

The DC CD WG held a meeting on Wednesday 13 September at the DC-2005
conference in Madrid. The first part of the meeeting focussed on the
development of the DC CD AP; the second featured presentations by WG
members on some of their work on related projects and services.

1. Background
I introduced the work of the WG and the DC CD AP, and summarised some of
the current issues with the development of the DC CD AP.

My slides are available at

2. NISO Metasearch Initiative
Juha Hakala (National Library of Finland/Helsinki University Library)
reported that Task Group 2 of the NISO Metasearch Initiative has used
the DC CD AP as the basis of its Collection Description Schema, and is
aiming to publish a document as a Draft Standard for Trial Use in the
near future. NISO MI TG2 has also sought to address the area of Service 
Description, using the Zeerex schema.

3. Current Work on DC CD AP
3.1 Value Reference/Representations

Recent drafts had introduced information on how to represent or refer
to values in a metadata description e.g. recommendations on whether
value strings or value URIs should be deployed. No comments had been
received, but these recommendations may change in the light of feedback.

3.2 Media-type of Items

Summary of discussions on how to represent the fact that a Collection
contains some Items of a specified media-type.

Action: PJ to make proposal for resolution to mailing list.

3.3 Open-ended Date Ranges

Current draft includes reference to scheme based on Recordkeeping
Metadata Schema extension to ISO 8601 as temporary measure. Requires
solution from DC Date WG.

Action: Monitor/contribute to work of DC Date WG

3.4 Location/Service

Brief discussion of data model issues. Robina Clayphan (British Library)
noted that the capacity to record Location (place where Collection
held/stored) as distinct from Service (system of access) may be
significant where, for example, the Location is a place of legal
deposit, suggesting that both the isLocatedAt/isAccessedVia properties 
may be required, at least for some collections.
3.5 Subproperty relations and DCAPs

The DC CD AP had been the subject of an "informal review" by the DCMI
Usage Board during its meeting just prior to DC-2005. The comments
received were generally positive. Three suggestions were made

(a) (Presentational) Align the labels/headings used in the summary
document and the full DCAP document
(b) (Presentational) Expand or clarify the abbreviations used to 
describe the constraints on value references/representations (3.1 above)
(c) (Content) In a couple of cases the DC CD AP currently uses both a
property and a subproperty of that property (e.g. dc:description and 
dcterms:abstract), but imposes "value space" constraints on the property 
in such a way that subproperty inferences result in a contradiction. To 
avoid the contradiction, the DC CD AP should use new subproperties in 
place of the "super"-properties (dc:description in the example above). 
(This applies also to the use of dc:relation, and possibly of dc:rights.)

Action: PJ to make proposal for resolution to mailing list.

4. Charter/Workplan

It was suggested that the WG continue with the existing charter with the 
main tasks for the coming year as

- Revise DC CD AP in response to Usage Board review
- Complete DC CD AP
- Issues to resolve
   - Item media type/format
   - Location/Service
   - Open date range formats (DC Date WG)
- Provide supporting materials
   - Bindings, guidelines, crosswalks

The outline workplan is shown in slide 18 and will appear at

when the DCMI Web site is next updated

N.B. there are some dependencies on the progress and outputs of other 
DCMI WGs, specifically the Date WG (for an open-ended date range format) 
and the Architecture WG (for possible revisions to the XML and RDF 

5. The second half of the meeting was given to three presentations:

5.1 Sarah Shreeves and Muriel Foulonneau at the University of Illinois 
at Urbana-Champaign (over a video-conference link) reported their 
experiences of using collection-level description in several projects 
and services, highlighting particularly the use of CLD to contextualise 
items as well as to support discovery.

5.2. Kate Fernie from the UK Museums, Libraries and Archives Council 
described the work of the MICHAEL project in developing a network of 
inventories of cultural heritage collections.

5.3 Bill Oldroyd of the British Library gave a short presentation on the 
creation and use of collection-level descriptions in the context of The 
European Library (TEL) initiative.


Pete Johnston
Research Officer (Interoperability)
UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
tel: +44 (0)1225 383619    fax: +44 (0)1225 386838
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