The idea here, and the idea in _Dark City_, is to measure
 what happens when some variables are kept constant and others allowed
 to vary. To some extent, this is in contrast to the approach utilized
 within _The Matrix_, where the electronic machinery in control of the
 life support pods was interested almost exclusively in stasis, in
 making sure that all variables remained constant at all times for the
 organic life forms residing in the remnants of physical space in
 order to keep the interior virtual life of the pod inhabitants in a
 state of mental bliss and "stability" so that they would continue to
 contribute electric energy and protein to the operation of the
 societal machine:

      we are, as an energy source, easily renewable and completely
      recyclable, the dead liquefied and fed intravenously to the
      living.  All they needed to control this new battery was
      something to occupy our mind.  And so they built a prison out of
      our past, wired it to our brains and turned us into slaves. [20]

 Yet in this latter reading are parallels to contemporary planning
 efforts that are designed to satisfy dominant capitalist interests by
 providing fertile circuits of capital investment to fuel economic
 revitalization, particularly after periods of crisis in the
 capitalist system involving overaccumulation and overcapacity.  From
 this perspective, urban revitalization and renewal projects that are
 designed to improve the physical environment of cities and, at the
 same time, offer profitable outlets for capital investment and
 improved commercial and residential opportunities for citizens, can
 be conceived in the same way as the stasis-sustaining objectives of
 _The Matrix_.  Likewise, it's clear that the overriding purpose of
 _The Truman Show_ was as an ongoing experiment to advertise
 commercial products against the backcloth of "real" life, all of
 which were for sale in the Truman Catalog.  The city is a packaged
 commodity, a spectacle designed to be consumed and "enjoyed," as an
 opiate if nothing else:

     People forget it takes the population of an entire country to
     keep the show running^E. and since the show runs 24 hours a day
     with no commercial breaks the staggering profits are all
     generated from product placement^E.everything you see on the show
     is for sale -- from the actors' wardrobe, food products, to the
     very homes they live in. [21]

 Another theme visible in the films is the changing effects of speed
 on everyday life. [22]  The idea that computer technology, or more
 specifically the confluence of cybernetic-organic technologies, could
 give humans the capacity for almost instantaneous learning of complex
 fields of expertise is common to both _The Matrix_ and _Dark City_.  In
 _The Matrix_, the surviving members of the resistance force are able
 to ask their handler back on the Nebuchadnezzar to download programs
 to, for example, fly a helicopter or to learn various martial arts.
 This is a direct descendant of Gibson's program straws inserted into
 brain ports (_Count Zero_, _Neuromancer_) that allowed his
 protagonists to fly jets or attack helicopters at a moment's notice.
 [23]  In _Dark City_, the memory injections allow instantaneous
 receipt of new professional backgrounds such as police detective,
 hotel clerk, singer, pharmacist, or poor man to rich man.  These
 ideas run parallel to the current popularity of distance learning,
 web based instruction, and urban planning simulations.  In all three,
 the idea that time can be overcome is the key theme.  In distance
 learning, people are promised they can "learn at their own pace,"
 which of course implies "fast" learning, or at worst learning that is
 not 'burdened' by having to go to classes or wait an entire semester
 to complete a course.  Web based courses are offered with the same
 implied promise --- learn as fast as you can, no doubt faster than
 what a classroom has to offer.  Urban simulations of proposed
 planning projects also represent another version of the quest for
 speed embedded in _The Matrix_ and _Dark City_.  With virtual
 depictions of urban development projects citizens can witness the end
 state of what would ordinarily be a much longer evolutionary process.
  But using simulations, interested parties can "see" into the future
 now, instantly, and learn what a proposed project will (supposedly,
 and within the parameters of the rules of the simulation) look like
 when it's completed.  _The Truman Show_'s approach to speed, however,
 is in opposition to the other two films.  The experiment in Seahaven
 unfolds at the pace of life, day-in and day-out, year after year,
 testing the patience of the "viewing audience" (not to mention the
 actors) in a fashion similar to the afternoon soap opera.  Things
 evolve slowly because they have to, at least up until Truman has his
 epiphany, and speeds the game up.  Then, at least for Truman, things
 can't go fast enough, and the machinery of control fights a losing
 battle to keep up.

 The big finish
 In the solipsistic city, we're never quite sure who's dreaming up the
 reality we experience.  And at the end of these three films, while
 our ostensible heroes move on to "the next level," it's anything but
 certain that the reality they each experience --- their new urban
 reality --- is any different, or any better, than what they had.
 Truman steps through the door into the new (old) world, Neo flies
 into the blue sky, and _Dark City_ becomes an oceanside resort.
 Cities are transformed, miraculously, because ~someone~ wants them
 that way.  One version of reality is traded for another.  Like the
 latest shopping mall or urban theme park, the codified thoughts of
 planners create new realities that replace what's gone before,
 seamlessly and fast.  The solipsistic city lives.

 [1] Deutsch, D.  _The Fabric of Reality_.  Penguin.  New York.  1997.

 [2] Beniger, J., _The Control Revolution : Technological and Economic
 Origins of the Information Society_, Cambridge, Harvard University
 Press, 1986.

 [3] Boyer, M. C.  _Dreaming the Rational City_.  Cambridge.  MIT
 Press. 1986.

 [4] Fishman, R., _Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century : Ebenezer
 Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier_, New York, Basic Books,

 [5] Wilson, W.H., _The City Beautiful Movement_, Baltimore, Johns
 Hopkins Press, 1989.

 [6] Hall, P.  _Cities of Tomorrow_.  London.  Blackwell Publishers,

 [7] Deutsch, ~op.cit~., p. 83.

 [8] See, for example, Mitchell, W.,  _The City of Bits_,  Cambridge,
  MIT Press.  1996; Gershenfeld, N.  _When Things Start to Think_.
  New York.  Henry Holt. 1999

 [9] Norris, C., J. Moran, and G. Armstrong, (eds.),  _Surveillance,
 Closed Circuit Television and Social Control_,  Brookfield, VT,
 Ashgate Publishing,  1998.

 [10] Blakely, E. J. and M. G. Snyder.  _Fortress America : Gated
 Communities in the United States_.  Washington, D.C. : Brookings
 Institution Press ; Cambridge, Mass. : Lincoln Institute of Land
 Policy.  1997

 [11] Bodie-Gendrot, S.  _The Social Control of Cities?_.  London.
 Blackwell Publishers.  2000.

 [12] Gray, M.  Drug Crazy:  _How We Got Into This Mess and How We Can
 Get Out_.  London.  Routledge.  2000.

 [13] Wachowski, L. and A. Wachowski.  _The Matrix_.  Orignal
 screenplay, available at
  April 8, 1996.

 [14] See, for instance, Boyer, M.C.  _The City of Collective Memory_,
 Cambridge, MIT Press, 1994; Hayden, D.  _The Power of Place:  Urban
 Landscapes as Public History_, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1995; and
 Sandercock, L.  _Towards Cosmopolis:  Planning for Multicultural
 Cities_.  New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1998.

 [15] Kaplan, R.D.  _An Empire Wilderness:  Travels into America's
 Future_.  New York.  Vintage Books.  1998.

 [16] Audirac, I. and A.H. Shermyen, "An Evaluation of Neotraditional
 Design's Social Prescription:  Postmodern Placebo or Remedy for
 Suburban Malaise?"  _Journal of Planning Education And Research_ 13
 (3):  161-173.  Spring 1994.

 [17] Zizek, S.  1999.  "The Matrix, or, two sides of perversion."
 From Inside the Matrix:  International Symposium at the Center for
 Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany.  Distributed via <nettime>, a
 mailing list for net criticism.  http://www.nettime.org.

 [18] Sorkin, M., (ed.)  _Variations on a Theme Park:  The New
 American City and the End of Public Space_, New York, Hill &
 Wang, 1992.

 [19] See Friedmann, J., _Planning in the Public Domain_ Princeton:
 Princeton University Press, 1987; and Dunn, Jr., E.S., _Economic and
 Social Development: A Process of Social Learning_, Baltimore, Johns
 Hopkins Press, 1971.

 [20] Wachowski, L. and A. Wachowski, ~op.cit~., p. 47.

 [21] Andrew Niccol,  _The Truman Show_, shooting script, available at

 [22] Gleick, J.  "Seeing faster," _The New York Times Magazine_,
 included in the series entitled "Old Eyes and New:  Scenes from the

 [23] Gibson, W.  _Count Zero_, New York, Ace Books.  1987; and
 Gibson, W., _Neuromancer_, New York, Ace Books, 1994.


 Samuel Nunn is Associate Professor and Associate Director of the
 Center for Urban Policy and the Environment at Indiana
 University-Purdue University, Indianapolis.  His current research
 focuses on the effects of high technology on economic development and
 the impacts of law enforcement technology on urban life.

 * CTHEORY is an international journal of theory, technology
 * and culture. Articles, interviews, and key book reviews
 * in contemporary discourse are published weekly as well as
 * theorisations of major "event-scenes" in the mediascape.
 * Editors: Arthur and Marilouise Kroker
 * Editorial Board: Jean Baudrillard (Paris), Bruce Sterling (Austin),
 * R.U. Sirius (San Francisco), Siegfried Zielinski (Koeln),
 * Stelarc (Melbourne), Richard Kadrey (San Francisco),
 * Timothy Murray (Ithaca/Cornell), Lynn Hershman Leeson
 * (San Francisco), Stephen Pfohl (Boston), Andrew Ross
 * (New York), David Cook (Toronto), William Leiss (Kingston),
 * Shannon Bell (Downsview/York), Gad Horowitz (Toronto),
 * Sharon Grace (San Francisco), Robert Adrian X (Vienna),
 * Deena Weinstein (Chicago), Michael Weinstein (Chicago),
 * Andrew Wernick (Peterborough).
 * In Memory: Kathy Acker
 * Editorial Correspondents: Ken Hollings (UK),
 * Maurice Charland (Canada) Steve Gibson (Victoria, B.C.).
 * Editorial Assistant: Jeffrey Wells
 * World Wide Web Editor: Carl Steadman

 To view CTHEORY online please visit:

 To view CTHEORY MULTIMEDIA online please visit:

 * CTHEORY includes:
 * 1. Electronic reviews of key books in contemporary theory.
 * 2. Electronic articles on theory, technology and culture.
 * 3. Event-scenes in politics, culture and the mediascape.
 * 4. Interviews with significant theorists, artists, and writers.
 * CTHEORY is sponsored by New World Perspectives and Concordia
 * University.
 * For the academic year 2000/1, CTHEORY is sponsored
 * by the Department of Sociology, Boston College
 * (http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/soc/socdept.html)
 * The editors wish to thank, in particular, Boston College's
 * Dr. Joseph Quinn, Dean, College of Arts and Science, Dr. John
 * Neuhauser, Academic Vice-President, and Dr. Stephen Pfohl,
 * Chairperson, Department of Sociology for their support.
 * No commercial use of CTHEORY articles without permission.
 * Mailing address: CTHEORY, Boston College, Department of Sociology,
 * 505 McGuinn Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467.
 * Full text and microform versions are available from UMI,
 * Ann Arbor, Michigan; and Canadian Periodical Index/Gale
 * Canada, Toronto.
 * Indexed in: International Political Science Abstracts/
 * Documentation politique international; Sociological
 * Abstract Inc.; Advance Bibliography of Contents: Political
 * Science and Government; Canadian Periodical Index;
 * Film and Literature Index.

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